Appendicitis Question Thank You Answer

Would you know if you had appendicitis?

I felt bad. I went home from my office for a nap at lunch (hugely out of character). Then I went back. I picked up my stethoscope and found I had no bowel sounds along with my mid abdominal pain. I walked to the ER and they asked which patient I was there to see.I said “None, I need to be evaluated, I have no bowel sounds”. The ER physician looked at me suspiciously (orthopedic surgeons have a reputation for using stethoscopes only as reflex hammers), listened and said “You have no bowel sounds!”Off to the CT scan. It was normal. By that time I had right lower quadrant pain. The ER doctor said “Which general surgeon do you want me to call?” I told him.The general surgeon did an exam and said “you know what you have, sign here.” I was in the OR 30 minutes later with an 8 cm by 2 cm ready to burst appendix (i.e. huge) being taken out.The moral of this story is that CT is NOT perfect. Repeated exam over time is. Lack of bowel sounds is always BAD. The standard sequence is mid abdominal pain with/without vomiting migrating to the right lower quadrant.If you are getting sicker and sicker go back. If you get better it is an incidental finding.

Appendicitis- Post op pain questions?

I am 4 weeks post lapro incision surgery on the removal of my appendix. It did not rupture thank god but I was admitted and had surgery. I am experiencing a significant amount of pain in the lower right abdomen where my appendix used to be. Certain movements like laying down, sitting up, rolling over in bed cause a dull yet painful twinge in my gut. I was very comfortable around week 3 with the soreness from the surgery lightened and barely existent. I even started lightly exercising again. I am now feeling this very uncomfortable pain. I have tenderness on the spot, soreness around belly button. Lack of appetite, nausea. Please help. I am going to schedule a doc appointment, but I am nervous and want to make sure it isn't serious.

Appendicitis? Do you think I have it?

These symptoms are not classical to appendicitis.

You most likely just have a stomach bug. Make sure you eat lightly but still get proper nutrition and are staying hydrated!

Good Luck.

-MD Student

What are the symptons of appendicitis??

go to your doctor and who are you you are on my friends list

Could I have appendicitis with not a lot of pain?

Every case is different but I will share what happened to me given I didn’t have any of the “common symptoms” and was still able to catch it before it completely exploded inside of my body.I had pain develop only 36 hours prior to when the appendix would have burst (got to the hospital in the nick of time per the CAT scan and surgeons comments). It was a sharp pain (5 out of 10) on the right side. This was accompanied by a feeling of gaseousness; almost like what happens when you have too much fats and you become gassy/bloated. Once I passed a couple of stools and still had the gassy airy feeling+pain, i became worried. I was 27 at the time and this was a first for me. I began to think I had appendicitis when I read others’ experiences on Quora actually and so I just waited and monitored for another 24 hours—mostly because people close to me didn’t think it was a big deal.The one piece of advice I’ll give is you know your body more than anyone—if something is happening that you’ve never experienced before and pain/discomfort are both involved, SEE A DOCTOR. Or at least talk to someone who has a degree in medicine.

What's the difference between appendicitis and kidney stones?

you can want to know ahead of time all you like, you aren't going to know until she is diagnosed by a doctor. There are numerous things it could be, not just stones or appendix.

What does appendicitis pain feel like?

I highly doubt it is. Appendicitis is agony, you wouldn't be able to move your right leg without it hurting or bend over or just anything. I've never had it but a few months ago there was a girl in the hospital bed opposite me and she was shivering from the pain and screaming.
Get checked out by your GP anyway though, just to be on the safe side

I know this is the wrong section: is appendicitis survivable???

My appendix was removed over 30 years ago. That answer your question? Relax. It may require surgery for removal, if it is really the appendix. Doctors claim to not know why we even have that organ.
Today the surgery is laproscopic, so his scar will be small. He'll get antibiotics and may be released from the hospital in less than 24 hours. Stop worrying. I pray for your peace, but all is well.

What are the symptoms of chronic appendicitis in adults?

If a surgeon said “chronic appendicitis” as an answer to an oral board examination , they’d fail the exam. Officially there’s no such thing.Actually over the course of years I have removed some appendicies that were NOT consistent with acute appendicitis. The wall was thick and fibrotic, not edematous, without fecoliths or any luminal obstruction!!. Their pathology reports were of chronic fibrosis. I do not know what this is from but they felt much better afterwards.These people only had a dull ache, no GI symptoms. They had only pain no loss of appetite fever or other signs of illness. None had peritonitis, BUT right lower quadrant abdominal pain and an enlarged appendix on CT scan will get you into the OR every time.