Any Way To Determine How Many Answers I Have Answered In The Past 3 Months Without Counting Every

Can I lose weight without counting calories?

I think you can lose weight without counting calories. counting calories just makes you crazy. my advice would be to eat healthy and watch your portions and drink lots of water and excerise regulary.

If I leave my company in six months will my experience count?

Yes, it counts. In a way that you can definitely mention in your resume. And if you complete six more months in another company, your total work experience becomes one year.No, if you left the job without any other offer ready to join. May be, you want to search for other job after leaving your current one.In this case, you won’t be recruited as experienced candidate in any interview. You can attend interviews which allow freshers with zero experience, but not as a experienced one.Almost all the companies look for minimum one year experience (a more common scenario is 2 years minimum) while looking of hiring experienced candidates.So, only advantage is, if you are in a interview where freshers are eligible, and you qualify most of the interview rounds and competing with other freshers, you may have an slight edge in recruiters perspective. That’s it.

I am a fresher and I have been jobless for the past 10 months since I was getting rejected by most of the companies I was interviewed at. What do I say to an interviewer when he asks me about the 10 month gap? Any help would be appreciated.

Do not distract from the external elements. Employers need only skill and they give work based on your skill and give payment. Just continue to improve your skills. Change your CV everyday , do practicals, learn and talk with people.  Continue to evaluate that what extra you can add in your skills to become an all rounder professionals. So you are everyday learning and doing. Be honest - and explain that during your XYZ time you have improved your skills from level -A to level-B, you have done ABC things, and you have done 123 things which every organization like you require. Now I can do X work in 5 days However most of the other professionals will take 20 days as minimum. Now I am professional in ABC area and good command on XYZ, you will rarely find people expert in this area. ( Its just an example to explain my answer better, you may choose your own way to explain)

Can I find out how many followers my Twitter feed had on a certain date without using Tweet Counter?

Visit Twitter Analytics and click on the "Followers" tab at the top of the page. The resulting page will have a large line graph illustrating the number of followers you have. If you place your cursor over a point on the line, the date and number of followers on that date will be displayed.

How did you look after spending 3 months in the gym? Could someone please provide me with their pictures?

Here's a side to side comparison.So this was me.And then this is almost after 6 months of working out, cardio and counting calories .Now to give you an idea into my life. I have been working out for few years now but the first pic is when I came back after staying in Delhi for an year for preparation and there I didn't do gym at all and I ate anything and everything just to fill me up.When I came home I knew I don't want to look this way and I wanted to see how far I can push myself.All I did was hit my weight 4 times a week. Cardio 2 to 3 times and started counting calories.I have tried to answer most of the questions I got but still if you have any check this link for complete details:Ankit Mishra's answer to What is your great body transformation workout regime and diet?

When are expert answers evaluated in Chegg?

The answers are generally evaluated after the end of the month. It takes around 5–10 days depending on the volume of questions Chegg COMIS Quality Review team have in there queue.Sometimes Chegg provides the quality review side by side to their new Expert Answers for their consideration and knowledge to answer the questions further.As an experienced person, my advise to you is that if you provide step-by-step solutions following Chegg Expert Answering guidelines and avoid plagiarism in every single solutions you answer, then your quality review will be excellent and they will provide you very nicely written comments along with every review…I hope this helps!All the best and keep chegging!! :) :)

How can I stop my obsession with calorie counting?

Hi. I'm a 16 year old female, 5'4 and about 106lbs. At the start of this year, I weighed 112lbs and have slowly been getting myself down to my goal weight of 102lbs. I've lost the 6lbs in the last month, even though I've been counting calories for longer than that..I feel as if I'm getting too skinny in every single place but my legs, they seem bulky and out of proportion compared to the rest of my petite body so I can't stop myself from continuing to loose weight.
I use a calorie counting app on my phone called 'myfitnesspal' and have logged my calorie intake and calories burned off literally every single day for 3 months. I aim to restrict to 1200 calories every day, but I sometimes eat less than that, and sometimes binge out of control to 2000-2500 calories and hate myself for it immediately.
I'm in this never ending cycle of obsessing over calories and my weight. I weigh myself every single morning when I wake up, and sometimes later on in the day. When I see that I've gained a tiny 0.4lbs or whatever, I get strict with myself again and eat less.
I tried deleting the calorie counting app, (that lasted two days) before I couldn't take feeling so out of control in not knowing the exact calories I've consumed.
I hate this, I want to be like I used to, I've always eaten healthily and 112lbs is the most I've ever weighed so I don't even know where my issue came from, because I know that's not overweight.
I need to stop but I don't know how :(

IM confused as to how many months i am! help?

im 28 weeks...which means im 7 months...Now wouldnt that mean i have 2 months left?? But according to the calender i have 81 days left. which is way over 2 months..

please help!

What is the average number of days in a month?

J - 31F - 28.25 (Actually slightly off, every 400 years, we skip a leap year unless it's every 2000 years)M - 31A - 30M - 31J - 30J - 31A - 31S - 30O - 31N - 30D - 31(7*31 + 4*30 + 1*28.25)/12 = (217 + 120 + 28.25)/12 =365.25/12 = 30.4375Actually, the average year is something like 365.24 days which comes out to 30.4366666666... days

Can she get pregnant 2 weeks after the last sex?

Retard, she can get pregnant only shortly after actually having sex. Didn't you pay ANY attention in Biology, Anatomy, or at any single point in your entire miserable life? The signs of her being pregnant, however, i.e. nausea, mood swings, cramps, etc. might not show up for a few weeks. That may be what you mean.