Are People Born Good Or Are They Born Evil.

Are people born evil?

Are people born evil? Are we all born purely good and get corrupted by society? Is there evil within all of us?

Furthermore, how would you define evil and good? CAN they be defined? I am looking for personal opinions, but sources would also be appreciated. Thank you!!

Are people born good or evil?

The good and evil that you see don't even exist in reality, at least not outside of the mind that believes in them. They are only judgments passed by the individual from their own unique perspective. What one person sees as bad or evil may seem to be the only logical thing to do from some other perspective. The ideas of both good and evil are point of view specific. This is why people like bush and bin laden are either loved or hated. Bush was seen as good by people who shared his fear based thought system. Those who have a compassionate concern for all of mankind often saw him as evil.

Bin laden was much the same. He was seen as a villain in much of the western world, but he was somewhat of a celebrated pop star in certain parts of the Middle East. There were T-shirt shops that sold items with his picture as though he was Jesus. His demise was reason for celebration in some circles and a reason for sadness in others. It all depends on your point of view or perspective.

To sum it all up good is the name we give to people who do things that we think we like.

Evil is the name we give to people who do the things that we don’t like.

This is of course based solely on our particular point of view.

Love and blessings


Do you believe people are born good or born evil?

When people are born into this world, they are born innocent, new and unknowing. Innocence, to me can be seen as good. They are babes, knowing nothing and only needing. Then people grow and learn and begin to think. The things they are taught as they are young, and the people they know do much to shape their personalities and awareness. People become aware of what is good or bad partly through trial and error in early stages of childhood development, partly through what they are taught, and partly through their own conscience telling them. If you think back to the first punishment you remember receiving, do remember why it happened? Do you think that action was evil? Evil has to do with the heart and mind Choices we make in thought and in deed. I believe that we are all born innocent, but capable of giving in to evil, especially in weak moments. Those who continue striving against that evil, no matter how hard it may be or how many times we may fail, are still fighting the good fight.

Are we born evil, or good?

the greatest evil perpetated on humankind is the nonsense that anyone can be born evil. What is evil is the catholic doctrine that a newborn baby can be evil. If there is an all loving god then there are no circumstances where a new born baby can ever be evil. If Christians are right that there is a god then he is not wortthy of my belief and love if he condemns a baby at birth for not being a christian. I do not believe that anyone is born evil or good. We are what we are due to our genes and due to the environment in which we are raised. You sexually abuse a child from day one then they will believe that this is appropriate behaviour and they will abuse when they are capable of doing so. They are not evil and deserve our sympathy and understanding. No one is objectively evil or good. We are what we are because of who we are and what we have seen. It is again the nurture/nature argument and not one that can ever be proven unless you want to perform experiments that most people would consider unacceptable.

Do you think people are born evil?

Are bad people born evil?No one is born evil. People a born with a combination of the organic chemical make up as determined by their parents DNA. Throughout their life these chemical processes can affect what and how they learn, but they will still be learning from their families, friends, teachers, and social setting.From birth to our deaths we are filtering our world through a mix of chemicals in our brains and our bodies. Optimally we like to have a nice balance, one that doesn’t leave us depressed or tired or manic or hyperactive. This balance can be thrown off quite easily and we see it happen all the time when people consume certain items, such as alcohol and drugs. As obvious as those examples are, we have lesser chemicals that can also affect us such as caffeine or even a vitamin deficiency.My father in law, while hospitalized at age 85 for a broken hip, for which they felt it was necessary to catheterize him for over a month. His dementia became exponentially worse in the third week, he became combative and even bit a nurse. The forth week, the doctors determined he had a severe bladder infection and this was compounding his mental issues. They treated the infection and the combative cantankerous old man disappeared and became the sweetheart we had always know and loved, even if he couldn’t remember our names.So, people aren’t born bad, but they may be predisposed by their genetic nature to view the world in a more negative or unpleasant fashion, just as others may be predisposed to be manic or perpetually happy. The lessons they learn are viewed through those lenses.

Do you believe that people are born good, evil, etc.?

And also that people have a destiny, and that that destiny can be altered throughout their life, but it will still occur. For example: Adolf Hitler, born poor in Austria-Hungary and rose to political power and could have won WW2 if he would have focused his military power to the war and not the holocaust, but rather than turning it around and eventually winning the war, he thought that he'd loose anyway, so he killed over 6 million Jews and several other ethnic and religious groups. Now how do you think he KNEW he's loose the war? Anyways, this question's not about Hitler only it's about if people are born good or evil or the possibility of both.