Are All Religions Equally Dangerous

What is the most dangerous religion?

Simply put: They all are! They are all full of ignorance and ignorance is the most dangerous thing there is.
In all seriousness, Scientology. Have you ever heard of Operation Snow White? Operation Freak out? Fair Game policy? it's some REALLY scary stuff. of course, I consider Scientology a cult and NOT a religion. But since they consider themselves a religion I'll make them my answer.
EDIT: wow! it makes me so sad to see so many people hating all muslims. Just because a few of them take it to the extreme and are bad people they aren't ALL bad people. Hilter was Christian, must mean all Christians are bad people right? PEOPLE GET OVER IT! NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS

In a scale 1 to 10 which religions are the most dangerous?

Sadly "Atheism fails again" is misinformed... furthermore Atheists are happier & less prone to divorce:

11% of all American adults are currently divorced
25% of all American adults have had at least one divorce

27% of born-again Christians have had at least one divorce
24% of all non-born-again Christians have been divorced
21% of Atheists have been divorced
21% of Catholics and Lutherans have been divorced
24% of Mormons have been divorced
25% of mainstream Protestants have been divorced
29% of Baptists have been divorced
24% of nondenominational, independent Protestants have been divorced

Naturally there's more to this research (do a google yourself) Barna break it into demographics, states, race etc - but you get the picture.

Put simply this Christian Survey Company concluded: the more extreme your Christian beliefs are, the more likely it was you would end-up filing for divorce.

These statistics make a mockery of Family Firsts presumptions that Christian occupy some ‘moral high-ground’ when it comes to divorce.

Research indicates just the opposite is the case.

**** and I think the thumbs down just about demonstrates the level of denial about the issue *****

Are religions dangerous?

Religions, yes, Spirituality, never.

A person who refers to themselves as "religious" can use that term, but never really own up to what it means.

A person who is Spiritual is following there spirit to find inner peace, answers, love.

How dangerous is religion?

If we may quote Marx - "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
We human beings have an innate desire to "believe" in something. Even if it's in ourselves, we crave to have this "thing" of religion in our minds. It allows us to build a foundation of "goodness" in our lives and let's us live outside our personal sphere of influence.
If one can turn the masses away from the One that designed it all in the first place (God) then that person can control "the masses" into any belief system (religion) they desire.
Why do you think there are hundreds of different religions in the world? Someone or something desired to turn people to another way of thinking and they were willing to be turned.
Is religion dangerous?
It is HUGELY dangerous. As much as having NO religion for then you have no foundation to build from. Having no religion is not the same as having no God.
If you don't have God (one and only) in your life, then you will have gods in your life. Look where that has brought every civilization on the face of the earth!

Are all religions equally bad?

christianity and islam both stem from judaism and all have been forced on ppl

cults like scientology are just as bad and are no more ridiculous than any other religion, but scientology is a new age religion so there is no military conquest involved lol, just a massive scam.

religion shud be left in the middle ages where it belongs, not in our secular 21st century society!

I don’t know what “equality” means in the case of religions, but if your question is if all religions are identical, then the answer is clearly “No”. Religions differ in all sorts of ways in their origin, details of metaphysical speculation and based on that, the prescriptions that different religions offer for living. However, from our understanding of how the universe operates, we have no reasons to suspect the existence of supernatural beings or supernatural order – in fact the existence of many such entities can be positively denied based on the fact that the observed properties of the universe do not match with the predictions of a hypothetical universe inhabited by such beings. It is even hard to make sense of the word “supernatural” because everything that exists is “natural” A more important question to ask, therefore is this: Assuming that a religion is a purely intersubjective algorithm which controls the behaviour of populations, i.e the individuals in that population all carry out their lives as if the religion is true, would that result in a same sort of behaviour from different populations following different religions? In some ways yes but in many important ways, no. For most religions, you would see certain broad themes emerging such as some elements or notions becoming “sacred” and people gravitating towards it or some conception of transcendence. But there would also be innumerable ways in which they differ. Religion A may prescribe that an ideal practitioner of that religion must spend their time in self-reflection and meditating about “Gods”, “humans”, “suffering” etc. Religion B may spend a considerable portion of its discourse in how to “spread” their perfect word among those who don’t believe and how to deal with people who refuse to believe the perfect word even after being told so. Now both of these religions will have very different consequences in the real world, because the internal logic of these algorithms and the focus of its execution is absolutely different. The claim that the trajectory of these two religions will be different can be made with as much certainty as the claim that an apple falling from a tree will move towards the center of the Earth. I haven’t seen any rational case been made of all religions being the same and in my experience that statement usually exists to serve merely as a political soundbite.

Well of course women are dangerous especially to men. First of all men have a fatal weakness for women’s bodies and lust after them continually. Once their lust gets the better of them they are totally out of control for a time and under the spell and influence of the woman. Their brains go dead during this time and they are totally in the woman’s control. Look what happened to poor Adam. Now tell me, what man ever wants to be out of control? Control is what men live for. Power, control its all the same. It is in their nature.So of course it is natural for the male to use religion or politics or culture to keep women in their place. Men have a dread inner fear that their weakness for women could overtake them and destroy them completely. They must keep women under control at all times. What difference does it make as to how they do it. What men fear is the most dangerous thing of all.

Which is more dangerous: religion or government?

Then you are sadly so very wrong!!

Whilst many Americans claim that America is a shining Christian, moral nation blessed by God they could not be more wrong.

The higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion!!

The US is the world’s only prosperous democracy where murder rates are still high!!

Rates for gonorrhea in adolescents in the US are 300 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. America also has uniquely high adolescent and adult syphilis rates, and adolescent abortions!!

All the lesser devout nations developed countries are the least dysfunctional!!!

George W Bush started FIVE wars in less than eight years stating each time that it was his "God Given Duty"!!

Not his duty to the electors!!

Not his duty to America!!

Just his duty to keep slaughtering heathens for his god!!

Removing religion from any contact with government could bring world peace, better health, greater wealth and bring far better living conditions to all!!

Of course the christians are totally oppose to that!!!

Homeland Security is having to put more and more time and resources into tracking christians who seek to tear up the constitution, destroy democracy and foment a second civil war to install a christian dictatorship!!

A chilling warning was issued to US police forces last year about the threat of a rise in violent right wing and christian extremist groups fueled by recession and hostility over the election of the first black president!!

Seems these people are not just a bigger threat to American freedoms than external terrorists but completely anti American!!!

As an atheist, do you disapprove of all religions equally or with varying degrees of severity?As a decent human being I disapprove any human organization that causes pain, sorrow or any other form of making miserable the life of people.So I disapprove with all my disapproval any religion that does that in one form or another.As a rational human being I disapprove any human organization that promotes ignorance, superstition and irrationality.So I disapprove with all my disapproval any religion that does that in one form or another.As a libertarian human being I disapprove any human organization that endorses authority, limits freedom or prohibits things to other human beings.So I disapprove with all my disapproval any religion that does that in one form or another.As a democratic human being I disapprove any human organization that considers itself over the secular laws and entitles itself to legislate over people that don’t belong to said organization.So I disapprove with all my disapproval any religion that does that in one form or another.As you can see, my lack of belief in gods (among other fantastic creatures) has little to do with my disapprovals, because my lack of belief in gods is just a symptom of a humanistic secular rational non-violent ideology.As you can also see, many people who do believe in gods will agree with me in strongly disapproving the above mentioned organizations. Because being a person with a humanistic secular rational non-violent ideology is not privative of “atheists”.If you are interested to read more about what I think about the subject of your question (or tangential stuff of your question), here you are:Do atheists want all religion banned?Do atheists hate God?Should atheists agree with Christians, that atheism is a religion, so as to be afforded all the rights and privileges afforded religion?When should religious people be expected to apologize for religious violence?Why can't I accept atheism as a religion?How do atheists explain the fact that the majority of the world believes in a god? Is it mass delusion? Are atheists smarter or is it something else?If you are an atheist how do you avoid being rude to your religious friends?Can I be a Christian and accept gay people, other religions and non-believers?And these are only the answers I gave recently. There might be more that I wrote in the 3 or 4 years I’ve been in Quora. Search for them if you are interested, ignore them if you are not. It’s the same to me, after all.