Are People From Britain Friendly Or Arrogant And Rude

Why are most British people arrogant?

I'm sure there are good and bad people everywhere. Same as French people. We can't judge the whole country because some of them are ignorant.

Darren is unfair to say all French people are rude. I was in French last July and I met the most friendly, fun people in Marseilles. We traveled to Italy together and still keep in touch. I also was in London and the bus driver wasn't friendly. Matter of fact, he yelled at passengers. I also met a British doctor in the US, he is nice, friendly and such a gentleman. Bad people are everywhere and so are good people.

Do British people think Americans are rude?

Please British only: Do British people really think Americans are rude and arrogant? I want to move to England someday but if the people won't like me, I don't want to be bothersome. And also I've heard British say that they are offended when Americans claim to speak English. If this is true what do you think we speak? I always thought I spoke English....

Why are people more arrogant and rude when they are drunk?

The majority of my friends abuse alcohol regularly. I've noticed that their personalities are polar opposite to how they come off when they are sober.

Some of my friends are more friendly and social when they drink. It's always a good time when I spend a night out with them. However, when they are sober a lot of them come off rather reserved. I actually like them better when they are drunk than sober which is bad because they are not exactly themselves.

On the other hand, some of my friends who are very nice and approachable sober are arrogant and callous when they drink. Some of them are extremely aggressive when they drink and often express a strong desire to create conflict (fights or destructive behaviour). But they aren't like that sober. In fact, they are nice and genuinely caring. I actually don't like going out with them and their impulsive behaviour has had a negative impact on my friendship with them. But I shouldn't hold it against them because they can't remember what they did half the time.

Whenever I get drunk my personality doesn't change at all. What you see is what you get. But with others it's like they are a whole other person which provides mixed signals about their actual personality.

Why are some people friendly and other people rude?

We only know someone who we loathe and just hate, just because they’re such an unpleasant person to be around, while at the same time we have it the other way around, we have people who are some of the friendliest and most pleasant people you’ll ever meet.

Why is it that some people are so different? It’s something I’ve never figured out.

Are English people rude?

Are Americans rude? :)It depends on who specifically you are talking to. I have some biases though, only based on my employment overseas.I worked with Irish men, British, Nepalese Gurkas, South African, and Iraqi people.The Irish were the funniest people I’ve ever known in my life - and I love them to death.The South African boss was kind and fair - a good guy.The British guys were all (but one of them) cocky and full of themselves. They put my life in severe danger and when my Iraqi friend cut of part of his thumb, it was laughed off by them and told him to put it back on and get to work. :( My British boss also stole part of a book I was writing and published it in his own book. Like I said, no clue how other British people are. I am only sharing my limited experiences. Also, maybe we needed overly confident and cocky people to work where we worked - in a super dangerous life-threatening environment. We needed the bold and fearless.I also was close to a British family in America - they were wealthy and I babysat their kids. They were respectable, sweet, serious and intelligent people. Very kind also. Maybe America rubbed off on them! LOL just kidding…I don’t know.The Nepalese were also quietly humorous guys, yet very serious and caring. Their job was to protect us.The Iraqi people were loving, kind beyond words and true friends.So, I have no point here, other than sharing my story about very specific people and our time together. It may not translate overall to a massive group of people. By the way, I am part English! ;)

Why are British peopel so stupidly rude?

I was talking with this girl who lives in England..and it's like she didn't know how to keep the conversation going?I was the one who was putting the effort and she wasn't friendly at all.I've never met someone so unfriendly.Why are british people so rude?

Who are more arrogant, the British or Americans?

There’s no good answer to this.Whether I say Brits or Americans, I am stereotyping and generalizing an entire nation of people.Individual Americans are more arrogant than individual Brits, and individual Brits are more arrogant than individual Americans.In both groups there are all types of people: smart, ignorant, rude, arrogant, polite, kind, selfish. Everything.Not all Americans are the same.Not all Brits are the same.

What do you think of Australian people? Do you think they are rude?

Australians are “rude” due to a variety of cultural factors. Most powerful and pervasive is a strong sense of egalitarianism; that all people are essentially equal. This is tied almost inextricably to battlerism; that we are all entitled to a fair go for equal hard work that may take many years to pay off. Further there is Tall Poppy syndrome, where someone who is perceived as overly successful or a braggart is to be ostracised or excluded until they fit with the norm once more. Lastly os the concept of Mateship; simply described as a loyalty to close friends above all other things. Australian culture also, perhaps unfortunately, has a strong tradition of antintellectualism, where education is undervalued and derided as inferior to physical labour. An absolute negative of Australian culture is the Cultural Cringe, where traditional Australian values, language, culture and dress is viewed, by Australians themselves, as inferior to other cultures, formerly British in the past but latterly American.Australians have a tendency towards unworldliness and naivete when dealing with foreign cultures. Their brashness compared to other cultures is generally covering a uncertainty of how to act and most Australians will be welcoming of any attempt by a local to teach them about local norms so long as it is approached in a friendly manner, preferably over food and drink.