Are Some Id*ot Conservatives On Here Seriously Trying To Convince Us That The South Once Used To Be

Why do conservatives seem to only have a problem with “identity politics” when it’s not coming from them? Examples are “War on Christmas”, “Gay Agenda”, “White nationalism”, etc.

Original question: Why do conservatives seem to only have a problem with “identity politics” when it’s not coming from them? Examples are “War on Christmas”, “Gay Agenda”, “White nationalism”, etc.Because, as with so many other conservative policy positions, they are either (a) ignorant, (b) hypocritical, or (c) both.The examples you’ve cited are most frequently heard from social/religious conservatives, most notably fundamentalist Evangelical Protestants. I have not yet encountered a secular conservative who complains about the “War on Christmas” or the “Gay Agenda.” Secular conservatives have other things to worry about — like trying to destroy the social safety net and reduce regulations upon poor, persecuted oil and gas companies, so they can pollute as much as they want to.That being said, there is still a form of “identity politics” within movement conservatism. It is increasingly occurring in the form of the White and Christian identities, which the Republican Party has exploited successfully. The White identity, in particular, is entrenched within movement conservatism, as it includes both secular and religious conservatives.A substantial amount of research has been done on this subject. A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Advances in Political Psychology concluded that Republicans and conservatives are actually more susceptible to identity politics than Democrats and liberals.[1]Yes, conservatives — you read that correctly. Those of us who are liberal have known this for quite some time.The authors write:The correct’ alignment of social identities — including White and Christian identities that are not typically mentioned in ‘identity politics’ punditry — is more strongly related to Republican partisanship than to Democratic partisanship…….In essence, we find that all politics is identity politics, including the partisan preferences of Whites and Christians [emphasis mine].Did you read the bold text? All politics is identity politics.Conservatives have yet to understand this. They seem to view “identity politics” as some foreign, unusual concept, when in reality, it’s just politics as usual.So next time you hear an angry conservative or right-libertarian raging about “identity politics,”inform them of how their own community engages in this behavior.Or just roll your eyes and move on.Footnotes[1] One Tribe to Bind Them All: How Our Social Group Attachments Strengthen Partisanship

Are there examples of "conservative identity politics"?

Absolutely.Here is an excerpt from my answer to another Quora question on the subject.Slave-owning Southern aristocrats structured their identity and their politics on their belief in their innate superiority to people with dark skin. A superiority so great that they created a political system in which they were granted the power to “own” dark skinned people.People who work to take away women’s freedom to make their own medical decisions, identify themselves as “pro-life.” Their politics are often based solely on and in that identity.Those who identify as being “alt-right,” “defenders of gun rights,” “evangelical Christians,” and every other “identity” you can imagine all approach politics in ways that align with those “identities.”All politics is “identity politics.” Some people just refuse to admit or even see that fact.

How do I convince my girlfriend's parents for an intercaste marriage? I convinced my parents after fighting for 1 year. Now her parents are saying no and are forcing her to marry another guy. She loves me but doesn’t want to go against her father.

Convince your girlfriend that her parents don’t need any convincing. You are both adults and can decide whom to spend your life with.Your girlfriend’s parents can say no all they want but the point to note is she values her parents approval than you, the love of her life. Instead of standing up for you, she is playing victim to her parents’ emotional blackmail. This will not change after you get married.Why would you want to marry someone who can’t fight for you? What is she afraid of? What is the worst that can happen?They won’t attend the wedding. Won’t pay for the wedding. Will not offer help when she gets pregnant.If that happens, IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Irrespective of what our culture and movies have brainwashed us to believe, it is perfectly fine to have low contact relationships with one’s parents after one grows up.Moreover, your gf’s parents are not your problem. You don’t have to convince them or plead to them. That is your gf’s job.In case your gf understands the above argument and is willing to put you on top of her list of priorities, here’s what she can do:Your gf needs to change her emotional tone in dealing with her parents. she should inform her parents of her decision to marry you and give them the option of either supporting her and being part of your lives OR being butthurt and cut off from your lives.There are only 2 options. There is no middle ground. Her parents cant legally force her to do anything. Involve the authorities if you must.

A Question about the Civil War??????

I spent most of my years in Richmond Virginia. Richmond is a GRAND LOVER of confederate icons. We have statues of Robert E. Lee that is displayed promantely on the Blvd. (I won't even get into all of that)

HERE IS MY QUESTION: Why do SO MANY AMERICANS idolize the confederacy? I know that many peoples forefathers fought in that war, but mine did as well and I do not idolize them. One very important reason is b/c 75% of my family tree were the African slaves who were crippled & made to live lower than dogs under the cruel system of slavery. (The culture of slavery was the worst form of terrorism that exists)

1. Why wasn't Jeff Davis and the confed. soldiers tried for treason and put to death at the end of the war?\
2. Why wasn't the reconstruction plan followed thru? The Confed. states were restored to their with loyal gov. but the south found a new way slave Africans thru Jim Crow Laws.
3. What is it about the Confederacy that causes so much idolization?

Will I be accepted as a Jew if I'm an Asian & a convert? Worried no good Jewish guy's parents will accept me.?

I'm an Asian girl who is thinking of converting to Judaism. I really believe the Torah and love the traditions; I follow Kosher and Sabbath. My family is great and accepting the conversion.
However, I get a "look" when I enter the Conservative and Orthodox Temples for services even though I live in the west coast (where it's more progressive). I'm in my mid 20s- single and My friends told me that even though I'm converting; No good Jewish guy's parents will accept me. They will always think that I'm a convert and have no blood relation to the tribe. Is this true? My Rabbi said that according to the Torah, you can't say that a convert is not 100% Jewish because ultimately everyone was a convert. Everyone should be treated equally as a Jewish person in the Jewish community. However, I understand that humans will be humans. So I really want to know the honest answer.
Please help! I really want a Jewish family one day and I really love Judaism and the Torah.

Please share your thoughts and Thank you.

PS: I know that it doesn't seem to relate to my conversion; I still want to convert but I want to know what to expect in my future life as a Jewisian girl.

Is homosexuality a mental disorder, a gender identity disorder or both?

First, the gender identity disorder would explain the gays who claim to be born gay, but choose gays who act like and resemble the opposite sex. The mental disorder would explain why gays have a high level of alcohol and drug abuse, and suicide.

Common sexual practices among gay men lead to numerous STDs and physical injuries, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population. Lesbians are also at higher risk for STDs. In addition to diseases that may be transmitted during lesbian sex, a study at an Australian STD clinic found that lesbians were three to four times more likely than heterosexual women to have sex with men who were high-risk for HIV.

It is well established that there are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts, among gays and lesbians. This is true even in the Netherlands, where gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) relationships are far more socially acceptable than in the U.S. Depression and drug abuse are strongly associated with risky sexual practices that lead to serious medical problems.

Excessive sexual promiscuity results in serious medical consequences — indeed, it is a recipe for transmitting disease and generating an epidemic.11 The HIV/AIDS epidemic has remained a predominantly gay issue in the U.S. primarily because of the greater degree of promiscuity among gays. A study based upon statistics from 1986 through 1990 estimated that 20-year-old gay men had a 50 percent chance of becoming HIV positive by age 55.13 As of June 2001, nearly 64 percent of men with AIDS were men who have had sex with men.

The Dutch researchers concluded, "this study offers evidence that homosexuality is associated with a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders. The outcomes are in line with findings from earlier studies in which less rigorous designs have been employed."81 The researchers offered no opinion as to whether homosexual behavior causes psychiatric disorders, or whether it is the result of psychiatric disorders.