Are Republicans Proud That Their House Members Are Blaming America For What Terrorists Did In

The republicans got whipped so much for bush and his policies are you happy like me???

Couldn`t be more pleased. CHECK-MATE republicans.Gotta love the attitude of the new speaker of the house too. I have a feeling she`s ganna give them a run for their money HA HA HA

Should we wake the Republicans from their wet dreams of Benghazi damaging Hillary Clinton?

We already know the truth about Benghazi. The Republicans cut funding so that the state department could not provide enough security. Terrorists killed an American diplomat, and Obama came right out and said it, although he did not name names because at that time details were scarce. If we want to prevent future killings, Congress should provide more money for better security.

What motivates terrorism? Why are terrorists, terrorists?

Hope and promises. An Atheist will tell you that there is no afterlife. A Christian will tell you that the virtuous go to heaven and the sinners go to an unholy place. Buddhists believe in reincarnation.

Almost nobody knows for certain what happens after we die. All you are really hearing is speculation.

A terrorist is lead to beLIEve that if a person dies in the name of their god they will be rewarded in the afterlife with 72 virgins. This may or may not be true. What is also unknown is will the virgins be of the opposite gender as the terrorist; or will the virgins even be human?

What motivates the terrorist is the pretty picture of the afterlife that they are being shown by their leaders.

I do not intend this to be a religious answer. If you think it is and are offended, tough s***

Who has more benefits? Illegals & terrorists or US Citizens?

I was wondering about this the other night and would value anyone's opinion. Left or right.
When I group the term "Illegals ad Terrorists" I'm not inferring it's the same threat only the same general group.
* Illegals & terrorists - medical is for free v. citizen needs to pay or be fined.
* Illegals & terrorists - can apply for free housing v. citizens more and many hoops with low chances
* Illegals & terrorists - can get subsistence allowances and food v. citizens - few successes with SSI
* Illegals & terrorists - can get payments per dependents v. citizens may get a deduction on taxes.
* Illegals & terrorists - educate their kids thru college on grants v. not that many citizens. only citizens pay the bill through property taxes.
* Citizens get to serve in military and some get killed.
* Illegals and terrorists - if they are accused of crime are entitled to the best lawyers in the country v. our soldiers, if accused of a crime cannot even get due process, our citizens MIGHT be given a public defender.
* Illegals & terrorists - if fined, they are forgiven v. citizens..go to jail.
Am I getting this wrong? Give me the other side! Help me, here!

What caused California Wild Fires...?

I mean, before Global Warming and Bush came along???

Harry Reid said that the wildfires in California today were caused by global warming. (He now denies saying that. Too bad it's on tape)

Barbra Boxer has jumped on her soap-box and blamed the Bush administration for allowing the fires to get out of hand.

(If I'm not mistaken, I thought that was an issue to be handled by local governments. Hmmm maybe that means the pothole in front of my house is Bush's fault also.)

So if we vote democrat in 2008 and quit driving to work, there will be no more wildfires????

Is Proud-of-It Trump responsible for closing down (part of) the government or the Democrats as he claims?

This one is on Trump. What idiots who write for the Huffington Post never understand is we on the right are happy about it. We want the wall, illegals deported, no path to citizenship, no DACA, no DREAMERS. Because we are smart enough to see this is nothing more than Democrats trying to subvert the will of the people by bringing in foreign voters. We’re going to see civil war in America if the practice continues. In the same way Europe is having major problems because of unchecked migration. It’s gotten to the point where America needs to split. Because there is no way we on the right are going to accept policies popular in California and New York. The gross tax measures, gun control, limits on speech, etc. For years these states screwed the rest of the nation by taking for themselves what would be a federal income tax rate because it was an income tax deduction. Trump changed that and now all these places that have been so financially irresponsible are going to be hating life. The Democrats are in big trouble and they need new voters. Without them the party will fade into nothing. With them the rest of America will look like California and New York. Before that point is reached we’ll see a shooting war rather than the ideological one that has been going on for the last ten years.