Apostates Anonymous How To Deal With Drop

Why do some terrorist organizations hate Shi'a Muslims so much?

You are right. i will give you the right answer. It all started with the death of Prophet Muhammad. As soon as Muhammad died, muslims started fighting amongst themselves for their right to be become the succesors of muhammad.there were some people who tried to leave islam and they were killed.they are called apostasy wars Ridda wars  .There came out two sects each claiming they are the worthy successors. One is called Sunni and the other Shia. Sunni and shia have been fighting for 1400 yrs.This was largely political and not religious. However after few centuries, things took a strange turn. Two arab theologians Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya started writing commentaries saying that arabs are no 1 muslims, the purest ones. The so called persians (iranians) who are mostly shia are ofcourse lower impure ones, infact they are a kind of apostates. The spat between sunni and shia now becomes religious as well.This is the reason why sunni terrorist organizations hate shia so much. they see shias as apostates. even the recent radical form of islam called Wahhabism which comes from saudi arabia states the same. ISIS which is a creation of saudi arabia, constantly kills shia muslims - that too in mosques itself ! i always wondered why muslims would kill fellow muslims in mosques itself, that too by an organisation that claims to establish an islamic caliphate. The reason ? Because sunnies of that organisation of ISIS consider shias as apostates as non muslims / kaafirs. they believe that shias have no right to worship in mosques.Infact they killed them in the muslim holy month of ramadan. please consider watching this video.Its an excellent education on sunni radicalism by a shia muslim historian, its excellent, plz watch '' ISIS '' DR SAYED AMMAR NAKSHAWANI 8TH NIGHT MUHARRAM 1436 A H  MOMBASA  infact i have met myself muslims who were not radicals but wish that shias are eliminated. hope you got the answer.

After hearing voices Abraham cuts his genitals and almost murders his child. How is that not insane?

If someone did that now you would have him committed. Wether or not God told him to or not. Why do you believe he was sane because it's in a really old book?

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses have double standards concerning child sexual abuse?

Because they are decieved of Satan and believe they have truth, have you ever seen a picture of the watchtower? it looks like the baal god mixed with the statue of liberty. They have learned defense of their cult through baal practices, it is appalling.

What matters to them is dollars and accountability of bodies. How many and how much is all. Nothing else matters.

a few years back, i researched the cover ups, settlements and incidence of rape in that organization, they have no finger to point at the catholic church or any other religion, so many genocides, homosexual bashings and driving them to suicide. familiacide, beatings and cruelty. it is all recorded along with the legal actions, settlements and law suits. disgusting.

After factual documented discovery, I came to understand that to them, to be a discreet slave means to commit to cultism and cover up wrong doings.

God is keeping score and they will be held accountable by him.

I reviewed your attachments to view, read them all, i am not surprised, they dont care because they have been brainwashed to believe they are right.

Worst thing, the amount of rape on children and teens by their own fathers and uncles, so called elders and brotheren of that church, and then, the women are to blame with them for it. they are shameless. shameful and blackened in the soul if you ask me.

lies, death, destruction, and spiritual death comes from the dangers of such an organization. All should be aware, call the police when they come knocking, protect yourself, your home and your family from them.

Jehovah's Witnesses, why does god's organization protect pedophiles?

The elders take no action to elert the congregations of such individuals. They do not report the individual to the proper authorities and urge others not to. They require 2 witnesses of the act to come forward before anyone takes it seriously, which NEVER happens. Rarely is any action taken at all.

Is there truth to the claim that "apostasy within the LDS Church seems to be among the highest in Sweden" and that there is a "Swedish rescue" underway by church leaders?

BYU Magazine printed a map of LDS membership growth (and decline) for 2000-2010 this last summer:  Page on Byu.  It may be a little tough to see, but Sweden is one of the few places in the world (besides Puerto Rico) that experienced a decline in membership over that decade (The size of each country on the map is the size of the LDS Church there relative to the rest of the church, and each square represents a thousand members. There's a little more explanation of the project here, under "Membership and Annual Growth": A Geography of Faith)Anonymous seems to have information about outreach, which makes sense if Sweden was one of the few places in the world experiencing a decline in LDS membership, even if it only has 4-5 thousand members overall.

My soon to be mother in law is jehovahs witness and yesterday she handed me a bible. how do i handle this?

My mother in law to be is jehovah's witness and I am agnostic. My fiancé does not practice any religious beliefs and neither do i. His mother is completely devoted to her religion and she has been somewhat distant to me from the beginning. I recently bonded with her a little and we are just beginning to get closer; however, we never spoke of religion until yesterday.

Yesterday my fiancé and i went to visit his mom, and she handed me a bible, video, and relationship guide for success (all based on Jehovah's Witness beliefs).
I was polite and thanked her....but I kinda feel she is pushing her beliefs on me now.

She doesn't know that Im Agnostic. Should i talk to her about this? Should i let it slide and not bring anything up again?

I kind of feel what she did was inappropriate.....I would never hand someone a bible unless i was religious and i knew that other person was also in my same religion.

Was what she did inappropriate or what?

Did Catholics break away from the Christian church or did christian break from Catholics?

The Christian Church is the one headed By Jesus Christ

Anyone who believes in Him is a member, despite denomination.

As to the story your looking for, it all depends on who version of history you use.

From the begining until Constantine made it the official religion of the empire, Christianity grew under several flags. Orthodox, Coptic et al

It didn't become Roman Catholic until Constantine
And still the orthodox and coptic branches of the same tree survived Mostly in the eastern parts of Europe and the Middle East

Then Came the Protestant reformation more than a thousand years later, when Luther had his revelation of Justification by Faith

But in the end, we are all one church, one faith, one baptism for the forgiveness of sin