Are There Any Effects To Your Baby From Prosobee Formula Like Rapid Growth

Why is baby formula so important, and are there any natural alternatives?

Some mothers do not produce enough milk for the baby. Some mothers have addictions (drug, alcohol) which could make their breast milk harmful to the baby. Baby formula is convenient and human-milk-like. Most of the time, breastfeeding is surely more beneficial as breast milk contains antigens and many unique factors which help strengthen the baby's immune system, but baby formula is still a good alternative.No. Milk from other animals like cows or goats are not suitable for babies. Their newborns likr calves are better develped at the time of birth when compared with human. Their milk contains much higher protein content which is harmful to the human babies' kidney. Other nutritional contents also do not fit our need.It's either breastfeeding or baby formula.

What are some side effects of Herbalife products?

If you are planning for a weight loss regime from Herbalife, i must say.... Pleeeease Stopp!In my 3.5years of experience of working in network marketing industry, I have personally observed that more than half of the distributors are focussing on making money by fooling people rather than on promoting health in the correct way.Being a nutritionist, I am not against food supplements for any of the health issues. But friends, plz don’t follow their advertisements blindly. Most of the companies/products are bogus.Now talking about Herbalife's weight loss regime, it typically works like you have to completely forget eating normal food. Your daily meal will consist of two different kinds of shakes, and some capsule/tablet twice a day. You will be allowed to eat certain low calorie fruits(no citrus fruits at all), boiled vegetables, salad, and in the worst case, 1chapati.You will end up losing weight more than expected and very rapidly. And soon after your course is over or you attain the desired weight, you will be deficient of so many vitamins and minerals in the body that your body will stop recognising these nutrients once you switch to normal diet. As a result of which, all these essential nutrients will get converted to fats over the time, and in no more than 4–5months of normal diet, you will end up gaining more weight than ever before. That's all. So choose wisely.Fyi.. The best weight loss product Leangard in the world is produced by our very own Indian MNC Samj Direct from Indian herbs. You can google about it.

Which formula milk is the best for 0 to 6 month old babies in India?

When it comes to infant feeding Mothers Milk is the Best. Mothers milk has lots of undeniable benefits for both baby and mother.The order of choice of baby food (milk) would beMother’s Milk >> Formula >> Animal Milk ( in that order)When it comes to formula, all companies are trying to make you believe that one is better than another. But if for some reason you could not choose breastfeeding, it is pointless to try and choose among formula brands….. as all are more or less the same. All tall claims made by one brand over others are a marketing gimmick and has no proven difference to the baby.You must be knowing that its illegal to promote infant formula. But companies do it anyway in a covert manner…. Beware of that!The only Choice that matters while choosing Formula isIf your baby is full term: Choose a term formulaIf your baby is born Preterm: choose preterm formulaChoose to breastfeed. Choice of formula should be the last choice. The infographics below highlights the benefits of breastfeedingBenefits to Mothers:Benefits to Baby:True situations where mothers are not able to produce enough milk is very rare. In situations where mothers end up dropping out of breastfeeding and pick formula is mostly due to lack of lactational support. Occasionally some mother picks up formula due to some misguided choice.The first few days of breastfeeding are particularly tough especially for new mothers unless there is adequate support. They have lost of questions and apprehensions and need to find answers to common breastfeeding related questions. I personally had lots of problems during my baby's time but I was persistent and motivated and ultimately could breastfeed her exclusively for six months….. and I am so happy about it.Choose to breastfeed, its not a choice it is a responsibility. If you for whatever reason could choose to breastfeed, then any brand of formula is good enough.

Does baby milk formula go bad in 2 hours? If so, why? Is there real evidence about it?

This is really another instance of people being excessively careful when dealing with food - especially for infants. It is based on a shortened version of the “lag-time” needed for bacteria to start to grow when introduced into a new substrate/food (in this case formula). At least this would be 4 hrs, but popular caution has reduced this to 2 hours, “just to be sure”. Then the bacteria have to actually start growing/multiplying until they reach sufficient numbers to cause a problem. This would be many hours, assuming the formula is commercially sterile to begin with.Incidence of baby infections due to commercial formulae handled and mixed with care are very rare indeed. The memorable outbreaks of illness in newborns concern either adulterated formula or the horrendous marketing of formulae in areas where education and hygiene were poor, and the water (for dilution) was already contaminated with pathogens.Don’t forget that IF someone had contaminated the formula with Listeria, or Salmonella, for example, that can cause illness in small numbers, no incubation is needed at all! That is the reason for hand-washing and good hygiene during preparation.So, bottom line, a two-hour limit is excessively cautious, but understandable. Provided the formula is commercial and uncontaminated, and provided the preparation, hygiene, hand-washing, and bottle-washing was up to standard, that maximum can be extended to several hours.I would add that you should avoid re-using/re-warming prepared formula once again - it is the total time that counts in a ‘growth’ zone.

Milk VS Soy Milk for breast growth?

I'm a thirteen year old girl, and my bra size is about a 32b. My breasts are definitly growing, but i want them to grow faster. I read that soymilk contains a molicuel that resembles estrogen, which is the female hormone that makes breasts grow. So if i drink a lot of soy milk, will i get bigger breasts as well as wider hips? Also, milk contains hormones which would make my breasts grow, but will it make me look like a cow considering its cow hormones i'm consuming? People who raise cattle feed them hormones to make them grow faster, so these would make me grow faster, right? Or would my best bet to make my breasts grow would be taking breast enhancement pills? Sorry i'm asking so much.... but still, answers are appreciated! So i'd like to know about breast enhancement, Thanks! :D Also which one would help me develop more of a feminine figure? (aka hips)

PS Also will they make me fat? Right now i'm 5'4" and 97 pounds and have worked hard to maintain that weight, and i don't want it to go up unless its my breasts getting bigger and my hips getting wider!! :D

List 5 health effects of pesticides?

Chemical pesticides are the main reason for all the health problems in humans.
Now proceed to all important point whether we should consider money or ourselves first. Prolonged exposure to pesticides in humans can lead to severe disorders in our reproductive, nervous and immune system PLUS in some cases can even lead to cancer. Exposure to some pesticides can be 'hell' for a pregnant lady as it can easily lead to death of baby and even if the baby is produced will have lots of disorders or even loss of limbs.
However, pesticides are not like poisons where a very small amount can be deadly but we need to always, if possible, protect ourselves from exposure to pesticides. Farmers can use mouth masks or other accessories to keep them away from intake of pesticides.

On the positive side, without pesticides and a the plethora of other agricultural chemicals, food production would be much lower and thousands )if not millions) more people would be malnourished and potentially dieing from hunger. From a strictly technical point of view man made pesticides are narrowly focused against a particular organism and only kill it. Natural pesticides as found in many plants are more broad spectrum, killing everything.

Some of the positive effects of pesticides can be:
1. it keeps bugs off of the fertilized plants/crops
2. plants that are fertilized using pesticides grow faster
3. they produce (fruit, vegetables, etc.) more quickly; this allows farmers to make a greater profit because they can sell more at a faster pace
4. the produce "looks" nicer (color, size, etc.)
Some of the negative effects of pesticides are:
1. pesticides run off into water sources, contaminating the water
2. if used on plants that produce food we eat, then we in turn eat pesticides (which are chemicals not intended for human digestion)...!!

Formula switching?

My 3 week lil girl was having problems pooping and passing gas with the Similac with Iron so my doctor gave me Good Start supreme Soy. Shes passing gas fine and isnt as fussy but still hasnt pooped since yesterday around 5pm. But shes now getting up every 2 hours to eat instead of every 3-4 hours. Im wondering is that because its easier for her to digest with the dha and ara (found in breastmilk) in it? Shes eating 2 onces and sometimes a lil more each feeding. Shes only been on this new formula for 24 hours. How long should I wait to see if this is working better with her and what signs should I be looking for if its not. Thanks and sorry so many questions!


When did your baby grow out of infant reflux/GER?

My son is eleven months old and just started walking. He spits up alot less then before. He spits up about 3 times a day. Reflux can be very stressful to baby and mommy. THANKS, Amanda

Is it wrong to drink baby powdered milk as an adult because baby milk contains more benefits?

Well this sounds like someone who has never prepared a bottle!I had started to give bottles to my first baby just before I was back to work, after having breastfed for 6 months.Generally when you prepare a bottle, you first put it on your wrist to check the temperature before giving it to the baby.Having seen my friends doing it, I did the same. And right after, I just licked it like any drop of food / drink on my skin!To my horror, it was disgusting, much worst than breastmilk, which is not so good in taste at first place.How to describe formula milk? A far away milk taste, blended with sweet yet salty / umami / protein taste with a metallic afterfeel… That was the first and the last time!Please don’t do it! Have mercy at yourself. Just drink regular milk, or protein shakes with some flavor in it. Didn’t taste it either, but I am sure it’s better as it’s designed for adults who can actually express their feeling by not re-purchasing them.