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Is it possible that even after leaving a group conversation, a user can read the rest of the conversation that happened between the other members of the group chat?

Everyone got it wrong.The answer is, unfortunately, YES. The person who has left or has been removed from a Facebook group chat can STILL read the whole conversation (ALL conversation prior to leaving the group).This recently happened to us and it’s frustrating that Facebook doesn’t have any answer/resolution to this.Even if ALL the members of the group chat leave the conversation, the conversation history is still visible to EVERYONE. A member who has been removed or left the group can still find that particular group chat by searching for it on Messenger (both mobile app/desktop) using the group name or by simply searching the name of one of its previous members (it will show up as a suggestion). The only way to make it completely disappear from being searched is to "Delete" the conversation aside from "Leaving" only. However, this will only delete the group chat from the end of the person who has deleted it and NOT from the other person who hasn't deleted it yet. Even the if original group chat creator delete it, it’s still visible to other members.We accidentally added a person in a group chat and removed him afterwards. However, we found out that that person can still read all the past conversions from that group even he didn't engage at all! When you're talking "bad" about someone on a group chat and accidentally added him, removing him won't keep him from seeing all the conversations. It looks like the group conversation is saved permanently. Blocking the person doesn’t make any difference either!

If I have muted a group in whatsapp will the members know about it?

Nope, muting a whatsapp group is just being inactive in that group without sending any notification to other participants in the group.

Anyone want to join our KakaoGroup?? See details below?

My friend and I have decided to create a study group for any teenagers (12 to 15-ish) would like to/ are learning Korean! You do need to have a KakaoTalk/ KakaoGroup account and the app to be apart of it^^ If you're interested or have questions, email me at please~

Thank youu! <3

How do I login to KakaoTalk online?

To log on with a browser, go to, where you also can find the desktop /kkt PC for windows or OS.