Approximately How Long Would This Essay Be

Approximately how long does it take to write a 6-11 page research paper?

It will depend on your sources and how helpful they are. I've spent hours just reading my gathered research, only to find that none of it was really helpful for the paper I was writing. But, if you know the topic fairly well or if you have really helpful sources that are well organized and you don't have to spend too much time gathering information, it could still take you quite a few hours to do the actual writing. I've probably spent anywhere from 3 to 20 hours writing various research papers (usually around 8-10 pages) before. But everybody has their own pace that they work with, so I don't really know how long it will take you. Like any other project, the longer you spend on it, the better it will be, so don't leave it to the last minute!

How long would it take to write a 1500 word essay?

I have to hand it in tomorrow. I've got about 16 hours,, wont be sleeping tonight at all...stocked up on red bull lol
i have got a an outline i know what i should be writing for each para.. but haven't fully developed my ideas yet,, hoping that it would come to me as I write..i've got some research done
Can I do it?

If it asks approximately 2 pages of essay could it be 3 pages or no more than 2?

Approximately 2 pages means do not exceed 550 words if double spacing is written. 2 pages means 2 pages. In majority of the universities if you go onto the third page, the tutor would only read until the second page and give marks. The third page would never be read.So make sure you be brief and try to incorporate everything in the 2 pages assigned.

Approximately how long (in pages) should the 60 mark A2 Edexcel English essay (covering texts including, but by no means limited to, Great Expectations, The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale and the poetry of Billy Collins) be?

Well according to the mark scheme you need to write 10 pages for a D, 20 for a C, 30 for a B, 50 for an A and 100 for an A#

How long does it take to write a 1000 word essay?

I regularly write articles of that length at my blog and I’ll still say it depends. Usually it’ll take a day (2–4 hours), and I’ll add a second day for the proofreading and all (another 1 hour).This is what I do:Find a topic I WANT to write about. It’s much easier if you like the topic, and if you know a lot about it.Create an outline. I prefer bullet points of the stuff I want to discuss.Start writing it and don’t stop (don’t put it off or proofread it) until you finish the draft.When you’re done, rest a bit and THEN you proofread.A good tip on extending the word count: For every important point, USE EXAMPLES. I can recall several instances where I told myself “Ok, this should be a short article”, and when I list examples on how the points work in real life (e.g. Point about “Pay yourself first” - that means after every paycheck you take at least 10% of it BEFORE you start paying the bills or buying groceries…etc. etc.”).See what happened there?Anyway, I hope that one helped. You might have a different writing process though, but I hope that helped.

About how long would a 200-250 word essay be?

double spaced, about a page.

However, if you're using ms word, you can highlight the essay, go to "tools" and click "word count." It'll tell you the number of words.

Approximately how many words would a two page, double spaced essay have?

Approx. 500, depending if you format your essay using MLA style.

How long should it take to write a 5 paragraph essay?

1- 1 1/2 hour.

It's easy if you have the plan figured out. ( I am in elementary school)

How long does it take you to write a 5 paragraph essay?

with additional information such as a pre-plan etc, it takes me approximately an hour, more or less.
but without that, and just kind of 'jumping into it', it takes me about 90 minutes to 2 hours.

How long can a college application essay be if it suggests approximately 500 words?

If you are currently a CO 2023 applicant, join the group chat for applicants now! Here’s how - download Mascot, search the college you’re applying for and join the groups!Current college students: welcome to start your own group and help answer questions about your college!-This question always comes up by both undergrad/grad applicants and the frustration is understandable - honestly, it's like they're asking for a autobiography in 500 words, smh.But, it is a challenge all college applicants must accept and put 100% of their effort into, especially considering most people only apply to college 1-2 times in their entire life. Schools set these requirements because of the overwhelming amount of applications and simply because they don't have enough time or resources to read every detail of your life. So you need spend time thinking about what is most important about you and how you want your voice to be interpreted by the admissions committee. Sticking within the recommended guidelines helps the ad-com better identify who they are looking for out of the stampede of applicants.If you choose not to follow their requirements, say by submitting an essay of 1,000 words when they asked for 500, then you are choosing to portray yourself as someone who does not follow instructions and is inconsiderate of other people's time/work. That's not a good first impression to give in a college application and can easily be avoided by sticking to the word count!With that said, going over by a few words is something that is commonly forgiven, but still, just to be safe, you should email the admission office beforehand to ask, just to get a sense of how strict the school policy/culture is and then make your final judgement based on their response.Good luck!