Are Pushups Enough To Build Upper Body Strength If So How Much A Day

I have no upper body strength?

Start by doing pushups resting on your knees instead of the tips of your toes until you can build up enough strength to do them the traditional way. A good way to determine the number of pushups to do is first try to do as many as you can in a row without rest. Then, do pushups every other day in sets of 3, reducing the number of pushups you do each time by 2-5. For example, if you can do a maximum of 20 pushups at once, you should do 18 pushups, then rest for a minute, then do 14 pushups and rest, then 10 pushups and you're done for the day. Of course, you may adjust the numbers as you like if it's too easy or challenging. Every couple of weeks you can try to increase the number of pushups you do and once you can do 40 to 50 knee pushups you should be able to do 15 to 20 regular pushups no problem.

Will doing 15 push ups a day help me gain more upper body strength?

From my understanding of fitness techniques it is not the best method to do it daily. Specially 15 push-ups. It would work better if you did 4 or 5 sets of 15 push ups in one day and wait 2 days to do another 4 sets. If it's too much do 3 sets of 10 push ups and increase them over time. Long period of time. You can't do the same muscle everyday as it needs time to heal if you want to get bigger. You will know if you did enough push ups the next day as your chest will be sore. Specially when you first start. Burning yourself out is also good. 4 sets and in each set your max even if your last set only has 5 pushups as long as it's your max. A big way to get bigger is also by adding some weight on top of your back. To get big muscles you need heavier weight. Light weight will only make you cut. You can also try changing your push ups to decline by placing your feet higher than your upper body such as a chair. This is if your working from home which will still be a little difficult to do. If your working from a gym, any chest exercise heavy weight. On your days off chest try doing pull ups on a bar hanging around your house. But you have to push yourself to do your max.
If you want to get really big you will need heavy weights and supplements like protein to feed your muscles.

How can I build strength to make push ups easier?

yes! for push-ups..well..i think they are a great exercise! include them into my workouts..i do 5 sets of 100 every other day .
ways to do build strenght to do more:
1. try doing push-ups with your both hands placed upon each..
2. try pushups with your hands spread far apart..
3. do "dips" exercise where your hands a separated upon an elevated surface..and lower your upper body till you can not "dip" any further..
4. using a wall to support yourself into a pushups in this fashion..
5. pushups depend upon your weight, so you will only get as strong as you do a weight lifting exercise called "bench presses"..this uses the same muscle groups..only it allows you to increase the weight as you become stronger.
6. lol..and for fun ;) do pushups with your boy/girl friend upon you.
good luck!

In my opinion NO ! atleast not 100%let us assume Day 1 : you can do 20 pushups andDAY 7: You can do’re increasing the rep ranges of same body weight. So you’re increasing the endurance not the strength. In initial phase yes your strength will increase but to some extent after that its all about endurance.As we all know strength increases with progressive overloading of weights. Thats why powerlifters do 1 to 5 reps of exercises and lift heavy.So solution is:You can go to advance levels of pushups to increase strength for exampleDecline pushups: Keeping your toes at elevated platform and hands on the floor.CLAP Pushups: throwing your body in the air with more force from the push up position and making a clap before landing on the floor.Crawl Pushups aka Spider pushups: making a pushup in each crawling position. You can google it.One hand Pushups : Keep your feet wide , one hand on the back and other to control the body weight and making a pushup.One hand clap pushups: This is very advanced same as clap pushups but applying force from one hand.weighted pushups: Keeping weight on your back.hand to knee pushups: you’ve to touch your knees before landing back to ground ( A tough one)hand to toe pushups: Touch the toes this time (tougher one)triple clap pushups: first at front of your chest then behind your back and then back in front of your chest then land back to ground. ( Toughest one)You can check all these on youtube for better clarity. There are many more variations but these would be enough to have increase in your strength. Hope it helps.

Is 100 pushups a day enough for me?

It can be but it doesn't work the biceps as much as the triceps. Instead I'd reduce your push ups to 50, build up to 50 sit ups daily to strengthen your torso and buy some dumbells. They can be quite cheap and give you more flexibility to pick exercises to suit your frame. They also give you a more natural muscle shape, which women prefer to 'cartoony' block arms created with bar bells and bench presses.

Go to the store and get either a 4kg or 5kg pair to start. As you get stronger move up the weight range but don't start too heavy too soon. This will give you a more rounded, stronger upper body, rather than just the 'push up mucles' in the back.

Free exercises are available here:

Don't forget to keep your food intake up, plenty of protein (eggs, meat or tuna) for muscle building and drink steady amounts of water while training.

Limit your workout to 25 minutes per day and when the weight isn't enough, buy heavier dumbells, don't extend the workout over more time or it gets out of control.

Also don't forget to take a day off from exercise. Work your routine for 3 days then on the fourth day do nothing at all. This allows your muscles to recover and gives you 25 minutes longer in bed that day!

In short- It will help.Push ups are a great exercise if you are trying to loss weight and increase your basic metabolic rate. However alone they will not make you loss weight. have you every heard anyone say“you can out work a bad diet”It is so true. As you know you need to me in a caloric deficit to loss weight however the is a wrong way to do it and a right way.The wrong way- Staving your self, no eating foods you enjoy and doing to much exercise.The right way- Going into a 200–300 calorie deficit, Keeping protein high around 1g of protein be lbs of lean muscle mass.(Just doing some look around there are some amazing transformation that have happened doing push ups)

You can build your body with any exercise. Pushups and planks are very good for building your body.However you will not be able to get good results if your BMR is not good.Do walk and rest routines as mentioned on my blog.Hydration dehydration cycles will help in balancing every mineral and walking and rest routines will increase the RMR which will help in permanent cure of mineral imbalance in the long run.Read my blog for more details and / Or watch my you tube videos at - rajinder bhalla**In brief hydration dehydration cycles is as given here -**Day 1 - Drink 150 ml water every hour from 7 am to 6 pm. Reduce meal size by 20%. No other fluid/ liquid.Day 2,3 - Drink 150 ml water 1 hour before each meal. Total fluid intake 450 ml in the day. Reduce meal size by 20%.Repeat for 2–3 weeks.**To get best results increase Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) as well by doing the following**Walk for 5 minutes at easy pace within your home in the morning. Reduce the meal size by 20%.After walking rest for 15 minutes in bed.Repeat the above 3 times in the morning and 3 times at night before sleeping.The more you rest after walking it will be better. The recommendation of 10 minutes is keeping in view busy schedule of people. 30 minutes is ideal.For explanation of the above read my blog.

yes but eventually you ll need to add weight to your body. think a weighted vest or a weight belt. The body only changes if  challenged, so the princple of progressive overload must be adhered to .more info here Home

Are push ups enough for triceps, chest and shoulders?

if you r a beginner, push up s would be the best exercise to start ur future workout journey. pushups have many variations & by following them u can train almost full upper body.
#1 diamond push up: targets middle of ur chest & triceps. it has two variations :
a) inclined , for lower middle chest
b) declined, for upper middle chest
#2 traditional pushup: u can also do this inclined & declined for lower & upper portion of ur chest.
#3 side pushups: targets ur abdominals
#5 wide push ups: targets ur width of ur chest.
but REMEMBER one thing only PUSHUPS alone cannot build ur muscle strength, stamina & endurance.
if u want to get above muscle qualities or in simple words if u want to be fit , train ur whole body ( buy set of dumbells), add cardio sessions to ur workout, play outdoor games( like football rugby or basketball kind of games), eat proper diet , rest properly. u r in perfect age, follow these tips u can build good natural body very soon.
sat saheb.

MOREWhen in doubt do more.Obviously if you feel sharp pain, stop.Generally you’ll want to do more than you think, and then keep going until you’re done. The thing with push ups is that you generally can’t progress in weight with them, so you have to progress with repetitions. The trouble with repetitions is after you’re able to do 20+ you’ll experience diminishing returns.Diminishing returns doesn’t mean that you won’t see gains, it means that you have to do much more to get the same gains. When you were starting out you can get away with doing 3 sets of 10 and growing. The more you develop your push ups the more you have to do. After about a month you’ll end up doing 6 sets of 50 and then 8 sets of 100 after a year. You can’t confine yourself to a “normal” low rep range, you have to really exhaust yourself.At first you could get away with doing 50 push ups per day. Quickly you’ll have to accelerate this to 200, then 500, then 1000 to see any gains whatsoever.Most old school boxers developed themselves this way under the incorrect assumption that weight lifting slows you downHerschel walker built himself up by doing 1000s of push ups, pull ups, and body squats daily.