Anti Feminists Are You Against The Idea Of Women Having The Same Rights As Men

Feminists: Do you view anti-feminist women as being "traitors"?

@ louis b: The op said these women label themselves as feminists, so you're way off base there.

To answer the question, I consider myself a staunch anti-feminist, and I have been called names, been accused of promoting rape, and been treated as a traitor to my own. This should hardly be surprising.

Feminism is about letting women do and be what they want, as long as it is a feminist-approved path. Thanks, but no.

I am all about equal rights. But equal rights just means everyone has the same opportunities. It does NOT mean guaranteed equal outcomes. No one should get a "bye" just because they have boobs, or are a member of some "protected minority".


I suppose I should add that I used to be a feminist. I've never been for nonsense like Affirmative Action, but I definitely believed women were treated as second-class citizens. That is, until I actually looked at the evidence that was clear around me, and stopped looking through the filter of what the feminists told me.

If I don't like women, am I anti-feminist?

What is it exactly that you don’t like about women?Do you hate the fact that women have vaginas? Do you hate that women have their periods once a month? Do you hate that they have boobs?If you hate women because of their personalities and their actions (they are gold-diggers/they friendzone men) then I think you have a serious case of generalization here.Women are people too (and men are too!). Don’t assume that us women are all the same.And do you believe that women and men shouldn’t have equal opportunities? If the answer is yes, then you are an anti-feminist.

Why do some feminists prefer Aristotle's views on women over Plato's views?

I prefer Plato to Aristotle. Aristotle, for one, was very sexist but a lot of his arguments were reality common sense and circular. I much preferred Socrates (through Platos) dialogue method. He even spoke of women in relatively high positions without cynicism. And, of course, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Alcibiates. Strange, I know.

Why are there many and many people who are anti-feminists now?

There are more anti-feminists now because it's becoming clearer an clearer that believing in gender equality is an anti-feminists position. You can't want women to be advantaged over men as feminists do and promote gender equality, they are opposing ideas.

If you spend anytime here, you will notice it's typically feminists that label those who promote gender equality as anti-feminist. Christina Hoff Sommers says she's a feminist because she believes in equality for women, but many feminists say she's not really a feminist because she also promotes equality for males.

I don't think many people are changing their values regarding equality, it's just becoming more and more clear that feminism isn't about equality and that if you oppose sexism, that includes opposing feminism and all the ways it promotes sex based discrimination.

How come feminists are mostly undesirable women not too pretty not too wealthy not too popular, while anti?

I hate to burst that bubble you worked so hard to blow, yet I have to. Low demanding women buying into feminism. Ha as if! I would not buy into that crap if you paid me a million bucks. As a matter of fact keep your damn money.
Anti-feminism being the same as masculinism is far fetched, yet both are against feminism, this and only this is what they share.
Nor do I believe in equal rights. Equality to me is this plain and simple you pee I pee. It makes life less complicated. I don't have time for complications.