Are Mesomorphs Genetically Gifted

You are an extreme mesomorph, a constitutional type that tends to build more bone and muscle tissue than other people.If you also have flexible joints (a way to check is to see if your knees hyperextend, i.e. bend the other way, or if your forearm is at a side angle to your upper arm when you straighten it), then you are likely to be good at movement tasks.If you also have quick, strong reflexes, then you have the constitution shared by almost all elite athletes. Congratulations! You are a winner.Make sure you keep moving and exercising throughout your life. Otherwise you will be unhappy and unhealthy in spirit, body, relationships and thoughts.Also, learn to to express feelings. Emotions are experienced primarily in the muscles, which is why they're called “feelings”. Mesomorphs literally feel more than others do, but they also tend to suppress feelings with muscle tension.Staying active, and learning to express your feelings fully and appropriately is a must for your relationships and for all aspects of your health.Oh, and use your superpowers for good, not evil!

Are mesomorphs genetically gifted?

I guess you could say they are genetically gifted when it comes to the ease in which they are able to add muscle mass.

Is this a genetically gifted individual?

Most of those can be achieved through hard work & dedication.

Perfect pitch might be the only one you can't train. Don't know much about that though so just gonna leave it.

Intuitive - Usually a side effect of having a good overall level of knowledge and familiarity with a wide range of subjects(i.e. Educated)

photographic memory - memory can be trained. There are numerous books & tapes on the best ways to do it.

musically talented - I'll admit there are some that have a lot of natural aptitude and many who don't. But I think anyone could learn to play an instrument well if they put enough time & effort into learning it.

physically fit - easiest of all. Just train & exercise frequently and intensely

Am I genetically gifted?

hahaha that guy up there
genetically an idiot
hahaha hes so funny
he should be a comedian on t.v.
because hes so funny
that guy is seriously 5 stars genetically hilarious
Wat a classic


sarcasm cough

Somatotypes (endo-meso-ecto-morphs) are pseudoscientific nonsense[1]At best they describe someone’s current state, rather than a permanent condition.These are all the same person!Mesomorphs are people that may come off as naturally athletic or able to put on muscle and mass a bit faster than skinny people and a bit slower than fatter people.In reality, they usually just currently have a faster than average basal metabolic rate, but not so fast that it requires them to have to eat until they burst to see gains. It’s not entirely understood why some people have faster metabolic rates than others, some of the biggest factors are age, diet, and activity level.They may also have higher than average free testosterone levels. Again, this is something we don’t fully understand the causes of. We can treat it, but not permanently.You don’t have “more of a certain protein”. You eat protein, you can recycle it from other sources, but those other sources are usually your muscles. Generally speaking, you get your amino acids from foods.Additionally, you’re not usually seeing everything.A “mesomorph” might spend a lot more time in the gym and force himself to eat enough protein to grow.An “ectomorph” might not exercise enough or properly and definitely doesn’t eat enough to grow. They’ll use the “ectomorph” moniker as an excuse for their form when the reality is they’re not actually putting in the work.An “endomoph” may or may not exercise enough, but they might have enough of an appetite that they not only eat enough, they might eat too much, and most probably they are eating more than enough carbs.You assume the mesomorph is an easy gainer because they look fit. You haven’t seen the process.This isn’t always the case, like I said, they might have the perfect BMR and appetite that they’re naturally getting what they need. They might produce testosterone and growth hormones more readily. But it’s a big part of it.The reality is, things can change. A guy who has a mesomorph build one day, might crash and get fat. An endomorph might figure out a way to workout properly and eat right and they may come off looking like an ectomorph. An ectomorph might start eating enough and start looking like a mesomorph.Footnotes[1] Darren Beattie's answer to Is there any research on the possibility of somatotypes changing?

I'm gonna answer this question but please don't judge my grammar since I don't speak English.When I've heard of the three body types, I was so lucky to realise that I was a mesomorph (specifically a ecto-meso): I'm tall, lean but definitely has more muscle than the average girls. I use to be ashamed of my muscular arms and broad shoulders but today I'm happy to be build this way. I have a love-hate relationship with fitness but hate cardio, so I never run or do any other kind of sport. My diet is crap (I'm not proud of it but I really don't have time). I eat everything I see, my only preoccupation is to eat proteins. I know, it's very bad for my health and shit. My biggest problem is hunger. I'm literally always hungry. I eat but still feel empty. And it's annoying cause I'm always depressed after eating something. I'm doing weight training for a while (focusing on my legs and butt since my arms and shoulders are already muscular) and I saw results pretty fast. I barely have fat. There was a period I tried to eat more than normal (what's already a lot but anyway) to fastenmy results but it didn't really affect my fat percentage and I was still really hungry so...I'm mostly tired. I guess it has to do with what I eat and how much  I sleep (yes, I don't take really well care of my body) but all my friends are mostly tired too so I can't compare haha.

Genetically gifted, weightlifting?

Ah, what you are describing is a Mesomorph (perfect body). Basically a genetic body type that would resemble a Greek sculpture. This person defies all the rules
that the rest of us have to follow in an attempt to look like him. The majority of us are either Endomorphs (fat), Ectomorphs (skinny) or a third subclass created by modern diets that I call EndoEctos (skinny-fat). These are the people who eat junk food all day long and experience little or no physical activity on a regular basis. We have all seen this type.....the guys with the skinny upper body, skinny legs and a belly.........or the woman with the thin torso and arms, but an explosion of chunk at the waist and hips.

All this means is that the guy you are describing is a genetic anomaly (freak) compared to the rest of us. This person can eat two Big Macs, supersize fries and coke in the car, then walk into the gym looking like they are ready for a bodybuilding contest. They eat carelessly and get great results from it! I'm jealous!

The worst part of all this is that the Mesomorph is the person who people look to for advice! This person is unknowingly misleading everyone else not as genetically gifted as he. Not on purpose, he just does not know better! They know they look good and the crappy diet and training work for them.

What you must do is realize that you have to train according to your genetics. Train for short periods of time (45minutes or so) very intensely and take days off for recovery in between each session. Many pro athletes now subscribe to the less-is-more theory in the gym and it is paying big dividends. Depending on how long you have been training and what you are training for, shoot for 4 hours of gym time per week. Hit it for 1 hour on 4 days and get down to business. Lift and go home, don't chat or watch the TVs! Distractions at the gym can train wreck gains, even for the most dedicated athletes.

Try not to stress. Don't workout when you haven't slept, feel sick or haven't eaten properly that day. Admire the guy who looks good in the gym and know that's why you are training, but put yourself through the paces that you can handle.

Don't get caught up in the monkey see, monkey do gym mentality. The rest of the monkeys in the gym are doing what Mesomorph does but they don't look a bit like him! Go figure.....

Train Hard, Eat Hard, Sleep Hard!

They are badly misunderstood. Bodybuilders use them as if they were three distinct body types. Actual researchers who came up with the stuff (starting back around 1940) always said that most people do not belong to a single body type (as many as 70% have features of two or more types) and they are best considered to be three separate metrics. Original metrics were also quite subjective. In 1990 two researchers (Heath & Carter) came up with a reasonably objective set of metrics (e.g., the endomorphy metric is basically the average skinfold thickness, and the ectomorphy metric is closely related to BMI.)In addition, bodybuilders assume that everyone has a fixed / immutable body type, but it was not exactly the case even in the original classification and certainly is not the case in the 1990 classification since all three metrics are training-sensitive. Terms are not used all that much because it's not clear what they could be used for. They don't represent genetically predetermined body types, which rules out the purpose bodybuilders want. They are not used for direct correlations with health outcomes, because researchers like to stick with simplest metrics possible (which are sufficient most of the time). For example, even skinfolds are rarely done in large epidemiology studies; because you can calculate BMIs for 10 people in the amount of time it takes to take proper skinfold measurements and to use them to calculate body fat percentage for 1 or 2, and BMI accounts for the bulk of interpersonal differences anyway.

Am I built like a mesomorph, ectomorph, or endomorph or mixed?

my measurements 36D-25-39, 5'6" usually weighing 140's, i'd like to know if im a mesomorph, ectomorph, or endomorph? I do both gain and lose weight easily, but not more than 10 lbs, i fluxuate usually in the 140's



heres the descriptions:
1. Ectomorphs. If you are an ectomorph, you are going to have the hardest time putting on size in the gym. You have a slight build, are probably tall and thin, and you have narrow hips and shoulders. If your goal is being thin, then you definitely want to be an ectomorph. However, if you are an ectomorph, you have probably been thin all your life, and are sick of it. The bad news is that you are going to have to work extra hard to become big. The good news is that you can easily do it.

The key with ectomorphs is to train hard and eat a LOT of good, clean food. Your body is a furnace on overdrive; you need to eat, eat, and eat some more. Eat when you don't feel like eating. It's the only way that you will get bigger.

2. Mesomorphs. You are the blessed body type. You are naturally muscular, and you have broad shoulders. Those people that just look in great shape, even though they might not train very much? These are most likely mesomorphs. Action movie stars, professional bodybuilders, are most likely mesomorphs. Most people are usually either ectomorphs or endomorphs. If you are a mesomorph, you can train less than an average person and still look great.

3. Endomorphs. Endomorphs are both gifted and cursed. Endomorphs can get into great shape, however if they let themselves go, they will most often get that round shape; big round stomach, thick legs, etc. Endomorphs gain weight very easily, but they can also lose fat rapidly and build muscle quickly when they set their sights to it. Endomorph is probably the most common body type.