Are There Any Good Training Programs That Only Use Gym Equipment

What is the best workout program (with limited equipment) for skinny guys who want to grow bigger?

Like you, I had trouble gaining muscle on my whole life until I started to change my training program. I ate garbage foods and thought drinking protein shakes would make me huge. The result of this new supplement was a gross back full of acne. I changed my eating to follow the slow carb diet and changed my training program to include heavier weight with lower reps combined with high-intensity-interval training as a workout finisher to remain lean. These types of workouts demanded that I fuel my body with more food to sustain the heavy weight I consistently added to the bar. My main advice would be to lift heavy with compound movements (with good form) and eat as much as you can throughout the day. I currently follow a diet that includes 5 meals with lean protein, vegetables, and complex carbs (usually sweet potatoes, beans or legumes) at every meal. The accompanying training program below helped me to pack on 10 pounds of muscle, decrease body fat, and simultaneously add speed and strength.I take no supplements. For details on the training program see the video below:

Fitness plan before going to Basic Training in Kapooka? (Australian Army)?

Hi guys, I've been following the four week fitness guide from the ADF site:
And I don't think it will be enough for me to well, have an easier time whilst at basic training. I'm expecting it to be extremely tough and they say that this will make you reasonably fit, but I want to be extremely fit. I have a lot of time on my hands so I can pretty much do fitness crap for hours everyday.
I play a lot of soccer and am the fittest in my Victorian State Futsal squad so I think I'm already fit enough to do OK in training, but sometimes my will power can drop so if I make myself extremely fit I will have less reason to pull out during training.

I was wondering if any of you have any good strong fitness plans I could use every day? The only gym equipment I have are two 7kg dumbells. I have a lot of area that I can go for runs and I regularly run the beep test. 13.3 was my last and 16.6 is my best.

I also don't really have money for going to the gym, so that's out of the question too.

My guess is I'll be relying on sit-ups, push-ups, squats, jogs, beep test, dumb-bells and bike riding? I know **** all about exercising and crap so yeah... All the help in this area would be awesome!

On another note, I don't really have the best diet, but I don't really have the option of buying fully healthy meals 3 times a day. What are some sort extremely cheap, healthy foods that I can have day in day out, even if it's canned goods. Also what should I avoid eating? Obviously junk but I mean in terms of pastas and types of meats? I'm such a ... Noob if you will.

All help appreciated guys, and if you want to dish out some hate over some of the random crap I've asked, go ahead, I've used the internet before.

Is this a good 30 days workout program?
I don't need to get skinny, I'm already cut too, but I want to become buffer, I only have one dumbbell. so is this a good 30 day no equipment workout program? If not what do you recommend to do and work on every different days, or if you know a good program. Oh yeah and I cant go to the gym.

Can someone give me examples of strength training workouts?

If you're trying to tone, stay away from the high weights. You want low weights with high reps.

Have a friend help you "max out" - find out how much weight you can safely lift by yourself - on the following exercises: benchpress, inclined benchpress, bicep curls, tricep extensions, leg press, leg curls, leg extensions.

Once you've got your max weights, start working each exercises at 60% of your max. Do fifteen reps for each exercise, moving from one exercise to the next without taking a break. Once you've completed all of the exercises, cool off with some abdominal crunches (don't forget the obliques!). This is called a "super-set". Take a one minute break after your super-set, then do it again. You want to do a total of three super-sets every other day. When you start out, the weight will feel very light and the exercise will seem too easy. By the end you'll feel it.

Try not to work the same muscle groups two days in a row. It takes about 24 hrs. to complete the lactic acid cycle that builds muscle, so working out every day does no more good than every other day. A lot of people like to break up their routine, doing upper body one day and lower body the next.

If you're not used to weight training, this kind of program will build strength very quickly. Be sure to max out every three to four weeks to make sure that you're still working out with 50%-60% of your maximum weight.

Those dumbells may be useful, but I don't know how strong you are right now. Based on your size, their probably a little too heavy for working the arms. They may be about right for butterfly presses. You could do this instead of the bench and inclined bench exercises. I recommend benchpresses for a beginner, though. The full-sized bar is easier to handle than two dumbells, and it's safer.