Are Men Becoming More Feminine

Men are becoming too feminine?

Men nowadays are becoming more pussified and feminine by how the media are portraying them to be. I think in todays society we are lacking male role models, because some boys really don't have a real father figure while growing up to teach them about manhood. I heard conspiracies that the government are doing this, because they see men as a huge threat to them so they devalue the nature of masculinity in order to take control of us.

Why are men becoming feminine?

The "ideal" man you describe has been stunted all his life by cliches like yours. [Real mean don't have emotions. Real men can't be creative. Real men have to do everything for their bimbo girlfriends. Real men don't eat quiche, even if they might like it.] Oftentimes this breeds a real insecurity about whether they are "manly enough", which is one of the reasons such men like to carry guns, because it makes them feel temporarily strong and powerful. These are the ones who come back from war suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

I imagine your father had a very unhappy life because of all those ridiculous expectations, and now you are looking for a man that you can make just as miserable as your mom made your dad. Usually when women try to "dumb a man down" in this way, it is so they can slyly dominate them. But be careful. Sometimes they see through the trickery and in their frustration, lash out and become wife abusers, because they never learned how to talk feelings through.

I take it you are not having an easy time nowadays finding any man willing to cripple himself emotionally for your benefit.

Are men becoming more feminine?

I have seen many like this. It is the result of the feminization of society. Men have no role models that are real men, because groups like feminism try to slam them as sexist at each turn.

If our society became completely feminized, it would be the downfall of men. With the downfall of men, there will be the downfall of society/civilization. With society/civilization and men gone, the fall of females would come after, because they are dependent on male work to survive nowadays.

Are men becoming more feminine? Are men becoming more effeminate? If so, why?

I don’t believe men are becoming more feminine. I believe that men are starting to realize more of what it means to be a man.A revolution in attitudes about gender equality has created positive change in the lives of many women, but are we allowing men to change with them? As women gained greater power and more opportunity, men started to lose things they were taught made them “real men.” With more women in the workforce, a man being the breadwinner isn’t guaranteed. As women began to show up in places where men had exclusively dominated — boardrooms, the armed forces, Congress — men who had once felt safe to talk as they please, now felt imprisoned by a culture of political correctness. The cultural shift has left some confused, others feeling powerless and a lot of men angry.Our concept of masculinity should not be based on a man’s power over women. That’s not masculinity that’s oppression. This is causing people to fail to see what it really means to be a man. We are overlooking the value of men who are loving, sensitive, and caring. What kind of message are we sending to our children about what it means to be masculine?President Trump is an excellent example of what masculinity is NOT. He refers to himself as aggressive, strong and competitive — stereotypical masculine traits. All he is demonstrating is personality characteristics that are not masculine traits at all, but just narcissism and self-centered-ness. He has a lot of attributes of toxic masculinity, and that's not a good role model for our sons.We as a society need to affirm what being a man is all about. This attitude that men are not supposed to be effeminate or care or love or be sensitive is wrong and it causes a lot of men to feel their culture demonizing masculinity.Men pay a steep price when it comes to masculinity

Are men becoming more feminine? Are women becoming like men nowadays?

Its true.

It seems like nowadays being manly and traditionally masculine is unacceptable.
A lot of guys are being mushy and weak now,

it seems like women are slowly becoming the new men and men are slowly becoming the new women.
I was at a club Saturday and this woman in her early 20s or something straight up asked to me join her and dance, she was taking charge of everything and even asked me for my number,
I gave her a fake number because well to put it gently she wasn't my type.
a lot of my guy friends tell me that a lot of times there girlfriends run the reltionship and I've seen girls pick up guys in nightclubs and other places.

another thing is that Now women make up the majority of the workforce
are becoming CEOs of stuff
and earn more bachelor degrees then men.

How do you think this will affect the future?
How will men be like in the future?
would be ever rebel?

I would appreciate some intelligent answers please.

Why are men becoming so feminine?

I mean I feel like more men nowadays care about their appearance more than I do.. and I am a pretty girly girl. Its just my opinion, something that sort of erks me. You know, they have their hair all done, styled everyday, probably use more product then in a day then I use in a week. Their clothes are becoming tighter like womens' clothes. The tight tanks in bright vivid colors and patters. The tight pants and the fact their outfits are more well put together than what I myself even have time for. These types are taking so many selfies, they seem almost self absorbed. Again this is just my opinion but something about this just rubs me the wrong way. I dont know I guess I like beardy chubby men who know how to fix things... and men now are just looking like boys nowadays if anything. Its just such a turn off but such a fast growing trend. Call me old fashioned but its just weird! Not to mention these men I am referring to are completely straight.
I hope I didnt offend anyone too much!
What do you guys think?????

Why are men becoming so feminine?

Femininity is not a quality that one needs to be apprehensive about.It might mean taking care of one’s looks, being loving and caring, not overemphasising lust, loving fashion and trends, being emotional and even ‘crying’ sometimes.Though these are categorically feminine it doesn’t mean that these are characteristics only a female should have. There are a lot of successful women who have strong masculine characters, like hunger for power, aggression and even sometimes insensitivity towards human emotions.These are two categories of behavioural characteristics and in truth we are all, whether man or woman, a random mix of these qualities. There are a lot of self awareness and education towards breaking societal taboos, people can be more of themselves.Being yourselves is a great thing, don’t you think?

Are Asian men becoming more feminine?

I was intrigued by the question, so went out to investigate. So I found a couple Asian guys and asked them. Here they are:The first guy said “Yeah, I was just talking to my grandfather about that the other day after he kicked my butt. ‘Ya kids these days, yer all pansies,’ he told me.”Second guy was concerned. “It’s these damn low-rider pants, isn’t it. Isn’t it!” I told him the situation wasn’t irretrievable, and gave him a belt. Problem solved.So, research shows that while Asian men are less studly than their ancestors, it’s mostly a question of clothing choices and a failure to defeat aged grandparents in battle. Nothing to worry about. Western men have been in cultural and moral decline since Socrates. I know because I bought a Ouija board and asked him.

Is the world becoming more feminine?

Masculinity and men are demonized in most western societies. Look at even the answers here they associate masculinity only with violence, rape, and being racist. That being said there are two important things you must realize. Male violence is overt therefore it is concrete and easy to talk about.  Females practice violence in a covert way by using their higher verbal intelligence and social skills to emotionally manipulate situations and to obtain their desired outcome. Yet most people are too stupid to see and understand this when it happens and this is why it is not talked about. If women had the physical stature to get their way through violence they would do so. It is not a testosterone vs estrogen kind of thing. Both sexes are just as competitive and selfish but they use different means to an end. Different means of getting it but the same end is wanted by both sexes. Control and status. If you dig deep enough you will see that we humans are really pathetic selfish beings(for the most part) and although the sexes might use different tactics we both desire to fulfill our selfish goals and care only about our selfs.  So anyone trying to make it seem like one sex is some how more empathetic than the other is full of shit.