Any Opinions On This Chart Good Bad Anything

Do I have any Grand Trine, Grand Square or anything in my chart?

No Grand Trine or Grand Square. The chart is well balanced somewhat.

Sun in 12th house likes to work behind the scene. Making sacrifices for others takes your attention away from personal interests. Their will be delays in getting established in a career and perhaps, you may decide to work for yourself. I suggest to forget approval from others because you are insecure in your abilities.
You are not obligated to anybody but yourself. In love relationship, you should avoid being theone who does all the giving.

As for your career suitable for you, I would say public relations, sales, marraige counseling, law, social service, any work that will bringyou into close contact with the public.

Moon in 7th opposed to Venus. Resist the urge to marry the first likely prospect. You are probably closely tied to your family so it may be dificult to meet people objectively. From Venus perspective, you cannot be the peacemaker all the time and trying tomake concessions to those who are wrong. This will limit your success and be careful of women generally. Be cautious about reavealing all your plans so that you can maintain some advantage over others.
Oh, and stop worrying that maybe, just maybe, you will never live up to your parents' expectations . Live up to your potentials and define your goals and decide how you will reach them.

Moon opposed to Venus shows that you are or will be challenged by other people no matter how hard you try to do. You want to co-operate with others, but they don't react as though you do. Don;t expect too much from those you are attracted to . Important emotional crise will occur in your life, which would indicate that maladjustments continue to exist between you and the people with whom you are closely involved.
With Aries in your 7th house , you may seek a more aggressive type of partner, physically and sexually attractive. Moon in 7th brings fluctuating emotions especially in relayionships. You will struggle and if you want to succeed, you need to compromise and love yourself less. Venus in 1st Libra shows that you put yourself first but you will have greater struggle in relating to others.

Healthwise, you have to watch your digestive system.

Good Luck.

Mars trine chiron, good or bad?

Mars-Chiron aspects suggest a relationship where the natives push each other to overcome their psychological shortcomings. The natives challenge each other, for better or worse, to be more efficient and proactive when it comes to achieving their desires.

Anyone have anything good or bad to say about Fertilaid?

I have to say

Good- It made my ireguler cycles became reguler the very first month I started it.

Bad- was on it for 3 months as recommended and still didn't conceive.

Also cycle only was reguler whiles I was on it

My Chart Sucks (is there anything positive? No)?

Astrology is a science of potentials.

You choose whether to live out the negative or positive polarity of each placement.

For instance, with Mars in the 4th, you could be mean and domineering to everyone who lives with you (also possibly suppressing your anger from the outside world only to take it out on loved ones later at home) or you could be very active at home, working out, doing projects, etc.

It's your choice.

That is what astrology is for, to determine which aspects you are activating positively, and which ones you need to work on.

Do i have only bad placements in my vedic birth chart ? any good placement?

in vedic chart, i am capricorn ascendant with my sun in saggitarius in the 12th house, saturn mercury uranus and neptune are in the 12th house too

moon is in 6th house in gemini (another bad placement)

jupiter is in 5th house in taurus (but retrograde so a bad placement)

rahu is in aquarius in 2nd house (i heard its the worst one)

finally venus is in 11th house

nothing good in my chart.. from what i read almost all my planets are debilitated or bad.. so does this mean ill never achieve success and need to work twice as hard as any regular person to achieve anything ?

Is reading horoscopes good?

In the end it is not clear what your question is truly asking. Many people less familiar with Astrology are also less familiar with the terminology, and that “astrology” can be different things to different people, as well as those who claim to practice it!Typically the term “horoscope” refers to an entertainment form of Astrology that some readers believe in, and even some authors will try to rationalize it as having some legitimate basis. These are the “daily horoscope”, “weekly horoscope” and sometimes “monthly horoscope” found in newspapers, magazines and booklets sold in the grocery store check-out lines. They claim to offer predictions for all people of the same sign for the period of time indicated. “Real” astrologers recognize this as a false application of Astrology.If you are asking whether chart readings, the kind done by professional astrologers are “good”, it’s still not clear in what sense you mean. If you mean “valid”, or “accurate”, that depends upon the astrologer and the system they use. Also I would not try to characterize anything as “good” or “bad”, rather describe its qualities, possible applications, and relative usefulness. For example, astrologers who work within more-or-less the same form or application of Astrology will most likely vary in their skill level, their experience, studies and/or natural talent.If you find my response useful, please “upvote” it and have a look at THIS (← click) example of a modern application of Astrology. … I wish you well!