Are Other Countries Restricting Air Travel From West Africa

Which countries are safe to travel to in West Africa?

Well, south Africa, definitely isn't in west africa...
Anyhow, I would say, there are 5 nice countries to visit in west africa.

- Senegal, Mali, Burkina for the Sahel countries which have great history (for your info, Mali is the name of an ancient Great African Empire, check it out on wikipedia)

- And for coastal countries: Ghana and eventually Benin which also have a rich history, and nice beaches. ;)

A ban on travel to (and from) West African countries would embarrass us all.  It's xenophobia and, in cases such as Africa, often a smokescreen for racism.The Americans contracting Ebola are in contact with the bodily fluids of contagious people, because they're medical personnel.  If you don't grab open sores or wash your hands, you pretty much don't get infected.  Don't let the media frenzy convince you that Ebola is lurking around every corner.  Banning travel says that Africans shouldn't receive help.  We'd rather help the disease spread and deal with the consequences when it crosses into a continent that we care about.Refusing to ban travel is part of a better solution (treating the source) and it's more in line with the principles we claim to support.  Let thirty know-nothing countries grandstand.  We have better things to do.

Let's assume there's a ban on flights from West Africa to the U.S.  If I was travelling in West Africa and wanted to get home to the U.S., I'd head Northeast to Morocco, take a boat across to Spain and hop on a couple trains to take me some where Northwest - Netherlands, Switzerland, France, or England. I'll catch a plane from there. Even if I'm denied boarding because I have recent stamps from West Africa, one of the two countries are going to do their damnedest to make sure I don't die. Africa - not so much. This is also assuming I didn't just book my ticket home for a couple days out and then "lose" my passport. Voila, no record of West Africa, unless someone decides to go searching. Multiply that by thousands of travelers - people going everywhere as potential carriers and there's no record of any of it. Wouldn't that be an even bigger problem when dealing with issues related to quarantine?---As a side note, I do wonder why no other countries (outside of West Africa) are having Ebola outbreaks - especially the ones closest with the best medical care (like the few I mentioned above). Plenty of people from these countries travel in and out of West Africa - French and Spanish are official languages in some of these countries. Sensationalist media and those that pledge allegiance to it.

What are all the Middle Eastern countries?

It is traditionally held to be the nations of South West Asia plus Egypt. However, it can also be extended to include North Africa and even Central Asia.

One of the most common definitions is that of the international airline industry which defines the Middle East as "Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestinian Territory and Gaza Strip, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen." This definition is used internationally for setting fees.

Afghanistan and Wewstern Pakistan are often included as well. North Africa has strong cultural ties as well. In 2004, the G8 developed the concept of the Greater Middle East including Turkey, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Various Central Asian countries and the lower Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia) are sometimes also included.

In addition, this definition includes the Arab part of Africa including Algeria, Djibouti, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan Tunisia and the Western Sahara.

From Singapore to Africa?

I want to do volunteer work in Africa,but i'm not sure of how to go there from Singapore,i just want to get a basic idea first as this is only a rough planning,i mean,like,which airlines had a direct flight from here to Africa?i'm not sure yet which part of Africa,i've been trying to find airlines that go to Africa but there doesn't seem to have any..not those very expensive ones though..also,i need a rough idea of how much the flight would i have to go to a travel agency to know more?please help..thanks.

Which airline company is the best for domestic flights?

The previous respondent was right: The "best" airline will largely be determined by your specific needs.

Here's what I'd recommend: Rank order the following in terms of importance to you -- price, number of connections, and departure/arrival time. Think carefully about which of those three you value most, which you value the least . . . then drive your search based on those rankings.

Next, go to a good "roll-up" site that searches multpile booking sites for you. I recommend because they search all the usual suspects like Expedia, CheapoAir, and BookingBuddy; but also the airlines' own sites (, etc.). In this way, they'll do all the work for you.

Once you've done your search, Kayak will let you modify your parameters: Want all the prices listed from lowest to highest? You can do it with the click of a mouse. Only want non-stop flights? Click and it's there for you. How about only departures that leave after 10 a.m.? One click does it.

Doing this will help you sift through an otherwise overwhelming amount of information. Play around with it for awhile . . . you might even find the search and booking process to be fun!

And no, I don't work for Kayak, I just love their site. It's what I use to book all of my personal travel.

Good luck!

Kango Traveler

Book a flight to liberia, west africa?

Ah particular. replaced into that granted to you via the Honourable Cheif Laboombok after he replaced into waiting to receive the sum of $12,000,000 by way of my economic business enterprise account? guy, I made out nicely on that one...and that i presumed it replaced into unsolicited mail!

Everyone's answer seems wrong. We can and Air India has recently flown East over the Pacific Ocean to the US and not only became the longest non-stop flight in the world but also covered the distance in much lesser time and fuel thanks to the strong tailwinds blowing from west to east as the earth rotates. The distance increased over the Pacific Ocean to the US but faster tailwinds helped them cover it in much lesser time. They did the return journey over the Atlantic Ocean, again traveling west to East. They also gained time as they started on 23rd Oct 4am local time from India and by traveling east, they gained time and reach San Francisco at 6:30 am local time on 23rd itself, as if they never spent the day at all traveling. The range of a modern 747 is enough to cover the distance without refueling, and till the east coast of China and Japan, they have radio comms. with the ATC.