Answer My Question And I Will Answer Yours

How to view questions you've asked on yahoo answers?

Click on your avatar or nickname. Scroll down to the box that has your five latest answers. Click 'My Questions' to view your five latest questions.

Good luck.

How do I see my question answered on tumblr?

It depends on the answerer, if they want to publish it then they will publish the question and answer to their blog page and dashboard. if they choose to answer privately, the answer will send to your message inbox! hope i helped!

Which is correct? "The answer to this question.." or "The answer of this question "?

There’s no easy answer to this question.I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question.It's a difficult situation. And I don't know what the answer to the current crisis is.There are no simple answers to the problems facing the economy.You'll never guess the answer to this puzzle - do you give in?Please answer to your name when it is called. (when your name is called, answer it)The minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.In answer to your letter of 30 May, I am writing to accept your offer of £3,575 in compensation.Can you figure out the answer to this question?I'd like to give an honest answer to this question.I'll think it over and give an answer ( to the question) by next week.You give an answer to something.You get an answer from someone.Someone has answers for everything.You have to answer for your misdeeds. (Phrasal verb)

How do you get people to answer your question on Quora?

Be patient, and learn to search the site for similar questions.I get lots of “ask-to-answer” requests for questions I think I might answer—I rarely have the time to put together a good answer on the spot. Although Quora seem to foster the notion that you can immediately find a good answer to any question here, that might not be the case if you have a new question that requires something more than just Googling.If I get an interesting “A-to-A”, I will usually answer. However, if someone has asked me to answer, it might not be five minutes after the A-to-A (the notification isn’t always delivered immediately either, apparently) or even the same day. Come back in a week or two and see if I’ve gotten to it. (Many I take even longer about, as far as that goes, but three to five days is typical if the answer won’t take too long to write.)It helps if you write interesting questions and direct the questions to people who are interested in the topic. Don’t just rely on Quora’s Topic Bot to assign topics—after the question has been written, make sure that any topics assigned are accurate and add any that are needed. This one, for instance, probably should have the Quora topic added to it.If you need answers right now, a new question on Quora may not be the best route—Google is where you need to go for immediate information. The strength of Quora is that you can get a personal perspective (or a variety of such perspectives) on a question over a period of time, or that you can, as I do, simply read what others have written without asking specific questions much. But if you want decent stuff, you don’t want us talking out our butts for the sake of providing answers quickly.Before you fret about an unanswered question—perhaps even before you post the question in the first place—it’s worth poking around to see if someone else has answered it via a similar question. Type some keywords for the question into the “Search Quora” box. If you see a question that is kind of like what you wanted, click on it and look at the answers and the “related questions.” (I’ll concede that many of us longtime users complain about Quora Search but it’s still better than nothing, or you can use Google: type “ {keywords}” in the search box.)Good luck!

How do I make people answer my questions on Quora?

If there's a trick, you're doing it already, judging by the questions in your profile.Out of eleven questions besides this one that you've asked, eight have at least one answer and most have more. Of the three that don't have answers yet, two are just a few hours old. You shouldn't be surprised if a question takes a few days to get any answers. My first question took about a week, if I remember correctly.But I do have some practical advice, about that one question nobody has answered in two weeks. It only works if you haven't requested answers yet, or at least not used all fifteen of the requests you’re allowed for that question.Assuming you haven't, look at the topics on the question. Do they seem OK to you? If they aren't, maybe edit them. Don't add too many; three to five is usually enough, especially if you choose specific topics rather than general ones.Done with that? Now here's the trick. Click one of those topics and look through the questions and answers in its feed. Pay attention to which writers you see most often and which get the most upvotes. Write down their names. Especially if the questions they answer are similar to the one you're asking.Do this for every topic on the question, making a separate list per topic.If you find that a topic isn't what you thought it was, or has barely any recent activity, consider swapping it out for a different one, and then look for names in the new topic’s feed instead.When you have those lists of names, look for anyone on multiple lists. Those are the best people to request answers from. If that hasn't used up your requests, pick people who have answered the most questions recently. Make sure you request answers from at least one person in each list.Quora does OK at suggesting people to request answers from, but just OK. If you really need answers, you'll need to find names yourself.As a bonus, you might find an existing answer that has the information you need, or you may see a way to ask a more specific question.This is the best trick I know. It takes work, and you still might not see any answers right away, but if it's important to get answers on some particular question, it's worth trying.

How do you know if someone answers your question?

When writing your question, you can pick an option where Yahoo emails you when someone answers the question. Otherwise, you can just go to "My Activity" and look at your questions.

How long generally does it take to get an answer for any question through Yahoo!Answers?

It depends on several factors, including time asked, subject matter, and difficulty. If a hard chemistry question, it may take a couple of days. If a "Your fave flavor" type, you may get 30 answers in 5 minutes. Note "your fave" questions are violations.

Do you ever answer your own questions on Quora?

Yes, I have once.It was a question I just had to ask about the television show Westworld. I read something very unique about the first episode, and I felt fans would want to know.So I formulated a question and posted it. Thing is, when I answered it, most people thought I made the answer up or gave a joke answer. Thank goodness I had the link there to prove it, because I received several messages that it was a hilarious answer.Also, an incorrect answer (and off topic) that someone else gave to it has been placed at the top of the 3 answers given as the best answer, over my factually correct answer. Oh well. I didn't want to mark it as incorrect or off topic because the person put a lot of work into it. Westworld fans get off-track easily because they're so enthusiastic :)But that is why I asked it, because the true answer was just that crazy. It was a question about flies and how they were caught and used on the live set of Westworld.I am just getting used to asking questions on Quora. I have only asked 10 so far, but I bet 100 questions go through my mind a day. I hope to gather more courage to post more questions this coming year.I may know the answer to a majority of them, but not sure yet if I will answer them when I post them. If it's really hard to find the answer, and I just want to share something educational, which is a strong drive within me, I may post the answer if no one else answers it.I have seen some answers to questions that say, “It’s on Google if you'd just look,” or answers that are rude, and I haven't developed thick enough skin yet to just burst in and ask every question that pops in my head. I am still timid about wording them just right. I will have been here a year this February 18th (2017), but it is a goal of mine to contribute more in the question-asking arena.So yes, so far, I have answered one of my own questions.PS-if anyone finds that question and answer I wrote about above, please don't report or downvote the person’s answer that was placed at the top. They did write many interesting things about the show, and I'd hate to see it zapped. Thank you.EDIT: 7–8–2017 I've now answered two of my own questions. The other was about unusual pediatric medical diagnoses.

Why does Quora allow you to answer your own question?

Because,1. It adds more "content" to Quora, with new topic or with old topic.2. Same question may come to some one else mind later, she may not have answer to that question, she can refer Quora3. The asker might not have known the answer while asking, she may  explore it later, and she finds it useful and answer herself.3. Any how quality of the Question and Answers will be decided by Votes. 4. If you get more answers from other users, it shows that                    3.a your question is really good                    3.b your answer is insufficient                     3.c it gives different views to the asker4. If you get lesser vote means topic is not really interesting among the users5.  If your question or topic is really interesting it will trigger more questions and answers. It may help to other answer seekers.Edit: There is an answer from Quora official for this ! On Quora, can you answer your own question? Is it bad form to answer your own question?