Anyone With As Want To Rant About Anything Maybe How It Seems Like The Majoity Of Other People

Why doesn't anyone want anything to do with me?

Every person I have ever come into contact with, even if we got along good at first, it eventually faded, and after a while they wanted nothing to do with me.

It's always been that way! After a while it really starts to hurt. Every human being on earth has need to feel wanted, and to belong. But nobody seems to want to accept me, or want me.

And I can't figure out why nobody likes me. I try to be the best person I can be, yet nobody wants anything to do with me.

I'm tired of it! I'm tired of being rejected by everyone. So what's the deal?

Why do I hate interacting with people so much?

you are NOT anti social or have a personality disorder. this doesnt even mean you are socially awkward or whatever the other person said.

You are simply different. you are an introvert and there is nothing wrong with that. I'm the same way and for a long time i tried to change this about me. but then i realized just because i'm not as social as others ALL the time, doesnt mean theres anything wrong with me. I keep my family and friends close and cherish them. I have no need to be accepted by everyone i meet and be pretend friends. cherish and enjoy the people you love and thats all you need in life. :)

the thing is most people dont know or are comfortable enough with themselves to be alone. their is a difference between being lonely and bing alone. most people associate the two together. If you like yourself enough and have enough selfawareness you dont need to surround yourself with others to feel content or alive. personally, i love to play music, read books, go for walks, play with my dogs, spend time with myfamily and close friends. i have a full and happy life and i dont need a bunch of bodies for that.

i hope this helped in some way :)

Why don't people want to work?

Before I worked in my first paying job I looked forward to the concept of standing around and lifting things. It would give me structure, something to do, and I would get paid for it. I volunteered at my local op shop.Because we’re tired! The amount that people have to work to stay alive is unreasonable. I worked this past summer and the prospect of working in a similar job is exhausting me already.A lot of people like to share the quote, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” from Confucius. If we all could work in the job we love, we would probably love to work! But we can’t. There just aren’t that many lovable jobs out there, or not enough people to love the unlovable jobs.I feel a lot of stress over finding a job after university. It stresses me to work so many hours, come home, do chores, and go to sleep. Is that really going to be my life? I remember my summer job where worked the whole week before Christmas, I was too tired to keep up with my hobbies.A lot of people want work! People want to stay alive. People want to live comfortably. People want to travel. I want to work because I feel guilty leeching off my mother. People work for the money that we can exchange things for money like our food, our rent, our clothes, our hobbies.My former place of employment was very good compared to every other place. I was paid just above the minimum wage, I knew my hours a fortnight ahead of time, most of the customers were well-mannered and I got good breaks. But I was expected to so ridiculously fast in my learning, and I’m not a fast learner. I lay awake in my bed at night fretting over different scenarios, wishing I had a big book of “if this happens….”It’s not that I don’t want to work. It’s that I don’t want to be so tired after years working. I don’t want to feel like I’m drowning.I just read either a Vice or RE: article about how well student loans are working, a student said not well. Their employer keeps them on one hour, casual shifts to pay them as little as possible. Is this the kind of employment I can look forward to? But I can’t find it now. If I see it again, I’ll add it as a source.

Why are so many people so easily offended by everything nowadays?

Well, I think to a certain extent it has always been thus. There's never been a time when there weren't frivolous lawsuits, and there's never been a time when people did not want to police what other people said.To a certain extent, if people are indeed more easily offended today, it's because their respect for marginalized groups has increased. It's no longer acceptable to use racial slurs, derogatory words for women, or other previously acceptable terms. Does that indicate we're more easily offended, or that we have more empathy for these groups? Does a comedian not being able to tell a joke about rape indicate that people are out to destroy free speech, or that people are more clued into the devastating trauma of this terrible form of crime? It's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.I, for one, thought your examples were pretty offensive, but more importantly they were examples of stupid and lazy thinking. It's not that they were simply politically incorrect, it's that they betrayed a fundamental lack of understanding of others.In the first example you used the word "dumb" to describe children of below average scholastic ability. It's lazy thinking to ascribe scholastic success solely to an inherent smartness or dumbness or the child. You're reducing a large melting pot of factors into one intrinsic quality and then labeling children with it. Now, intelligence is undoubtedly a large factor in scholastic success, so maybe you can be forgiven for this, but it still behooves you to try harder to understand others.Your second example, and undoubtedly the more offensive of the two, casually paints welfare and government dependency as a "minority" problem. You've blithely sailed past the need to understand the history of economic oppression in America and you also seem to demonstrate an appalling lack of knowledge of any welfare statistics. You've also implied that simply being a minority is enough to get welfare...and indeed you called these "minority benefits". It's a racist, horrible way to think about the social safety net...even worse, it's not remotely true.

Has anyone else received hate answers like this?

Yes, I got answers like that too about a very honest parenting question I asked once (won't go there again--I'll parent as I see fit without anyone's advice, thanks)

I got really upset and actually changed my online name, hid my profile, etc., so I wouldn't have to deal with it again.

Unfortunately, there are just tons of miserable people out there that get their jollies off of writing evil stuff and trying to make others feel bad.

Maybe I'm just naive, but just MAYBE the whole world would be a little happier if we could just block users like that permanently, or figure out a way to turn it back on them so they shrivel up and die in their own miserable hate-filled little worlds.

You know what--everyone's parenting circumstances are different and you go right on ahead and do what works for your family. Be prepared to get answers like that when you ask questions that are even a little outside of what's considered "normal".

Most people like that are horrible followers, sheep, cows, pathetic excuses for human beings, with nothing better to do in their whole lives. They only hop on yourperceived abnormality to make themselves feel better for their own shortcomings as parents.

When you point a finger, there are 4 pointing back at you.

Why don't people like taxidermy?

I am one who doesn't like taxidermy. For a number of reasons.

1. I love animals to death. Now if you kill just for the purpose of stuffing it then shame on you. However, if you find an animal already dead or it dies of natural causes then go ahead and stuff.

2. It is a dead thing. I hate death. I can't be near dead bodies and I am terrified to touch them. So stuffing a dead animal to me is just weird. Being an autopsy worker is gross to me as well. Why would anyone want a dead animal around their house? Sure it is stuffed but it's just creepy to me

That's like "Hey, Grandma just died. Let's stuff her and keep her on the couch." Know what I mean? Maybe it's just my phobia of death and dead things. But I'm sure majority of people are with me on this.

It seems like no one likes me?

It seems like no one likes me, it's not that I'm mean or snobby, I'm just quiet. I have friends but not very many. People often ask me why I'm so quiet and why I don't talk with people but I don't really know how to answer them, so I get embarrassed. I think I'm so quiet because I was bullied pretty much all my life by older guys and girls so I have very bad trust issues and low self esteem so I kinda got into the habit of thinking "If I don't talk, then they have nothing to make fun of me for".
Being quiet upsets me. Like in geometry class, I got moved to a new seat (against my will) and it broke up this group of people who use to always talk. Now whenever they sit down they always say in a sarcastic way "I just LOVE this new seating arrangement" and then glare at me. It makes me feel so pathetic. I shower every day and wear light perfume and deodorant so it can't be that they don't like me because I smell bad, I'm never mean when they ask for help or ask to borrow a pencil or paper, I'm actually very nice and polite, I just don't talk, but is that really a reason to make me feel like an outcast?

How can I be more open to people and outgoing when I have already been labeled as the "shy girl"?
Because it seems once I think I have been labeled I can't be any other way without people thinking I'm weird or making fun of me behind my back :(

Why can't people respect others' opinions and views?

Some people do respect others’ opinions and views but the majority of people do not because they feel like there can only be one ‘correct’ opinion and that the so-called correct opinion is undoubtedly theirs because they must be right. For example, if Ken agrees with opinion X but opinion Y and Z exist as well, Ken may think that since only one opinion can be correct, it has to be the one that he believes in.Most people tend to think in a relatively narrow and single-minded fashion which prevents them from thinking of other perspectives on their own. When you think of something, you are most likely very clear on why your perspective is justified because you came to your conclusion and opinion based on a set of reasons which is logical and makes perfect sense to you. This is why your opinion is ‘correct’ and ‘right’, to you at least.And this happens for every single person. They know why their opinion is logical and expect everyone else to come to the same conclusion as them because they neglect the fact that not everyone thinks in the same way as them and will make the same links and connections as them to arrive at the same conclusion as a similar event So since a person is not able to think in the same way as a person with a differing opinion, the differing opinion will seem to lack logic and reasoning while their own opinion has both of them and is correct. Thus, a lack of understanding of the differing opinion could lead to someone’s lack of respect for a differing opinion or viewpoint.Another reason that some people may be unable to respect differing viewpoints is that a bias against a particular viewpoint has been ingrained in them. For example, if as a child, Joe has been told that opinion or viewpoint A is wrong, this bias against opinion A could become deeply ingrained enough in Joe that when he grows up, he won’t even question why opinion A is ‘wrong’. This would lead him to be unable to understand opinion A and thus, be unable to respect it.In conclusion, people may not respect others’ opinions because they believe that only one opinion can be the ‘correct’ opinion, they lack understanding of the differing opinion or they have biases against certain opinions.Hope this helps!

If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be and why?

I would choose to remain myself... it seems like everyone else is just so dull. I don't think of myself as spectacular, by any means... it's just that if I could be anyone I wanted, what would be the point? I know myself best. I know what I like and dislike. I can't claim to know the secret desires of anyone else... and what if I was someone else and wanted to go back to being myself? It just doesn't make any sense to want to be anyone other than myself... it will never happen, so what's the use of thinking about it when I could expend mental and physical energy to make myself a better person, or into the person I want to be? Rather than waste all my time living in some dillusional fantasy of someone elses life? Get my point? If anything, I want to make myself a better person, and have the satisfaction of knowing I made myself better through a process. That way, I can enjoy who I am and who I have become... I think if I was someone else, it would be wasted because I wouldn't appreciate myself, because I did nothing to get there.

Why do people hate christmas?

I don’t “hate” Christmas, but it’s certainly not the most wonderful time of the year for me. I’m honestly glad when December 26th arrives. Every year I understand Frank Costanza’s motivation to celebrate Festivus instead of Christmas more.Christmas Day sucks. Before I even get into the terrible days surrounding Christmas, I’ll address the day itself. The day starts out pleasant enough, Christmas Morning is nice, but the rest of the day sucks. The rest of the day consists of ten people cramped into a tiny living room that should only hold seven. Those people aren’t even family, they’re my grandma’s loud obnoxious friends. I don’t even know who invites them, they just show up every year like cockroaches. Suffice to say, I feel like strangling myself with my own hands the whole day.It’s too much. It seems like every year Christmas starts earlier. I was in Sam’s Club and they had decorations up in early September. Fucking hell, we aren’t even in the MLB playoffs, and Christmas decorations are being sold. And everywhere you go it feels like Christmas is being shoved in your face for a solid two months. I give too many gifts to people I don’t like and receive too many gifts.Christmas music sucks. Some of its pretty good, I like that John Lennon one. But most of it sucks, especially after it’s played to death every year.It’s fucking cold out, which sucks ass.People suck at Christmas time. Despite it’s original intent of being the time of generosity and goodwill toward your fellow man, Christmas is the most selfish time of the year. Which says something, because we are living in the time of “I got mine, so fuck off.”Christmas shopping sucks. I do my shopping online for the most part. But, I was forced to shop at stores for a few things, and that sucks. I would seriously rather stab a pen in my eye than go to Kohl’s.