Anybody Want To Try To List The Gop Presidents Who Would Now Be Regarded As Rinos

Would Barry Goldwater be considered a RINO today?

Barry Goldwater would still have a place in today's Republican party just as he did then. RINO's are people so in love with their office that they will say & do anything to stay there. Goldwater was never one of those.
People have a very bad habit of voting party-line & do not really examine the positions of the candidates. The premise being "well if MY party nominated this person, then he must be ok". This is politically blind but a common occurrence. The first election of Mike Bloomberg to NYC Mayor in 2001 is proof of this. The man was a life-long Democrat, but had no name recognition in NYC. He would have been just another Democrat in a crowded primary fight, but as a Republican, he had a unobstructed path to the general election. So he switched parties, got Giuliani's endorsement (who was at the height of his popularity) and won the election. Ever since he governed as a left of center, nanny-state liberal, a true RINO.

And to David H:
Are you insinuating that the Democrat party is the only home for intelligent people?
Geniuses like Al Sharpton? Wade Connerly? Keith Olbermann? John "I was for it before I was against it" Kerry?
Some real rocket scientists there.
Every party has its idiots, Republicans just try harder to ignore ours.
Democrats put theirs on TV & in office.
By the way what channel are you on?

Now, now you're letting typical mind-less left-wing ranting get the better of you again.
I never said I was a Republican BTW although you might get that idea from my using the word ours instead of theirs.
But I would take Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin & Ann Coulter over the above clown college grads.
After all, how many NY Times best sellers do your pals have?
You can even throw in Frank, Biden & Dodd to your tally if you think it will help.
No? I didn't think so.
Blind loyalty to ANY party is wrong. Open your eyes & your mind. Throw off the indoctrination of the Left or the Right.
There's nothing wrong with voting for your party.
But make sure that when they're in office, your party is voting for you.

Why would anyone want to be a RINO?

The term RINO is intended as an insult, and a self destructive and self defeating one that ruined the very purpose of having a Republican party. The term, which is directly contradictory, means “Republicans in Name Only”.The question can be translated in the following fashion; “Why would anyone want to belong to the party of Lincoln or the Party of Reagan when they could belong to the current Republican party of White Supremacy, racism, corruption and treason to their own country and the American people”.The only legitimate Republicans are those who still maintain the original purpose of the party going back to when it began in the 1800s; a moderate progressive party under Lincoln that became mainstream conservative in the later 20th century. These are the people referred to as “RINO” (Republicans in name only) by the Tea party racists and bigots now running the GOP who don’t believe in Civil Rights, the Constitution, the Rule of law or the American way of life.In other words, the only real RINOS are the people who now control this failed and anti-American party of corruption and hate, led by the Fascist Tea Party and Traitor Trump.

Do Republicans now consider President Trump to be a RINO (Republican In Name Only)?

I’m not even sure what an actual Republican is anymore.I would suspect that classic American conservatives have always considered Trump a RINO, and only voted for him in 2016 because the alternative was infinitely worse. Trump’s supporters in the alt-right have their own idea of what the Republican Party should be, and would outright reject the term “RINO” to begin with.And the GOP long ago marginalized anyone who wasn’t either a classic conservative or a neo-con, treating heretics like me as RINOs even if we’re still registered to the party. I simply consider Trump a Populist, who would adopt whatever political position he needed to in order to get elected.

Which 2016 presidential candidates are considered RINOs?

Key attributes of a RINO.Globalist. Pro-Amnesty. Corporatist. Dove foreign policy.Jeb Bush was probably Left of Hillary. He was about as Globalist as you can get. Pro-Amnesty. He was also wimpy on foreign policy. Jeb loved large international corporations. So Jeb was a prototypical RINO. Really more of a Democrat than Republican.Kasich was a Bush clone. Scott Walker had more backbone than Bush but same RINO stances. He just hid his support for Amnesty like Kasich in the form of “guest workers”. Rand Paul’s rhetoric was more tea party but as soon as he hit DC he went full on RINO. Lindsey Grahm who knows what he stands for if anything. Chris Christy was actually more Democrat than Republican. Just a corporatist Democrat. Worst of both worlds. Christie loves big gov and big biz. The people are not even a concern for him.Marco Rubio is a Nationalist and more of a hawk than a dove, but his pro-amnesty stance and corporatism as well as his willingness to play ball pushed him over to the RINO side.Huckabee when all is said and done will do whatever the GOP wants him to do.Carly Fionna had her moments but in the end she came out as a Globalist, in support of amnesty, a weak hawk and very much a corporatist.Rick Santorium says whatever he thinks will get him elected then votes pretty much party line unless paid to do otherwise.That left Jindal who might have been a good candidate. Hard to say, he got drowned out pretty early. Cruz who is the antithesis of a RINO and very much a Populist. Trump who is a solid Populist, Rick Perry who leans populist and Ben Carson who hamstrung himself with his pro-amnesty views but otherwise would have done very well, as legitimate GOP candidates.

Who said, "If you want to live like a Republican, vote for Democrats."?

I think it's "Live like a Liberal, vote like a Republican."

Sounds pretty retarded to me...

Why is Donald Trump considered a Republican given that he is different than most Republicans morally and even politically?

Not all republicans think the same, and not all republicans agree with Trump, that’s for sure.In any political party, you have factions. In the modern Republican Party, the factions are mainly these: fiscal conservatives who happen to be socially conservative, classical liberals, libertarians, constitutionalists, populists, and even liberals.Trump is doesn’t really fit the mold, and I would say he is a populist who his center right of economic issues, anti-globalist, and centrist on social issues.And the only thing anyone has to do to be considered a republican is register as one. You can be the most radical left winger and be a republican if that’s how you choose to register!

What is a RINO republican?

A RINO is an acronym that means Republicans In Name Only, which is just a derogatory term for Republicans who probably disagree on a few platforms. Here is one example of a RINO, a Republican who agrees with cutting back of military spending and wants to use the money to fix the Healthcare and Educational systems, but still agrees with Republicans in everything else. Just disagreeing with a few things is enough for for Republican to be classified a RINO. The Democrats have their for Democrats who don’t entirely agree with all their platforms, they are called DINOs, which stands for Democrats In Name Only. For example, there are actually Democrats that oppose abortion and have organization that seeks to elect such Democrats, see this: Democrats for Life of America - Wikipedia. These Democrats agree with the Democrats on everything else like opposing the Death Penalty and supporting affirmative action, but are still classified as DINOs.

How is Arnold Schwarzenegger a rino?

Rhinos are liberal Republicans who support liberal policies, which Arnold Schwarzenegger does. He supports abortion, gay rights, radical environmentalism and tax and spend economics. Arnold is in panic mode right now because he realizes what a mess he's made in California, so what he cuts has nothing to do with him being liberal or conservative, but him being in panic mode. God bless.

Can anyone name a celebrity who is both atheist and Republican?

Wow. There are many, many atheist celebrities. It's the republican celebrities that are the rarest of all.

I'd like to know too.

Charlton Heston was a republican, but I don't believe he was an atheist.

To the poster below me, Howard Stern is NOT a republican, and neither is Warren Buffet or Jody Foster!