Any Specific Cream That I Could Use To Get The Bruise Healed-

What cream or lotion can heal bruises faster?

You can't heal a bruise with a lotion or a cream. A bruise is a discoloration that is caused by broken blood vessels. Only the body can heal a bruise. The best you can do is cover it up with body make-up.

Is there a way to make bruises heal fast?

I do bruise easily now because of a medical condition, but is there anyway to speed up the healing process? I've actually had some of them for several months and they're just now starting to fade.

How do I speed up the healing of bruised arms from missing the veins trying to inject?

Applying heat will help the painful bump that appears immediately when you miss, to “dissolve” quickly. Arnica oil/gel works beautifully. Massage into the area as soon as possible and repeat as often as possible. Another fantastic (and cheap) remedy is castor oil. Just a drop or two is necessary, massage into the area for two minutes, at least 3 times a day. For best results, warm a little bit of castor oil by placing it in a glass bowl, which you then place in a bigger bowl filled with hot water (NOT boiling, as this will lead to burning) soak a cotton ball in the castor oil and place it on the affected area, cover with plastic wrap and then wrap a bandage or cloth around it. To keep it warm, you can also place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the bandage. Keep it like this for 20 minutes. Allowing the area a few minutes of direct sunlight also speeds of healing and eliminates the bruise faster. Fresh lemon juice massaged into the spot also clears bruising quickly. The key is to massage any or all of these products into the area as often as possible. Massage breaks down the clots of blood that collect under the skin and forms the bruise.

What cause bruises to itch? Is it bad to scratch them?

From what I’ve read there are three main factors at work with regards to bruises itching: injury to the nerve endings, damage to capillaries and other small blood vessels, and the breakdown of blood within the tissues.Most bruises are caused by impact injuries. During the impact tissues, including nerve endings are compressed. There is also an accompanying swelling. Between the compression and swelling nerve endings have experienced trauma. As the swelling goes down and the healing process proceeds, the nerve endings begin to function normally. That return of full sensation accounts for some of the itch.Along with the nerve endings being affected, blood vessels suffer crush injury. This results in bleeding within the skin/muscle tissue. As that blood breaks down, we not only witness changes to the coloration of the tissues, but that breakdown releases histamines. Part of that is because as the blood breaks down, bilirubin is released (it is a component of blood). Bilirubin is known to trigger itching in some people.Also the damaged capillaries and small blood vessels are healing. Sometimes they simply regrow along different pathways. This is another source of itching.Basically the itching is part of the overall healing process. You should not scratch the area. Scratching can cause further damage, leaving excoriation wounds that are potential sources for infection.Oddly enough I’ve had countless bruises in my life, some of them severe. Yet none of them itched when healing until the past couple of years. Maybe I’m just getting more delicate in my old age?

How do you make the healing of bruises faster?


Would you use Neosporin on bruises and burns?

it would help burns not bruises