Any German Myths That Are Completely And Utterly German

If some Germans believed in the myth of Aryan supremacy, how did they explain Germany's defeat in World War II?

Being defeated is not inconsistent with believing one is superior as an individual if defeat is blamed on other factors such as being outnumbered.It’s far easier to do that than accept one’s own beliefs were wrong.Germans believed they had the best tanks in the war (which was probably true), but they went for quality rather than quantity and were simply outfought by the Allies’ greater number of cheaper, simpler tanks.

What made the German Ratte tank unique?

It was huge.So big it would have had to be fully amphibious, being too huge to traverse bridges without destroying them. It was so massive it would have destroyed any roads.It was a tank that had a naval warship’s turret on top and no regard to the laws of physics.It was the ultimate manifestation of the landship and utter excess yet completely useless in warfare as it would be targeted and pounded to bits by every bomber, every artillery gun in range.That said, it is completely awesome to look at.I utterly enjoy making Landkreuzer replicas in video games, this one in From the Depths, a voxel based naval warfare game.

What are the biggest myths about World War I?

Germany were the bad guysAlthough they were given the blame in the Treaty of Versailles the Germans weren’t solely responsible for World War I nor were they the bad guys. Every single fighting nation in the war had their own responsility in the atrocities commited. You can’t blame WW1 on one country like you can with WW2. In WW1 either everyone were the bad guys or nobody were the bad guys depending on what you make of it. Sure the Germans commited atrocities, but the Allies weren’t innocent themselves. History is written by the winners.The British also had very effective propaganda that portraied the Germans are raping beasts, especially after they invaded neutral Belgium.British propaganda posters against Germany during WW1.

Is it true that when german shepherds taste blood?

What utter twaddle.

Could the Germans have beaten the Allies at Dunkirk?

No. The myth that Hitler ordered his troops to halt at Dunkirk to let the (mostly) British and French troops escape is exactly that: a myth. The real reason that the Germans didn’t attack Dunkirk is simply because the columns of tanks were too far overstretched, and had to wait for the infantry supply lines (using horses and carts) to catch up, in order to supply and hold the lines. The Germans were therefore ill-equipped to mount an attack on the pocket. Even Hitler was not stupid enough to let 300,000 men escape intentionally.

What role did German Jews play in bringing about the armistice that ended WWI? How much truth was there in this claim that Germany didn't really lose the war, but were "stabbed in the back"?

None what so ever. The German army was badly beaten and once armistice talks were announced there was no prospect at all. None. Of Germany mounting effective resistance to Entente forces. That is what the German military told the civilian Government. The Stab in the back myth was not something developed later, Ludendroff planned to blame the civilians government from the start , after running Germany very much like a military dictatorship, he wanted the civilians to sigh the peace treaty and carry the blame for his mistakes. he told the civilian government that they had no choice further military resistance was impossible, fully intending to blame them for the terms of the peace treaty,’