Any Girl Gamers On Psn With Black Ops 2

How many girls play Black Ops?

Every time I play, its seems like I am playing with a bunch of little girls.

Do any girls play ps3?

I know that there are girl gamers out there, and i'm sure that there are some that play PS3 (like my sister!), but they'll be hard to find since there are so many guys on it.

I remember a quote I heard once:

"If your girl comes over to your place, turn off the video games. If she joins you, marry her!"

Girl Gamers on Ps3 that play Call of Duty ?

Lol Okay. I'm not looking for a youtube carreer at all lmafo. I just want to play with other girl gamers but that are good . I met lot of girl gamer online but they are not all the time good, you know what i mean. i use yahoo so i get more result we call this , marketing .

I don'T give a damn if you're bad at recording if you have hd recorder or not. .and all, this isn't the point... I just want someone to share video with.. Not with the World . I'm not a pro at video and don't plan to be.

I have no card i just use my intelligence.
ILol have you ever watch a montage without music ? Lol Okay.
commentary ? Lol what do you want me to talk about ? Wow guys this is how you throw a knife, you aim you hit Square? Boring as **** haha, maybe boys like this type of video but not girls .
I like it when its artistic, no one care about my commentary or advice. And beside, i do my video for me first.

That is wrong. Lot of people do it as a clan and I make my own video

Do guys like it when girls play video games?

I can’t speak for all guys but, as someone for whom playing video games is a main hobby, I have to say that I think any girl who plays video games (I’m thinking either on the PC or on a console) is just awesome.For me, it’s because I grew up in a country where video games were made out to be a guy thing, so no girl I ever met bothered to play. I also happen to now live in a country in which the culture seems to look down on stay-at-home activities like video games. Apart from online, I’ve never met a girl/woman who plays video games as a hobby.I personally would like to know more female gamers (really more gamers in general) because:It provides a great conversation topic. I met all my oldest and best friends by playing video games together. I can talk games with my brother for hours. It would be refreshing to have such conversation with a girl.After reading the above, it occurs to me that seeing/meeting more female gamers would break this childhood stereotype I have that most girls /women hate video games.Personally, I think video games are very beneficial; they inspire the imagination, as well as curiosity. They can serve as a confidence boost, and they engage the mind to think strategically, as well as build innovation. Anyone who feels the same way about video games is a quality person in my book.In the end though, video games are just another hobby, like reading, watching TV, gardening and so on. Just replace “video games” in your question with any other hobby you can think of and you’ll understand how a gamer feels to meet someone who likes the same things they do. It’s always great to meet someone who shares your hobby. At the same time, like any other hobby, not everyone will see what you see in it. And that’s okay.P.S. The N64 was a gem of a console. Mario 64, Mario Kart, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and many other games make me smile when I remember them.

What do guys think about girls who play video games?

There's nothing wrong with liking video games. You don't have to be a guy to enjoy playing. I do have a problem with girls who do it for attention. Not all guys who play are cute either. Play what you like and don't worry about what others think of you.

Anyone know any good gamertags for girls?? HELP!!?

I would avoid letting other players know your gender; saves you the trouble of being hit on all the time.

To pick a gamer tag, start off with something you like the translate it to other languages. For example, let's say you liked CatGirl. That could be....




...or something similar. Using this technique, you could come up with just about anything as a base and it would work. I've used old English, Japanese, nicknames, characters from lesser known mythologies, and others.