Are There Any Dishonest People In The Bush Family; Who And How

Why does GEORGE W such disrespect to the TROOPS?

His irresponsible acts as Commander in Cheif...started this uneccessary war.

He put those troops in harms way on his manufactured LIES about IRAQ.

His stubborn character is keeping them there as TARGETS

Then he has the nerve to hide behind THEIR SACRIFICE to defend his dishonest ,evil policies.

George W Bush and his cronies should be painted...yellow and black and tied to trees in downtown Bagdad. They are war criminals ..far more guilty than any of our soldiers or theirs.

Was George H.W. Bush a good President?

I think he was forgettable,

He promised not to raise taxes but still did. It was probably good that he did and history will probably show that. But dishonesty still counts for something I think.

I think that he has the unfortunate distinction of being after a very important president in Reagan, right or wrong most people have a very strong opinion on Reagan. Because of that the first Bush gets overshadowed.

I would probably rank him about 30th out of the first 43 presidents.

How do you feel when people have been untruthful with you?

Betrayed and disappointed.But mostly disappointed.

Why are TV shows like Roseanne and Good Times popular at all ?

These shows, respectively, depict the White populations and Black populations in America as trashy, dishonest, people.
Also, so many other shows leave the viewers feeling good about themselves shows like, Cosby, Highway to Heaven, Touched by an Angel and Life Goes On (the earlier seasons) make people proud of themselves for doing the right thing.
Roseanne and Good Times unfortunately leave the opposite effect.

I think President Bush is a scumbag....what about you??

Is George Bush a “scumbag” as you call him? No. “Scumbag” is too polite a term. There are not enough caustic epithets and invectives in the English language to truly articulate this man’s moral depravity, dishonesty, and intellectual incompetence. Is he war criminal? Absolutely, and what makes him worse than most of his other warmongering colleagues around the world, is that he is able to enshrine his thuggish behavior with an air of respectability, due to skillful propagandists that he has at his disposal. I was recently watching a documentary film on Noam Chomsky, one of the great progressive intellectual minds who has championed movements that seek to illustrate the evils of western imperialism, and he brought up an interesting point. He stated that the only people who are called war criminals are those who are on the losing end of a war. For example, during the Nuremberg trials many SS officers were tried and executed for their wanton slaughter of civilians, but no general of the Allied powers was similarly brought to trial for purposely targeting civilian targets that killed many untold thousands if not millions.

Saddam Hussein may have killed thousands of people, but he is no more genocidal than a man like Bush, whose constant quest for global hegemony has lead to just as many thousands dieing in Iraq due to destroyed infrastructure, and the funding of tyrannical puppet governments in other parts of the world.

Since when does victory in a militaristic endeavor allow one to arrogate to themselves the moral high ground? It happened when people turned off their minds and started listen to the propaganda that is masquerading around as patriotism.

Good job with this litany of crimes. I will save it for later use.