Are People Becoming More Selfish

Why are people now a days becoming more & more selfish?

The answer lies in our origin. If you have studied science and especially biology you will understand that we all are born animals. Charles Darwin made a theory which states” Survival of the fittest.” If you translate the theory in layman’s term it means that the animal who is strongest will survive and the weak ones will perish. Now the strength can be of body and mind, but it is the mental strength that matters the most.Now comes the best part. Firstly by our mental strength we became the conquerors of this entire world and started treating other animals as our slaves and we are eating them daily and abusing them for our selfish motives. As other animals except human can’t speak so we are unable to hear their cry. Now humans have gone a step further and have started abusing each other and also mother nature which has given birth to all of us and we are destroying mother nature day by day by a lethal weapon which we call development.So my friend which we actually call development is nothing but human greed as we are not satisfied by the means which we have in hand and we are always eager to have more. On the contrary other animals have limited requirements and are not so greedy. A Lion who is considered as king of the jungle only hunts when he is hungry and if he is well fed then he will not kill someone.Now comes the sad part. This entire nature is a very well balanced Ecosystem and we all can live in harmony with fellow human beings and all other animals and this is the best way also. This thing was understood by humans thousands of years ago and is also mentioned in many ancient books. That is why they treated elements of nature like water, fire and air etc as their gods and worshiped and thanked them for fulfilling their all requirements of life.And the final part. Greed is good for personal benefits. But ultimately this human greed will destroy human race, other animals and also mother nature. So the humans who consider themselves intelligent are destroying their future for today’s sake. And they are not aware of it as they lack foresightedness so see the future of human race. It is a bitter truth but such greedy people have occupied all the important posts in this world and good, intelligent and selfless people are not given any importance in this world and their number is decreasing day by day as wicked people are sabotaging this world.

Why do people become more selfish as they get older?

I don't know if that's a fair question, not all people get more selfish with age.

Are people becoming meaner, greedier and more selfish as time goes by?

Yes. I was born in the late 50's and I remember growing up that people were a lot nicer back then, most people wanted to help others in any way that they could and they didn't just think of themselves.

Do you think our society is becoming more selfish and rude?

Yes! Sadly I completely agree! I have found too many people seem to say and do whatever they want wherever they want completely disregarding other people's feelings. So many people seem to be rude to their own families and even complete strangers. I try not to take it personally and avoid people who are rude and don't think before they speak or don't have any manners. I know when I have a child they won't get away with being rude and disrespectful to others.