Are Men Equally As Affected By Low Self Esteem As Women

Why do Indian woman have such low self esteem?

What evidence do you offer to support the positon that Indian women, as a class, have low self-esteem?

I know a number of Indian or Indian-descent women who seem entirely normal....

However, in India, we might be inclined to point out that for many centuries, Indian women were considered to be essentially the property of their husbands, and to have very little in the way of rights and privleges.
This is hardly unique to the Indian culture, of course; we point out that women got the right to vote in the US only relatively recently.

Women with low esteem are afraid of being criticised, judged or scrutinized. They feel uncomfortable when being looked at closely by some people that they wear unflattering clothes on them. Some women are self conscious about themselves. Most women are conscious of their faces 'cause the face is what we remember most after meeting. Some are conscious of their body wieght and fats that they can pinch. They would then think of diet and exercising that a small percentage of them are going to downright skip meals and often puke them out. When they look or see someone more beautiful or stand out from the crowd they would try to shrink themselves and avoid anyone from seeing them.I think that they should stop caring why others say or judge cause the body is only temporary and doesn't last. They should just think about what makes them happy and live positively. You should start with telling yourself how blessed you are with the body you have. At least you have a face and body that is more blessed than few but you already know that saying.“We are all created beautiful”We were equally made beautiful but not with the same point of beauty. Some are dark beauties, Asian beauties and so much more. Each country have their own kinds of beauty and preferences. Like in Philippines, they prefer natural beauty. Brown skin, dark hair, brown eyes, small body build, even if they have short legs what they focus most is the character traits and morals. I hope this kind of helped you.

Why are gay men not respected, while gay women are.?

It depends on what you think of as respect. Yes, lesbians are more likely to be *accepted* but respected? I'm not so sure. Straight men love me because they think it's hot that I'm a lesbian. I don't consider straight men as respectful to me. Telling me it's hot that I like girls, trying to get a threesome, asking me if I'm bisexual,asking if they can join in, they're pigs, that's not respectful. Straight women accept me, but it's kind of hard for them in the beginning. There's pretty much no lesbians at my school, a teacher at my school is a lesbian and people say she's disgusting and they think she's a pig and everything. My guy friends who are gay are accepted by straight girls so easily. Straight guys accept them pretty easily too, and there's lots of gay guys and they flock together. Homophobic straight guys are pretty much horrible to gay guys, not lesbians, so because usually gay *guys* are the ones who are beaten or hurt, it's only because guys are threatened by gay guys, and if they feel threatened by a lesbian, they still wouldn't hurt a girl. Edit: Sorry, I may have been, to quote a corny but relevent saying, "beating around the bush." I think gay men get more respect than lesbians. I think some straight men could walk up to a gay man and give them props for being so open. Everyone else loves gay men, straight girls, lesbians, and obviously other gay men. Lesbians have the support of gay men, and other lesbians. With straight females, it really depends on how mature they are, and with straight men it's "wow, that's so hot."

Why are women so emotionally needy.?

Each man is attracted to his own, just as some men prefer blonds while another brunets. Some men like a “clinging” woman, it can be for a number of reasons, one it gives them a greater since of control, (this applies to the week and strong minded man equally). It could be low self confidence on his part, having a woman that’s “clingy” or “needy” boost his own since of self worth “you need him”. But a well balanced man can also be attracted to such a woman; the important thing is to draw boundary lines early in the relationship. If both of you do this you can be “clingy” but he wont feel like your stuck on him. Consider this; you know your mate does something regular, likes to go some where alone, if you learn not to break down or get emotional he can look forward to returning home to the woman that needs him. It might be you need to learn to accept boundaries your self.

Why do men find needy women attractive?

OMG!! You got a lot of answers... From my experience, the reason some men like needy women is because ultimately they do want to feel needed. They do want to "fix" things. They do want to be stronger and better in every way. I think they should be.

You are a great girl. I've known you for a very long time and I know that you are not conceited, bossy, bitchy or any misconception of what successful strong women supposedly are.

I think that you need to look for men in different places. I think perhaps you should seek out men you admire (i.e. strong, confident, educated men you can relate to and learn something from) Ask yourself why have you been attracted to low class duds in the past then get out there and enroll in a cooking class, dance class or foriegn language. Travel more and get excited about life.

I recommend this book: Eat Pray Love

Why do men put women down?

Its got to do with many reasons and I don't really know because I'm not a sexist.

OK! I am not going to just explain why men put women down but also help you to find a way to achieve things that men have.

I think men hate responsibility but like good responsibility.

To put it straight to the point men are stragglers and we know it and at some point in life many of us never got what we wanted because there were so much competition and the tougher ones got it first, we never had good privileges so what we have is the only thing that makes a man to be a man.

Its got to do with something that you are doing that does not benefit a male and this can drive a guy crazy. It feels so bad to become somebody at the top and males hate the feeling of someone just came yesterday and got it without no sweat.

It's a natural feeling that we all have especially when we are at the top because many people hit it to the top had many bad experiences in the past and they don't want to go back there again.

No men hates a women in this planet earth, its just that how women go about getting the same thing like a man, that makes men frustrated about women.

To get what men has, you have to be creative, if I'm saying creative try to get what the males have at the same time benefit them without any competition and without them knowing that you are heading in the same direction, that means by respecting other peoples feelings.

And another thing don't try to become too common, if I'm saying uncommon try to make something that is unique because a lot of males created a lot of unique things that you can see around you.

Create, create create and don't be common. In that way you will find it easier to succeed.
Just imagine today your feeling like you want to go through a crowd of people heading in the same direction, why can't you just go around the crowd to make life easier for you.