Any Good Myths I Can Write For My Essay

What are some good topics for a Greek mythology essay?

Prophecies, especially those which they tried to avoid but it ends up fulfilled or the so called self-fulfilling prophecies.1. Kronus had a prophecy where one of his children would overthrow him (even his own father, Uranus, and his son, Zeus, had the same prophecies).2. Oedipus and his biological father (wherein Oedipus accidentally did two ‘sins’ Killing his father & marrying his mother).3. Perseus and his grandfather, Akrisios (Wherein Perseus's mother was said to give birth to the one who will kill Akrisios).3. Achilles's death (Thetis received a prophecy that his son will have a glorious but brief life which was why she dipped him in the river styx).4. Cassandra's Warnings abouot the 'Trojan horse'.Basically, majority of them revolve around prophecies.

What are some good myth topics to write about?

There are several myths out there to write about, one being that Vikings wore horns on their helmets. They didn’t. In ancient times, there were several civilizations with horns on their helmets, but not the vikings. You can research this if you feel you would like to write about this myth.The Great Flood, some say is a myth. Actually, there is not one shred of scientific evidence to support the event of a world-wide flood; if that topic appeals to you.That beautiful Christimas flower, the poinsetta supposedly being poisonous, is just a myth also.My last contribution is that frogs don’t give you warts either.My biggest pet peeve and some people think its true but its not, is that the word height is not pronounced with the last syllable sounding as “th” but rather “t”. It is a myth that the word height is pronounced heighth. It is pronounced HEIGHT -T (HITE) not hithe am I doing this right? Not rith?

What is a good title for a Roman mythology essay?

Write the essay first—don’t start with a title—put “working title” up there and then write your essay. Let the essay tell you the title, not the other way around.May I recommend that you post the essay here and then ask us to title it? (as well as ask us to provide feedback?)Anyway, good luck

I have a short ESSAY BUT DONT GET IT?

It means to make up your own story There's sevral aproaches you could take (below)--but essentially this is a creative writing assignment:
1) You could simply select a group of stars--suggest a figure their arrangement reminds you of (that's exactly how the ancients came up with the constellations) and invent a myth.
2) You clould take an existing constellation and simply invent your own myth
3) Take an existing constellation, but suggest something else it reminds you of, and write your myth about that.

For example you might look at the Southern Cross and use your imagagination, come up with an image of a woman who became a goddess perhaps--and then write a story about how, after some great deed, she was granted imortality--so you see her here to this day.

Strictly speaking, you don't to study up for this--but I do strongly suggest you take the time to read a few of the myths abut the constellations to give you some ideas--and just as useful--to see how these stories are put together (that way you'll have a model to work from). Beside's, they're fun to read! Good luck. :)

What'd be a good research question for writing a history essay on Greek mythology?

An interesting one would be to look into aspects that have always been thought to be purely myth and see if their is some evidence of their existence.For instance we've all heard of Hades, the underworld where the dead go in Greek mythology. When people died they would appear as spirits at the underground river Styx where they would pay the ferryman to take them across the river to Hades.Hades was described as a black river that was poisonous to drink from and various myths surround it. Obviously completely made up.Until a few years ago when it looks like they found an underground river that appears black due to a mineral or something, is toxic to drink and is roughly where the Styx was supposed to be.So I’d research that or something like it.

Are there any good essays comparing eldritch abominations to the Abrahamic god, or other deities in other mythologies? What do they say?

Lovecraftian stories (named after HP Lovecraft but he actually had a circle of writers that shared in this mythology) were written around that concept. Many writers since have also used a similar theme.Lovecraft himself wrote an essay about supernatural horror. I skimmed it quickly but it might be of interest to you "Supernatural Horror in Literature" by H. P. LovecraftIf you search "Lovecraftian essays" you'll find some other useful material. A lot of it will be about Lovecraft himself but his material was very much along the lines you are asking about.And while they don't talk about EAs, there are essays that draw comparisons between Christianity and earlier pagan religions.Although the later book Memnoch the Devil contradicted this, some of Anne Rice's early vampire books mentioned Christianity as simply being a vampire cult (he dies and returns, his followers drink his blood and gain eternal life).In the game Shadow Hearts , the main villain summons God, who turns out to be a powerful alien that the characters must then fight and destroy.

Help with topics for Chinese mythology essay?


Chinese Mythology

Mythology is a collection of myths or the study of ancient traditional stories of gods or heroes, giving an explanation to an unexplained event. For Plato, the fist known user of the term, muthologia meant know more than the telling of stories (Kirk 8). Mythology is an important aspect to the world, today. Through the study of myths help us develop an idea of what the cultures were like. It includes hints that exhibit how they lived their lives. Myth is its serious purpose and its importance to the culture (Lansford 1). Every culture has its own myth that explains about the nature of that particular culture. The Chinese culture has been around for many centuries, its myths have accumulated into varies stories of gods and their culture.
China is the world's oldest continuous civilization (Cotterel 9). Evidence show the earliest Chinese civilization to be found around 1650 B.C. The beginnings of Chinese mythology, started around the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Influenced by alchemist...

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Writing my thesis statement (Relationship between Gods and Humans in Mythology, greek mythology, roman,etc)?

Can anyone give me any good thesis statements for my paper? i kind of need a boost, im really bad at writing papers and this is for a college class, al help is GREATLY appreciated :) . here is the topic to my essay

Here is the topic for my essay: 1) God & Man: How are gods depicted in myth, and what is their relationship to each other and to humanity? Are they simply human characters writ large, or are they more alien? Do the different cultures we have covered thus far see their gods differently, and if so, what might that tell you about the cultures in question? If they all see their gods similarly, what might that suggest? What is the role of humanity in these myths? To what degree is humanity responsible for its own situation, and to what degree is it dependent on the gods?