Answer Asap Weight Loss Possible In 6 Weeks

7 week old kitten losing weight?

Definately take her to the vet, kittens can fade away quick. Some possibilites are a bowel obstruction, some kind of illness, a fluke, etc.. You said she's drinking lots of water, its probably not the case but diabetes can cause ravenous appetite, weight loss, increased urination, and increased water consumption. I would check her temperature also the normal temps for cats are 100.5 to 102.5 F. Hope this helps good luck!

Lose weight get fit??

Losing weight can be frustrating and sometimes make you quit trying to lose the weight. Here are some tips on how to lose weight.

Tip 1: Avoid skipping meals. No matter what anyone tells you, don’t skip a meal and use a shake to replace that meal. Eating will increase you metabolism, thus is you skip a meal, you will slow you metabolism down.

Tip 2: Take control of what you eat. Avoid as much fatty and fried foods as you can. Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Read the labels of what you’re going to buy to eat. Now you don’t have to worry about not going out to eat, just watch what you eat when you do.

Tip 3: Be positive about your weight loss. The more you feel good about yourself the faster and easier you lose weight. Look in the mirror, tell yourself you are going to lose weight or tell yourself you are going to exercise.

Tip 4: Eat slowly and chew you food thoroughly to decrease your appetitive.

Tip 5: Find a weight loss buddy or club. This will help you stay in the weight loss program you are in.

Tip 5: Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. This can be difficult to do, but you can do it.

Tip 6: Do exercises. Try going out for a walk or aerobics. Get an exercise bike and use it. Get a membership to a gym. There are a lot of ways you can exercise, it don’t matter what you do just make sure you do it at least five or 6 days a week.

If you follow these tips you should be on your way to losing weight. Following these tips will not help you lose weight fast but they will help you lose weight at a normal health speed.

Effective visible weight loss in 1 week?

Eat more protein rather than carbs and drink lots of water.
Don't take pills to eliminate water!
The place that you will make the most noticeable difference in a short time is if you can tighten up the muscles in your face and this is best achieved by lifting heavy weights.
Most of the benefit of plastic surgery is from the muscles under the skin and this can be achieved by activating them more through the stress of lifting weights.
Also - make a concerted effort to hold your stomach in at all times during the day. This will start to feel natural after a while and apart from supporting your back you will also have a flatter looking stomach even when relaxed.

I am 5'6, and weigh 114lbs and i want to lose 14 lbs. what's the best way to do it within 2 weeks?

i know i don't need to lose weight but i'm mostly quite muscular rather than slim and that's what i'm aiming at :) i don't think i want to starve though because it can't be a permanent solution. thanks for your suggestions.

How can I lose 4 kg in 1 week?

I LOST 11 KGS IN 8 DAYS….& I lost 55kgs in 6 months (124kgs to 69kgs)And if I had continued this….this would be the lowest I could get to (Which I had done before)This is me at 75kgs.This is me at 69kgsThe lightest I have ever been in my lifeSo what can I recommend for you to lose weight?(IMPORTANT - CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE EXERCISING!!!)Fasting for 4 days (no food only water). I fasted for 8 days without food.Intermittent Fasting (eating in a 8 hour window)Eating only protein & Green SaladsDrinking Lot of WaterExercising on a Fasting StateBlack CoffeeAerobic & Anaerobic ExercisesCircuit TrainingLong Distance Slow RunningHaving Bath with Cold Water (Ice Cold) 4 to 5 times a daySoaking the Body in Ice Water before sleepingDrinking Cold Water especially at nightNo Sugar, No Carbs, No Milk, No FruitsIf you follow this consistently….You will become from thisTo this…Hope this helps.Loy Machedo

Kidney Stone can help you lose weight?

I am sure you will, impossible to predict how much. Cutting out the foods you mention is the keystone to many diets.

Links on box below relate to calories needed and how to burn them.
If you eat 3,500 calories more than your body needs, you will put on about 1 pound. If you use up 3,500 calories more than you eat, you will lose about 1 pound in weight.

Not the best weight loss remedy, a kidney stone. Hope it, or they, pass soon though.