Are Men Intimidated By Healthy Athletic Women

Is it true that women now find "dad bods" more attractive than athletic, muscular physiques?

According to this article: women are now into the "dad bods," meaning that the guy has a little gut, but isn't fat.

The article also mentioned that if a guy is muscular or well-built, it can be intimidating to women.

Do you agree, ladies?

Do guys feel intimidated dating athletic girls?

No not all, I have friends who have said they are and never understood it. Now I’m not some some arrogant type who thinks…Yeah babe. I just think people click by being themselves, genuine people! and yes they can be athletic.The best example I can recall, I was in a restaurant A young woman walked in, dressed very casual followed by a smart guy in a suit. Clearly together, yet not. I was fixated in a subtle manner, hey I’m English and in Europe.This guy approaches me, first reaction he ‘s pissed off must be the boyfriend, No hostility and very polite he speaks in English. ?????The young lady would like to talk with you,errr ok we spoke he relocated to the next table. My head was distracted who is this guy clearly not older brother not old enough to be dad; Odd but a meet/date was made.Date night I turned up in jeans and a bike jacket and waited on the terrace of the bar. I huge Mercedes pull up the guy steps out?. Opens the other door and she arrives sublime!.As time we spent time together over time it turned out she was of an industrialist family, the constant shadow was in fact her body guard. I met family and could never shake the guy.Looks nah but step into the world of the super rich and yeah,puts you off . Names and places not included for privacy. I remain ordinary guy.

Why are guys intimidated by females who are independent and know what they want in a man, and out of a relationship?

Firstly, “independent woman who knows what she wants” is often code for “female jerk”. But let’s say she is a genuinely independent woman who is direct, decisive, but also kind, respectful, etc.There are some men who are intimidated by independent, direct women, but these men are mentally unstable or abusive. They get turned off by women they can’t abuse or bully.Mentally healthy men are usually not intimidated by an independent, direct type of woman. They might not be into her or want the same things as her. That doesn’t mean they disapprove of her independence and directness. Some women rationalize rejection by saying “He doesn’t want me because I’m too independent” Maybe he just doesn’t like you. Women reject men all the time and we call men creepy or unhinged when they can’t take their 500th rejection, yet some women can’t even deal with occasional rejection. Rejection is a part of life and you can’t have a salty attitude about it unless you want to live a very miserable, limited existence.In my experience, even the men who didn’t want the same things as me, respected me, when I showed them how decisive and direct I was. They had this “You’re a cool chick, I like it” attitude about it. Respect is more important than approval. I’d rather have people respect me than approve of me. Someone can approve of you but still disrespect you and not take you seriously. I’d rather go on 1 date with a guy who respected me but didn’t want a 2nd date, than to have a 10 year relationship with a man who approved of me but didn’t respect me. Hell, I’d rather have an enemy hate me but respect me, than to have a friend who approves of me but doesn’t respect me.

Are girls intimidated by tall guys?

Im 6'5, and 18 so who knows may grow a bit more, but was wondering if girls are intimidated by tall guys? I dont have much confidence going up to women as i think im too tall or they might feel intimidated? (yeah stupid i know). If you could help out though and answer what you think it'd be much appreciated :) I also weigh about 190lbs, athletic kinda build if that helps any. Thanks!

Do guys get intimidated by girls?

Guys are Intimidated because they don't know if they could measure up in a girls traits, such as looks intelligence, athletic. Looks because they dunno the girls type, intelligence because guys aren't as mature as girls. Athletic, well thats a guy thing, and no guy wants to get their butt kicked by a girl. Hope this helped.

Do men find muscular girls attractive? Do they feel intimidated?

Yes, I find mascular girls very attractive. Most of the people believe girls with good figures, with soft and sensitive skin are the sexiest. The main disadvantage is many of them are weak.Now, imagine your girlfriend who has all the above qualities plus she is strong and independent, that will be a perfect date for me.Since childhood, I believed the former notion as the sign of beauty, but when I saw fitness models like Anlella Sagra and Paige Hathaway, I was completely amazed and mesmerized by them. Fitness models are so beautiful and sexy.Many people say that working out will ruin a girl's curves and make their body shape look awkward, that's not true. So far I have seen is women having best and unique figures working out. So, yes, they can be a great role models for girls today.

Are girls intimidated by guys with big muscles?

no way i prefer men with athletic body..

Women, is a 6'7" guy too tall for you to date?

Just wondering, sometimes I feel like women are intimidated by my size. I'm 20 years old, 6'7" 245 lbs athletic and pretty good looking. I know women like guys that are taller than average, but sometimes I feel like I'm too tall. So is 6'7" too tall for most women or would you be intimidated by my size?