Are People More Egotistical Nowadays Then They Used To Be

Why are people so immoral (slutty) nowadays?

It's the 60's crap starting over again. Liberal 'I can do anything I want and not feel ashamed" attitude this generation has adopted for themselves. I am shocked how people have no shame whatsoever and act like there's nothing wrong with acting, being, talking and dressing filthy and they judge and make fun of and belittle people who have morals and class. These people have not been raised right and not have been taught self-respect and values. We should blame their parents too for not bringing them up right. It's so pitiful - I cannot fit in with society because almost everybody acts the same, dresses the same, listens to the same horrid new music, talks the same, loves the same sucky celebrities, like the same crud movies and all seem to be in on all of it (trends, fads, etc.) If you are not with it then you are considered uncool. Ridiculous.

Is romantic love nowadays egoistic?

Henry's right. Romance in the 'contemporary' sense, is a shameless indulgence of the ego in a sensual immersion via another person, an immersion which the conscious mind would struggle with alone. The romance genre developed during the Middle Ages via the troubadours and courtesans, focussing on the adventures of knights (typically on Christian crusades.) Romanticism began as a counter-cultural movement to the Enlightenment and Rationalism, developing from romance, of the danger yet exciting potential of Man* letting himself be swept up in the world beyond his capacity to reason. The Gothic tradition is connected to this.Romance is a self-admittedly egotistical dramatisation of courtly love, about embracing sensual (generally sexual) pleasure, and quite separate from love, which is about self-sacrifice towards a person or cause perceived as equal if not superior to one's own needs. However, romance and limerence often find themselves in a deadly tango, as the self projects its desires and ideals onto another, determining the then-subjective and thereby objectifying them.The veneration of love over romance is considered a facet of toxic monogamy, rooted in purity culture. Also, I'll ease up on the pretence for a bit; old married couples will tell you that love alone does not stir up the old loins or inspire lust. There's a reason for scheduling dates despite being committed to each other for two decades!* Man is obviously gender-neutral for 'people', but I'm using the archaic term as the original philosophers would here.

Why are people now a days becoming more & more selfish?

The answer lies in our origin. If you have studied science and especially biology you will understand that we all are born animals. Charles Darwin made a theory which states” Survival of the fittest.” If you translate the theory in layman’s term it means that the animal who is strongest will survive and the weak ones will perish. Now the strength can be of body and mind, but it is the mental strength that matters the most.Now comes the best part. Firstly by our mental strength we became the conquerors of this entire world and started treating other animals as our slaves and we are eating them daily and abusing them for our selfish motives. As other animals except human can’t speak so we are unable to hear their cry. Now humans have gone a step further and have started abusing each other and also mother nature which has given birth to all of us and we are destroying mother nature day by day by a lethal weapon which we call development.So my friend which we actually call development is nothing but human greed as we are not satisfied by the means which we have in hand and we are always eager to have more. On the contrary other animals have limited requirements and are not so greedy. A Lion who is considered as king of the jungle only hunts when he is hungry and if he is well fed then he will not kill someone.Now comes the sad part. This entire nature is a very well balanced Ecosystem and we all can live in harmony with fellow human beings and all other animals and this is the best way also. This thing was understood by humans thousands of years ago and is also mentioned in many ancient books. That is why they treated elements of nature like water, fire and air etc as their gods and worshiped and thanked them for fulfilling their all requirements of life.And the final part. Greed is good for personal benefits. But ultimately this human greed will destroy human race, other animals and also mother nature. So the humans who consider themselves intelligent are destroying their future for today’s sake. And they are not aware of it as they lack foresightedness so see the future of human race. It is a bitter truth but such greedy people have occupied all the important posts in this world and good, intelligent and selfless people are not given any importance in this world and their number is decreasing day by day as wicked people are sabotaging this world.

Why are people so proud of themselves and some treat you lowly if you're not stuck up to ridiculous levels?

Forget about them dude. Why would you want to appeal to such douches anyway. Its like trying to convince a muslim that christianity is right or visa versa. Im not religious but its a good example as to how hard it is to change how someone views the world or even them self.

People like that dont last and one day they wake up and realise that their life is sh*t, they have no real friends and all they've done for their whole life is try an make people think that they are the hottest sh*t on the planet.

You hit the nail on the head with the facebook persona but they're the ones who are the facebook persona.

Keep it real bro. F**k who they think they are and what they pretend to stand for. You are better than that.

Edit: Looking down on people like they look down on you only puts you in the same class of egotistical masturbation as what you're hating on. Essentially you'd just be doing what they're doing but somehow making it alright in your head. Dont stoop to their level. You dont have to associate yourself and identify yourself with glutinous ego indulgence. Its like living life like it consists of only two sides of a coin. In reality there is no coin.

Are humans naturally inclined to be egotistical?

From what I've observed, it seems that life--ESPECIALLY on the internet--is just a series of revenges on everyone and everything. Everyone always seems to believe that only they can be right, and they'll argue their case to the ends of the Earth, and then if they're proven wrong, they get angry at the person who proved them wrong. Anytime someone is wronged by someone else, even if they're the one who started it (and so they deserve it), they still won't feel that they deserve it, and they'll get revenge on the other person for getting revenge on them. Thus creating an endless cycle of revenge.

I admit that this is also an accurate description of myself, and I really don't care. But is this how most people are in general, or is it just the people in my life?

Why do people hate on Mariah Carey so much?

Mariah is a BEAUTIFUL, talented artist that has blessed this dying music industry with her quality music (a rarity nowadays). Yet I always see so much hate for her. They say she's a diva yet her "diva" antics are obviously done humorously and as a joke, or they hate on her for changing her music style, but you can't really judge her because she wanted to stay relevant. She still does ballads! Or they say she had plastic surgery, which she has (minimal surgery though. New boobs and a Bose job), but it's not like she changed her entire face like Jocelyn Wildenstein, she actually looks very very beautiful and much like the 90's still. Or they hate on her for the loss of quality in her voice, but they fail to recognize she's been singing for over 20 years wil nodules...that'll definitely effect the voice. Not her fault. Or they say she has turned into a slut, when really its sensuality. She shows cleavage yes, but she it's not like she's wearing her bra and thing on the red carpet. She always has on a CLASSY dress. And really she never "changed" like people say, her TRUE self (her current self) was always held back by her ex husband tommy mottola. She can never seem to do anything right. I LOVE her, her music has inspired me and it touches my soul. She has a song for every emotion. Why hate this angel that is so precious in this growingly dirty culture?

Does every new generation of humans become more egoistic?

I think as a general rule every generation likes to feel as if that particular generation is the best one to date, as if all prior generations were behind the times, or lacking in some way, or simply not as advanced or capable as the current one. So, in that sense, I think there is a sense of egotism associated with simply being young and fresh and starting life.And that is what bugs me so much about young people (generally speaking). I see so many cocky, self-absorbed young people behaving as if they reinvented the wheel. I can see being confident and optimistic and self-assured, but too many younger people act as if the world should be thankful for their mere presence, or as if the world or society owes them something for simply being young (and presumably for being special).I never acted that way even when I was a teen or twenty-something. I disliked cocky, egotistical behavior back then from many of my young peers, and I dislike it just the same now from younger people (and also, to be fair, from people of any age; I do realize that cockiness and arrogance have no age barriers, but it just seems to me that younger people often have a monopoly on those traits, or at least have them to excess).