Any Books For Anti Social People

Why people don't like boring, anti social people like me?

I'm a boring anti social odd woman who likes to critique anything from classic books to classic films, enjoy and embrace high arts, and want the fine things in life.

I feel like I'm alone because people don't want to hang with me because I'm too quiet. I am not weak or shy but I am not very talkative. The reason is that I don't want my personal information or my life in public nor I never interest in listening to others lives because I don't care.

I would talk about what happen today or some event in the local or world news. that's it.

I guess I'm not "cool" enough or not "interesting" person to hang out? Why people don't like boring people like me.

What are some activities (un/anti)social people engage in on their free time?

you will feel better when you are used to it

It seems like there are a lot of antisocial people on Quora, but no narcissistic people. Why?

The word narc lately is used to mean any abuser of any type. So more are accused of it than have it.

What books do you suggest for an anti-social person to learn the art of tolerating people without being too obvious?

Truthfully, I’d start with psychology books. Perhaps start with Dale Carnegie’s landmark book “How To Win Friends and Influence People”. Study introversion and extroversion, and begin to appreciate how differently people think, and why they have come to think that way.Start reading about the human need for empathy from authors such as Brene Brown. We need to be able to authentically give and receive it before we can learn to connect with other humans. We need to realize and believe that other people are doing the best they can. That alone will change your outlook on humanity. Just as importantly, you may begin acting in ways so other people can begin to tolerate you. You can’t change the world… all you can do is change how you perceive it.

I’m extremely antisocial but being alone 24/7 is making me depressed. What can I do to become more social?

Book store, book store, book store! This is the best place to start. Why? Because you can grab a book and be anti social, yet you are in an environment of people. You get to keep to yourself yet see how people interact with each other.My brother is anti social, even called himself a hermit. What he did was go to book store first. Just read book to himself and see how people interact with each other.Yes the first couple visit at the book store is lonely, but it is a start. You don't want to go to social gathering and overwhelm yourself then you end up back in a cave. Slow and easy is the key.Start at the book store. My brother did this for a while and now talks to people easily. He even have a job now as a tourist coordinator. Talking with people from Japan.By starting at the book store you can have small talk with no pressure. Beside you are outside getting new experience.Don't start with any social gathering event. You will scare yourself with social anxiety. Book store!

What are some great books about narcissism and anti-social behaviours?

“Carnal Abuse by Deceit” not only identifies character disorder and explains how it develops, it’s a true story of the impacts of character disorder on a victim’s life. It’s available on Amazon in paperback and e-versions.

Why are so many people interested in narcissism and anti-social personalities? Why not explore the healthy side of life?

Here’s a few reasons:Hollywood makes being these glamorous and intriguing. The glitzy con man who gets the women and the cars and money (and never goes to jail and rarely has other criminals turn on him). Wouldn’t it be nice not to have a conscience and get all these things?It’s usually harder to be positive than negative. So some gravitate towards the what seems easier but negative life-styles.It seems many people think they have been hurt by ‘narcissists’. Although some people are hurt badly by people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), these types of narcissists are fairly rare (3–6% of the population or so). Most ‘narcissists’ are self-centered and do nasty things like lie, but they have empathy and feelings and are not the seriously ill NPD.Some people are hurt badly by being brought up as a child in an abusive household. They may be interested in narcissism and sociopathy as they try to sort out their childhoodSociety and marketeers feed on our narcissism and encourage us to spend more more getting even more full of oneself.As more and more theory is taught in homes and schools and less interaction happens between human beings that have to actually get something done, we lose a grip on what life involves. Disappointments and setbacks that were once considered part of life that one moved on from fairly quicky now has to a label, a lot of pity, blaming and jury consesnus it seems. Hey, life just happens: good sometimes, not good sometimes.

Any books or self help stuff to do with Antisocial Personality Disorder?

Unfortunately, you're not going to find much published dealing with antisocial personality disorder in a positive or even particularly neutral light. This is primarily because such texts don't sell, and because most individuals with antisocial personality disorder are very resistant to treatment. That said, some texts are commercially available with the intent of helping clinicians work with individuals with antisocial personality disorder. The most easily accessed of these is this:

Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Practitioner's Guide to Comparative Treatments , by Michael Maniacci.

Beyond that, consider looking for journal articles about the disorder.

The Catcher in the Rye - how is Holden behaving antisocial throughout the book ? - examples please :)?

I'm not sure what you mean by anti-social behavior. Holden Caulfield doesn't seem to like anyone much except his sister, his absent brother, and a few dead people, some of them writers. That's not very social. He makes a date with Sally Hayes but doesn't treat her well. He hires Sunny and then doesn't use her. Those are social failures. Granted, there are few social codes for prostitutes, but if you have committed yourself to being a john, then you are supposed to be one.

The social world of the book is cruel, filled with hypocrites (Mr. Spencer) and possibly sick people, like Mr. Antolini. His peers are either "flits" or cruel manipulators of women, like Stradlater. These people, and many other, he rejects in his mind or with his feelings. Holden does not fit into society, but it isn't a society worth fitting into. No wonder he winds up institutionalized. He can't make the compromises with ideals that almost all people have to make.

Since you can't read a book with another person, but you can watch a movie with another person, can you consider people who prefer books over movies antisocial?

Asks the person tapping a question into a computer…Preferring one specific solitary activity to one specific fairly solitary activity is not an indication of a preference for solitary activities, let alone of being antisocial, which is a different thing altogether.You can watch movies alone. You can watch them with other people and never say a word to them. You can read a book next to another person reading a book and hold an animated conversation at the same time.One of the reasons why movies are popular for dating is because they reduce the pressure to talk to each other constantly, while providing the plenty to talk about afterwards. There may of course be other advantages, particularly in the back row…Now ballroom dancing is sociable - you actually have to touch people!What, you don’t like ballroom dancing? You’d prefer to sit at home watching TV and writing on Quora, than ballroom dancing? Wow, you must be totally antisocial!See how ridiculous the question is?Now farting in a crowded room is antisocial, while popping outside to drop one alone is considerate. Of course teenage boys can have rip-roaring fun letting rip in each other’s company, so in that specific instance it can be sociable to fart in company, but please not in mine!More seriously, all people have a preference for certain amounts of solitary and social time. People tend to refer to those who prefer more solitary time as introverts, those who prefer more socialising as extroverts. Our preferences even change with our moods: “I just don’t fancy going out with the guys tonight, I’m gonna stay in and watch TV.”The amount of time people like to spend in group activities can vary enormously, but people who prefer more solitude than the average aren’t antisocial, they just have different needs to the party-animals. Such people can often be very effective at tasks that require single-minded concentration. Similarly, very sociable people may cultivate a wide circle of friends that they use for beneficial or antisocial purposes.There are plenty of gregarious people who like reading books, and there are plenty of otherwise quiet people who love going to the cinema or ballroom dancing. All of these can be beneficial members of society - why would anyone want to stigmatise them?