Are Contact Lens Bad For You

Contact Lenses Good Or Bad?!?

I have them in right now and I am nearly fourteen. Though I broke my first this morning - in my eye. Painful experiences but it happens loads. Idk how much they cost, but I have dailies (new pair every day) and they cost about £90 for 3 months. But the ones you clean are cheaper. You have to be carefull near sprays. They are really good for sports. I wear them every day at skl and have a day off on sat or sunday. They changed my life. Though I went to specsavers twice trying to get them in. Failed twice. Went to Boots. In first timee. (They have patience with kids). I wear glasses while watching the tv tho. I havent tried underwater - but I wouldnt. They might get very bad. (Even though I forget to take them out in the shower) . When it breaks in your it eye it feels like a knife slicing through it. Painful but worth it. Some people dont like them. They iritate.

Are contact lenses bad in the long run?

Depends on the following factors.Modality.MaterialUsage.Modality.Can be a One year lens, monthly disposable or daily disposable.Material.SemiSoft, Hydrogel or Silicone Hydrogel.Usage.Your wearing hours throughout the day.One year lens are not advisable now.The latest technology is the Silicone Hydrogel lens now. Which gives maximum oxygen to your eyes.And if you are an occasional wearer then dailies are best suitable.For more info you can PM me.

Are contact lenses safe?

Contact lenses are safe. However, with everything that we use, it depends on how we use them and take care of things. Contact lenses have specific instructions on how to care and maintain them.I have been wearing contact lenses that need to be cleaned every night and completely replaced every two weeks. I always take care to follow my optometrist/ophthalmologists advice - many times it is similar to this:Always change out the contacts according to the manufacturer specified timeline. In my case, I have to change them out every two weeks. If I go over, the contact starts to improperly degrade and not clean as well and there is a higher chance of infection or eye damage. As long as I change them out on time, I'm okay. Take them out a few hours before going to bed to give you eyes some rest and recovery time. It's better to do this hours before going to bed because you get more open eye time to recover from the stress of a piece of plastic sitting on your cornea. Simply taking them out and hitting the pillow is not enough. This should be done every night. I occasionally forget, but I do my best to remember. Have a day where you go contact free once a week. My optometrist never fully explained this to me, but from just doing it myself I notice a huge benefit in terms of my eyes just relaxing. I do wear a pair of glasses with my updated prescription on this day. Most importantly - you must properly clean and care for your contacts. My optometrist recommended a hydrogen peroxide based cleaning solution that I have been using for 6 years now and I have never had any issues with eye infections or problems related to my contacts. Again, there are specific directions to follow with every manufacturer of cleaning solution. Ask your optometrist for their recommended brand and do your own research. I understand scary stories are a huge deal and they can impact our decisions. But, you have to remember that these news stories are a small percentage of actual things that are happening. Not everything in a tabloid (which is what the DailyMail tends to emulate) should be taken as absolute truth applicable to everyone. I applaud you for seeking out some truth.For some more information visit this FDA information page:! I apologize for any errors; I'm on my phone typing this up.

Are contact lenses really bad for your eyes? If no, which lenses should I use? Daily disposables or monthly disposable?

Contact lenses are not bad for your eyes if you follow all the instructions properly.You have to clean them daily with lens solution before wearing and after removing.Change the solution in the case every 2 days.Do not extend the wearing hours of contact lenses. If you have been advised for 10 hrs means wear only for 10 hrs.Nails should be cut because if the contact lenses come in contact with sharp nails then they might tear off.Do not extend the validity of the contact lenses than prescribed.Daily disposable is the best because you get to wear a new lens each day and needs less care to be taken and more hygienic.Monthly disposable comes next because you get to wear a new lens every month. You need to store it in case and clean them properly and dispose them after 30 days of opening.I will not recommend yearly disposable because not it is not good hygiene wise because you use the same pair of lenses for a whole year and the protein deposition keeps increasing and it may cause redness and irritation.And you can go for silicone hydrogel material in contact lenses.

Is it bad to wear only one contact lens temporarily?

I have an appointment with my eye doctor in a week and a half, but lately I've been having problems with only my right eye (my contact lens irritates it every time I put it in), so I can't wear it until I see my doctor.

The problem is that I have really bad vision in both eyes, and I'd hate to have to wear my glasses for almost 2 weeks. So today I wore only my left contact lens during the day (at night I put my glasses back on). It took some getting used to, but I did it all day (it's not like I have to drive anywhere; I'm just walking around on a college campus). I wanted to make sure that wearing one contact and having the other eye compensate for it temporarily would not cause any kind of permanent damage (such as making my vision worsen). Is it okay to only wear my left lens until next week?

People say Contact Lenses are very bad for your eyes...?

I've been wearing contact lenses for 5 years now - and I'm 15 years old. I have monthly contact lenses, and I have them in for 7+ hours a day and eyes are quite dry anyway because I spend a lot of time on the computer. I don't leave them in at night, however, and around the house I just wear my glasses. My suggestions are:
Try to find a nice pair of glasses (really, spend a good half hour in your opticians looking for a frame and colour that suit you, don't worry, you WILL find one eventually) and wear them when you won't be wearing your lenses for a long period of time and around the house.
Look on and check how long you leave your lenses in for. Depending on how old you are, your eyes will remain healthy.
Honestly, they are perfecting contacts every year, I don't think you need to worry! Try to wear them a little less and go for a contact lense check regulary. If they help you to SEE then why not? Clean them properly and don't use expired solutions or lenses.

Hope that helped!

Is it bad to wear weaker contact lenses than you need?

Your simple question has a complicated answer.  A simple answer of yes or no would be misleading at best. It would help if I knew your actual prescription and past history. Are you nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism, etc. Then you need to understand that an eyeglass/contact lens prescription is dependent on how your eyes are focusing at that time.  If you are blurry at distances over five feet and the contacts clear it up, anything different (more or less) will not be optimal. Your question avoids the source of the problem which in most glass/contacts wearers is near stress (staring at a near object for long periods of time without looking away).  If your vision is changing it's not because of the contacts. The contacts are a product of what you do with your eyes. Getting less than the right prescription is the equivalent of buying a smaller size pair of pants hoping that the gain in weight will be overlooked. Sounds silly but that is what you're doing with a lesser prescription.  Sure, it may be better for your computer/smart phone but it will not solve your distance blur as well.  A better solution would be addressing the causes of the changes.  Good luck.

Is it bad to use daily contact lenses for more than one day?

First I am going take off the Dr. hat and talk as a consumer. It has been admitted to me (by some forgotten source) that their new daily wears were the same as the monthly wear. Monthly wear were to be taken out nightly and disinfected. If one wanted to risk their vision and ocular health by using the daily wear lenses for several days (removing and disinfecting at night) Mars would probably not fall out of its orbit. Leaving them in as extended wear for several days is counter to the purpose of the lenses and could present the eye with increased risk of infection or other forms of inflammation.With the Dr. hat back on, people have become much too casual about contact lens wear. We definitely do not recommend leaving them in overnight. Each time they are taken out as directed to be used again, they should not just be rinsed with saline, but put through a disinfection cycle before being replaced in the eye. Yes, millions of people mistreat these instructions and do ok for a while. But contacts are not like wearing a pair of sox. The contact changes the O2 content, tear film, microbiology, and mechanical forces on the cornea. When you have seen an eye destroyed (no vision) by improper contact lens wear, you become much more inclined to save that one in a thousand from having any problems in the first place.This discussion is of general recommended practices, and does not constitute medical advice to any individual.

Is it bad if you are crying after putting in contact lenses?

this is very normal for the first timers.
when two plain surfaces are wet they tend to stick together, contact lenses perform on this principle. so whenever u wear contacts u first rinse them in solution to make it clean and wet. our eyes are not too watery always so when we put contacts, our tear ducts produce tears in order to make the front part of our eye i.e cornea more wet and sticky.
u must have observed after putting the lens in eyes properly, lenses will not fall down or shift its position because they are stuck together by a thin film of tears in between the lens and the cornea. tears also act as lubricant in eyes, it maintains the movement of the lenses. very important advantage of tears is that they clean the eyes, if any unwanted particle of dust goes in eyes.
so dont worry when u cry for the first 5 - 10 mins after putting lenses becuse tears are good for eyes. but if u feel uncomfortable, itchy or painfull or your eyes become red even after couple of hours of wearing lenses, remove them instantly and consult ur optician.
any queries about contacts or any other optical problem, u can contact me on
i m a qualified optometrist running my own optical shop.

Is it bad to take a nap wearing your DAILIES contact lenses?

Short answer is yes. Risk of infection increases by a lot. I personally wouldn't do that. That said, I know many people who do that and don't suffer any consequences, and those who do suffer the consequences are few and far between—BUT that doesn't mean it isn't bad to nap in lenses.I believe the risk of infection (by a bacteria, virus, fungi or acanthamoeba) is lower if:your eyes are not dry ie you generally don't suffer from discomfort with your eyes, both with and without contact lensesthe nap is for a very short time onlyyour eyes haven't had contact with shower or hot tub or tap water, or river/ocean water, except for the water in the packet your lenses came in.