Any Detailed Summary Of The Book I Am Legend

How does "I am legend" the book end?

people say the book was a lot better, but im not much of a reader...curious to how the book ended?...was there any irony or twist that was noticeably portrayed by the author? thanx

Is there any way to see free summary from book rag?

There are some free book notes available there, here's a link:

"I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson Plot Summary?

I read it a while back so I dont remember.

Basically, theres this regular guy (not doctor or scientists like in the movie) whose just living in the suburbs (not a city like in the movie).

When the book starts off, the zombie take over has already occured. However, the books has VAMPIRES instead of zombies. This guy lives a lonely life in his house, which is heavily fortified against the vampires which come and taunt him every night, yelling his name. The vampires are smart, not like zombies, and they are trying to get him to come out of his house for some reason.

He has a car and drives it around and makes it his LIFE, in the day time, to find the vampires (which sleep during the day) and kill them. He finds his neighbors as vampires and kills them, thinking that he is doing mankind a favor by killing vampires.

One day he meets a woman on the street in the day time, and he is shocked that he is meeting another woman. She is really scared of him at first, but in the end goes home with him. When they get home he is still doubtful that she is not infected by the diesease or whatever, and eventually she lets him do a blood tests.

They have a conversation in which she asks him why he's killing vampires and he tells her he thinks that is right.

The next morning, he checks on the blood test and discovers that she is infact infected. He goes to her room and sees hher ready to kill him. She says that she is basically a vampire cop and the vampires sent her to capture him so they can hang him for killing so many of their race. However, at this point, she has warmed up to him and tells him to run. He leaves the house but at that point the vampires have cornered him.

The vampires capture him and intend to do a public hanging or something in front of all the vampires, who are all angry at him. However, the vampire cop lady comes to him in his prison cell and gives him poison, telling him that it is better for him to take the poison than be subjected to the hanging. He takes the poison and dies.

He is a "legend" because all the vampires hated him for killing their species.

What does "I Am Legend" mean in the book with that title?

Robert grasps the reversal that has taken place and that just as vampires were legend in pre-infection times now he, an obsolete exemplar of old humanity, is legend in the eyes of the new race born of the infection. The sheer absurdity of it all causes Neville to chuckle as he dies, his last thoughts being "[I am] a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend."

Can anyone give me a good and quick summary on the book I Am Legend by: Richard Matheson ??

I have to do this thing for school where I compare the book and the movie. I only saw the movie and read a quarter of the book. I just want to know if there a major difference between the book and movie, if anything changes

Thanks in advance for any help..............

I am legend buried talents????

Honestly, the first time I read I was thoroughly confused. What I think MAY be happening is:


The tall guy who was throwing the ping pong balls had telepathy or telekinesis or could otherwise use his mind to move stuff. I think he grabbed the knives with his mind and he 'stabbed' the carney with his mind to make the carney suffer for giving him crap. That's how he also managed to hit every single pingpong ball.

At least, that's what I got out of it. It's up to you to decide.

Confusion with I Am Legend (book not movie)!!!!?

So I've been reading I Am Legend and it's really exciting for an old book about zombie dracula things. It's really good (if you haven't read it yet)
However, I don't understand the sequence of the book! The first half was what I expected (you know, about Robert Neville and stuff and the girl and the dog). But all the chapters that follow it are really confusing me. Is it jumping around on purpose? Are any of these characters connected? I've read up to the chapter titled "Mad House" and I still don't understand where this is going.


Was their irony and symbols in i am legend the BOOK!?

The short novel I_AM_LEGEND by Richard Matheson was published in 1954 and it has few characters and its desperate main hero, Robert Neville, is caught in a routine of defending himself and keeping enemy cannibals at bay. The future is a precarious set of salvage and anticipation of what he can achieve - - he is having to recycle in many ways what people gave little thought to during the Years before. There would be irony that he is in a way a cannibal as far as utilizing whatever spare parts and working mechanical gizmos he can keep functioning. It would be ironic that we live in a society where so many companion dogs are euthanized because of uncontrolled breeding and for Neville there is only one such dog remaining. Is this man a "Christ-figure" who symbolizes the different fully human & fully divine sacrifice that will keep those who do not deserve life any more. . .there are lots of good questions to ask yourself especially concerning the woman he shelters but who is not what she appears ! ! !