Any Careers I Can Get With An Mib

How to join the real MIB (men in black)?

I'm not talking about the fictional movie with will and tommy, I'm talking about the agency that follows and silences UFO witnesses any way possible, anyways, I was wondering If anybody knows how to get into this highly classified unit and what steps, I'm already going into military. Is it even called men in black (no one probably knows but if you do tell me) and last of all any good websites about them.


Can I have piercings while working in a computer science career?

It is certainly possible that you can have a job in IT where these things are no big deal. However, a lot depends on the corporate culture and policies. The same is true in school. You don't want to do anything that an instructor might see as disruptive or a distraction. You see the instructors give you grades and those grades become a GPA and that GPA is something future employees want to see.

As far as getting a job - Piercings and visible tattoos are something that you should remove and cover during any interview situation. Many interviewers are older and they may interpret your piercings as a problem or sign of rebellion. These days there are 50 people applying for every IT job situation. I would not want you to do anything, that is under your control, that could cost you a potential job.

After you are hired you can get a better read on the corporate culture and decide if these things would be OK or not. When I worked at Microsoft as a contractor I was cautioned that some of the employees walked around in bare feet.

Best wishes!

Is Primarica a scam...I don't think that they really sell life insuance, want to make sure my $$ is well spent?

It's a real product, but it's a multi level marketing insurance bit - first you get the life insurance, then they try to sign you up to sell life insurance through Primerica, too.

Price wise, they aren't particularly competitive.

Get the quote, then go to someplace like and see how much other companies would charge you for the exact same coverage.

If you WANT to buy that life insurance, you can probably get it elsewhere, cheaper, with no more hassling to sign up to sell it.