Are Omnivores Basically Zombies

Yes and no.Human’s can absolutely break skin and take chunks of “Flesh” Out of another human. But Muscle is a problem. It’s pretty hard to bite into strong muscle tissue.Now part of the Zombie Argument seams to be a lack of restraint, zombies don’t care if they break there teeth, or tear the tissue of there mouth and jaw… But.. Something that a lot of Zombie shows get consistently wrong is that Humans and Zombies lack the jaw power to bite into hard materials. Or Elastic Materials.For instance any work gloves would be enough to stop a Zombie from biting off a finger.Most long sleeved clothing would work well.I always tell people that I can in pretty much in home in the nation make zombie proof armor and a effective weapon/shield against zombies.

It’s an old survival instinct leftover from caveman times. If a cave person came across another cave person who showed obvious signs of an illness, the sick cave person would be shunned so as not to infect the other members of the tribe.Modern medicine has given us lots of alternatives to simply abandoning a sick individual. But there’s still that immediate gut reaction to stumbling across an individual with such obvious signs of illness. Even when logical thought takes control again, the initial disgust is still there.People with eye patches or prosthetic limbs often do so to try and avoid getting that gut reaction from strangers, or even people they know. Doctors have become desensitized to that initial gut reaction, but do occasionally come across that one patient whose case makes them squirm.

Anything that could be wrapped around an arm to help block a biting attack or maybe a knife could certainly help. I suspect they were using newspapers or magazines because they were flexible, composed of many layers, and available.On the 60’s tv show “I Spy” the heroes would often face an opponent with a knife. They didn't have any fancy James Bond style gadgets or Kingsman bulletproof suits. But they did have their own suit jackets, towels, etc. and wouldn't wrap that around their left forearm to block the knife while punching with their right arm. Another example is the prison TV drama Oz where the inmates would put sections of phone books under their clothes to protect against shiv attacks.Layers of material like that wouldn't stop a bullet and won't last long in combat, but it would definitely buy some time.

Ok so some vegans claim humans are herbivores?

There are many types of herbivores:

-ones who eat primarily grass and leaves - cows, gorillas, horses, sheep
-ones who eat primarily nuts, berries, legumes, seeds - squirrels, mice, chipmunks, chimpanzees, lemur, bonobo, oranguatain.
-ones who primarily eat twigs, bark and wood -deer, moose

Humans are a type of herbivore that is biologically designed under group two of the herbivores. We do not have the capabilities to deal with grass and leaves, or twigs and wood. We have the ability to deal with nuts, berries, fruit, legumes, grains. The nuts and berries, fruit, and legumes give us enough protein and calories to live on.

However, throughout thousands of years, humans have developed the genetics and adaptability to eat more starch based food - underground roots and such such as potatoes and sweet potato and burdock. That is why we have what is called AMYLASE on our tongue, which is a STARCH enzyme to digest starch. Although we are still technically called frugivores/ or fruit eating herbivore, we have developed some enzymes to eat more starch based material, the kind that is found in grains and potatoes, and other root vegetables like burdock, carrots, radishes.

Although technically a herbivore, type two herbivores are the only herbivores that can consume as much animals and insects as they want to without hurting their body, and just because they can get away with eating meat, it does not change the fact that they are primarily herbivores.\


@Rico C:

Yes herbivores can eat and digest meat.

I bet you didn't know that cows, while mostly fed grain, are fed daily parts of other animals including their blood and muscle tissue. Cows are herbivores, and yet they can eat and digest meat. The only animal they are not allowed to eat is other cows, because it causes mad cow disease.

Victor dog food?

I would much prefer and recommend Victor or any OTHER grain free food versus a GRAIN-BASED dog or puppy food. I learned this from my holistic vet, who STRONGLY feels grain is the culprit behind the majority of illness or unwellness she treats in dogs and cats. It was the entire cause of my dog's kidney & bladder stone FORMATION.

Dogs as well as cats are CARNIVORES not OMNIVORES. Dogs were never designed by NATURE to eat corn or any other grain. You will NOT FIND any wild dogs or wolves eating up a corn field. Nope, no matter how hungry they won't DO IT.

Grain is INFLAMMATORY it will make any pain in the body worse for a dog (like hip dysplasia, arthritis, and yes can lead to the formation of kidney or bladder stones).

Many dogs are allergic TO one or more grains because they are not meant to EAT THEM. Most dogs have a very tiny (almost non existent pancreas) - but all grains digest INTO SUGAR. This overworks the canine pancreas, that was never DESIGNED to handle HIGH GLYCEMIC FOODS.

Sugar feeds cancer cells, Sugar leads to out breaks of yeast infections (such as ear infections, yeast skin infections, feet infections = that smell like FRITOS) -you name it.

An overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract may mean the dog ends up with IBS or some other long term digestive problems. Do I really need to go on? Grain based diets are one of the main causes of out-beaks of demodectic mange. Dogs or puppies taken immediately off grain based diets & treats - almost always improve, even w/o any other medication, because GRAIN feeds...... INFLAMMATION, even if the animal is not "allergic" to the grain.

Suppose you wrote the world’s best novel about zombies.Gorgeous prose, excellent characterization, delightful plot, zombies. It moved agents to tears. Editors fought bodily in the auction to buy it.To some people, including the zombies would count as a mistake. They would wonder why such a talented writer didn’t write about office life/cowboys/two sensitive queer people on a sailing ship instead.No matter how good a novel is, there will be people who would consider it a mistake that you didn’t write the novel THEY wanted.So by that standard, no, it’s not possible to write a novel without mistakes.Write to please yourself. And possibly your editor once you get there.

No fish? But JESUS ate FISH!!?

He also got nailed to a cross to die are you going to relive that little bit? I mean you nor anyone knows what Jesus ate and just because someone ate or did something many many thousands of years ago doesn't mean you should do it. If Jesus jumped off a bridge...?

If you are a Christian you should know the Ten Commandments if you don't well I will help. The 6th (or 5th if you are Roman Catholic) commandment states "Thou shalt not murder/kill" not I didn't add an asterisk because I don't need to interpret to fit my own wants. It says don't kill so you just don't kill and you should never reinterpret that to mean "oh well clearly god meant only humyns or only this or that" it simply meant killing is wrong.

You cannot eat fish and be a vegetarian, you also cannot really eat any meat or kill anybody for any reason and call yourself a true christian because that would mean violating god's law and you shouldn't do that. The bibles were all written by men (I don't actually think any were written by womyn but I could be wrong and if so many apologies) so using them to interpret god is not the best of ideas, sticking to the commandments that god is purported to have written makes more sense.

However there is the CVU which can be of a lot of help for christian vegetarians: