Ap World History Outline Help World History 6th Edition

Does anyone have a study guide for The Earth and Its Peoples: a global history 3rd edition?

I'm looking for a study guide to go along with the classroom text book I have to give me a succinct summary of the chapters. I found one on the web ( but it's expensive. So does anyone have one they'd be willing to email to me at

And just to confirm, the book I'm using is the 3rd edition of The Earth and Its Peoples: a global history by Bulliet, Crossley, Headrick, Hirsch, Johnson, and Norhrup.


AP World History Practice Tests?

Our teacher also told us of a website that gives outlines of the chapters and many of the quiz questions come from this site:
this is specifically for Stearns, but i think it will help, especially the chapter outlines on the left

What is AP World History like?

ugh!!... sorry flashbacks =). Um..Its really hard to say what kind of an experience you'll have, because every teachers different. But I really didn't have much assigned homework to be honest, it was more of do it on your own kind of thing. And that's because its designed to be like a college level class, meaning you'll have to to take the initiative most of the time to read or study. We had regular essays (without notes), like every other week i think, and we had regular pop quizzes. Ap history and english classes are mostly group discussion centered courses, they skip the mundane regular activities that make up other regular ed classes like projects and presentations usually. Just prepare for a lot of notes that will be thrown at you fast and a couple of hours of reading every night or every other night. Not too bad I guess, just hang in there =) and remember it'll end!

What are some good study tips for the AP World History Exam?

There are a variety of things you could do to study for the AP World History Exam, of which I am going to do to prepare for the test myself, which is only around 3 weeks away now, I believe.KEY CONCEPTS!!! Can’t stress this enough. This is what is going to be on the exam. Sure, you could say that your AP World History textbook has all the content that will be on the AP World History Exam, however, knowing the key concepts and how to demonstrate your understanding of each of them is crucial for success on the exam. The official AP World History course description by CollegeBoard has a list of the key concepts that you need to know. https://secure-media.collegeboar... It starts around Page 20, I think. However, this is only the list. For detailed information regarding each Key Concept, I would suggest these two websites: AP Worldipedia (AP Worldipedia - AP Worldipedia) and this Wikispace Site (AP World History). Read the Key Concepts, like, every night!Study your notes! If you’ve been a good student in class and have taken all your notes, study them. They’re your own notes and they will be very helpful to you. If you were one of the slackers that BSed their notes or copied other’s notes, it won’t be as helpful.John Green’s Crash Course videos! John Green has made some really great videos on World History, 72 in total, with two series, the first with 40 videos, the second with 32 videos. I’ve started this so far, and I watch around 3 a day, which is a healthy amount. They’re pretty informative and nice to do when you are tired from studying or doing homework, as you just have to watch and listen (not really do any work). They’re on YouTube, search it up.Review books! Yes, a review book would be very helpful. I recommend REA AP World History Crash Course as it contains all the information that you need to know in a time saving format (so you can cram, or if you don’t have enough time). If you get the 2017 edition, the essay formats have been updated, and you can definitely use their sentence starters to make your essays more professional and to ensure that you get the point.Best of luck on the exam! :)

Where can i find a full outline of notes on the western heritage 6th edition?

It would make my life so much easier to have a detailed set of notes for ap euro after reading the whole chapter, if anyone knows where a full free version is that would be great!