Are Nail-biting And Bipolar Linked

Why do bipolar patients stop taking medication knowing this could ruin their life?

I have had Bipolar 2 for all my life, and was diagnosed 14 years ago. I have had countless medication and dosage changes as well as ECT treatments. If you think that someone who goes off their medications is thinking about how such an action is going to affect their entire life, think again.Many people go off the meds because they think they are doing okay and don't need the meds. It's all good, to them.For me, life on medications is just plain boring. While the rest of the world is whirling, and people have feelings, some people -like me- are parked in neutral. It's like staring out the window and seeing shades of black and gray and white. And everyone else gets to see it in color.As for ruining my life, well, one or two days of being off medications does not a bad life make. I skip meds once a week or so, because a) it gives my body a break from all the drugs, and b) I can FEEL something. The littlest bit of emotion up or down means a lot.I'm not suggesting that anyone be non-compliant with their meds. My docs know this is what I do, and they trust that I am making good decisions.I haven't skipped any meds this month. Last week, as I sat next to my mother-in-law's bed, and watched her go without food or water for 7 days before she died, I did not cry. Family members around me were crying, some were telling stories and laughing, and others were saying how relieved they were when she finally died. All I could do was sit and watch.I'm not looking for sympathy or empathy. It is what it is.

Is nail biting and OCD linked?

I have been chewing my nails for as long as I can remember, and I've taken a few different medications for OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ) and Anxiety. The medication I can remember actually helping with nail biting has totally slipped my mind! I do remember it caused almost constant tremors though which is why I came off the medication. I've seen a few other answers on here and they seem like legit advice, only I would like to solve the problem at the core. How is it possible that a pill magically makes nail biting not an issue, where as playing guitar daily or using the computer daily still does not interrupt this horrid Habit!? I really hate hiding my hands, and I usually do so when I meet new people. Any idea's or solutions are very appreciated.

Is nail biting a symptom of anxiety?

Unfortunately,I think it is. I used to be a real nail biter and I realized that I was only biting my nails when I was at school and I had tests or home when I was learning. Also, any uncomfortable situation determined me to start biting my nails. Now that you know you might be a little anxious, there’s no need to worry. Although I still have bad moments when I’m anxious ( who doesn’t? ) I stopped my nail biting. I don’t believe in flavored nail polish to stop biting your nails or things like that. For me, it was an inside thing, I was just angry that I always had injuries around my nails, that my nails were really hurting and that they would start to bleed very fast. So I decided to start painting my nails not because I hate the smell or taste of nail polish, but because I wanted my nails to be finally pretty.If you are anxious, you don’t need to do anything, just to control your mind and set a goal. Mine was to have pretty nails that don’t hurt. I think I managed to do this:[ Nail Tutorial ] Easy Chevron Nail Art

Boyfriend is taking paxil does it ever get better?

My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly three years. We live together and have a 17 month old son, and are expecting another child. In mid July he was prescribed Paxil for a severe nail biting problem linked to OCD. It wasn't just biting nails it was biting his nails, as well as all the skin around his fingers...and toes. The medication has helped tremendously, as all nail biting has came to a stop. And so has all sexual activity. We haven't been "active" since he began taking the medication, and he explains that he has absolutely no desire at all. I also feel like he is disconnected emotionally, he doesn't care if he hurts my feelings and there is no affection between us at all. This may be partly exaggerated due to the fact that I am hormonal and pregnant and tend to be over-emotional, but I feel like we're room mates living together.
So does anyone have any experience with this drug, does it get better?
A sexually deprived girlfriend.

What is the connection between body-focused repetitive behaviors and adhd?

Yes, definitely. ADHD isn't a narrowly defined diagnosis, and individuals who suffer from ADHD often share similiar characteristics and life experiences, but the behaviors that result can vary significantly. Behaviors like nail biting, skin picking, foot tapping, and so on create physical activity and movement when the body is "sitting still". An ADHD individual watching a TV show that they are very into could be doing any of these behaviors - or even a combination of them- and thus in some way is incorporating physical energy into this otherwise sedentary activity. This is not necessarily a conscious act on the part of the ADHD individual. An old term for this I have heard is 'nervous energy', and in some ways, it is very suited to my observations of the many individuals I have worked with who have the ADHD diagnosis.

What mental disorders result in people scratching themselves to the point of bleeding (like in Black Swan)?

This is a difficult question to answer because the scope is so broad.  Self injury can be seen in specific diagnoses or can be an isolated behavior without a specific diagnosis.  That being said, here are a few psychiatric diagnoses that have self injurious behavior as a common aspect.Borderline personality disorder: self injury is one of the core nine features of this diagnosis although it is not seen in all cases.  Self injury can take many forms and play many functions but one of the most common descriptions is superficial self cutting as a escape/tension release/grounding technique in response to an intense painful emotion.  Self injury can sometimes be seen serving a similar function in PTSD.Obsessive compulsive disorder/dermatillomania: OCD is characterized by compulsive repetitive behaviors that inturupt one's life and continue despite desire to stop.  One of these behaviors can be skin picking which most often occurs on the face but can be anywhere on the body and result in significant damage.  Dermatillomania is specifically skin picking and thought to be a disorder of impulse control.Psychotic disorders/delusional parasitosis: delusions seen in psychotic disorders can result in self injurious behavior: eg a man who cuts his arm to remove a monitoring chip thought to be placed by the government.  Bruce's answer is a great description of delusional parasitosis so you can check his post for a description.Developmental disorders/intellectual disability: self injury can be an awful behavior seen in severe forms of these conditions.  Some examples include head banging or self biting. It's not known exactly what function these behaviors serve but they can be quite aggressive and debilitating.I bite my nails and cuticles when I'm under stress (a nasty habit I know) and picking at one's fingers can serve a similar function.  This isn't really a diagnosis but a common behavior that can often be addressed by carrying around a squeeze ball or a pair of nail clippers.  I'm not sure that would have fully addressed Nina's issues...

Can you be addicted to sadness and depression?

Drugs like smoking and alcohol are addicting. What you are talking about is a habit. You are not addicted to biting your nails but do it out of habit. By default your computer checks the floppy drive first before loading Windows.

By default people seek happiness, perfect peace, endless love, total contentment and extreme euphoria. See beginning of article of site below where Aristotle and the Dalai Lama say that people want happiness. Then see how top psychologists have found how you can get that.

WHY DO PEOPLE SEEK THESE THINGS. It is because deep down this is what you always feel. It is called the true self, original self or true nature. Shakespeare said "To thine own self be true." Socrates said "Know thyself." In the core of your being you are totally incredible and beyond misery and nothing can ever change that.