Are There Any Young White Males In The Usa Age 18-25 Who Are Bad Boys

Liberals how do you feel knowing that 58% of young whites say anti-white discrimination is real?

The Public Religion Research Institute has released a new survey data that includes public opinions on racial issues:

The people who were surveyed are “millennials,” meaning they are aged 18-25. The survey says only 57% of the US population in this age category are white.

The institute found:

56% of whites think the government pays too much attention to minorities. Only 24% of blacks and 37% of Hispanics agreed.

When asked if discrimination against whites is “as big a problem as discrimination against minorities,” 58% of whites agreed. Only 24% of blacks and 39% of Hispanics agreed. Among White evangelicals and White mainline Protestants, the number

Keep in mind that most of these people spent ages 5-18 being bombarded with far-left propaganda in public school. Those that are in college are still being bombarded with intense propaganda. Despite this massive daily effort to brainwash young whites, over half do not believe the propaganda.


For women, what is the normal age of losing their virginity?

It all depends on a lot of factors, from the legal allowed age of your country, to when the girl wants to , and to whom.Firstly, I would like to first mention that AoC here in the Philippines is 12. The statutory rape law criminalizes sex with minors under age 12 and sex with a child under age 18 involving force, threat, or intimidation.My first time was during 2nd year High school. I was 13-almost-14 more or less then.My elementary-high school clique/group of friends sort of made this promise to each other that NONE of us will be graduating high school and going to college w/out any experience. We are of course free to find a way on our own if we can’t but in case any of us did not get to do it yet, then no man/woman will be left behind.We all had this promise (pinky-swear promise in fact) that we would all do it together come junior prom night.You can read more of that night here - Red Subijano's answer to Did you have sex after prom?That being said, not everyone has the same mindset as me and my clique.While each person if uniquely different, typically a Filipino teen can be considered either “Ma. Clara conservative” and “open-minded/liberated”.Funny thing is, most teens from each side of that spectrum “looks down” on the other group. Ma. Clara’s would often label liberated’s as “slut” or “easy-to-get” while vice versa, the labels would be “loser” and “lame”.Ma. Clara’s would often stick to the “wait until marriage” mindset.I do not think there is a normal proper age. As long as you are legally allowed to, you can do it when you feel the time is right and you want to.That being said, while I do not want to advice breaking the law, to be honest, you can be under the AoC, but as long as you do not announce to the world that you are doing it, no one will know. AoC can be 18, and you can be 15 with your 21 yo boyfriend and as long as you don’t go bragging about it, you’ll be fine.

When does a male teenager typically finish puberty?

EDIT: I didn’t realize Quora would change the question over time. Original question focused on when severe acne issues would slow down or stop in addition to other issues in Puberty. So I gave broad information and then focused in on Acne.Puberty starting and finishing has huge ranges. Most boys start puberty between 9.5 to 14 years and end it 18-22 years. The average also varies depending on ethnic background. But it’s safe to say most start prior to the 12th birthday. How Male Puberty Works The sebaceous glands will likely start slowing down around 17 or 18 but may still be high into 20's. Much of this is greatly influenced by genetics. So, ask your biological father when he stopped having so many issues with acne and oily hair. If this is a HUGE issue, consult with a Dr because there are medications that can help.Most of the changes in your body will have occurred by 17 or 18, but there will still be ongoing changes that might not finish until your early 20's. E.g., your body hair hair may be everywhere it will be, but the hair may still be getting thicker. You may have had a big growth spurt-- but you may continue getting taller into your earlier 20s.. Many guys still have broadening of their shoulders and pelvic girdle changes into their 20's. If you are a 'late bloomer' and didn't start till 14-15 years, you usually have an accelerated process so that you 'catch up' with others (I have no citation, but I think I'm remembering that right).The overproduction of sebum by the sebacious glands is just another example. The high levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and several other factors cause the sebaceous glands to kick into high gear. How big of a problem this is varies from person to person.So, continue what you have discovered helps. This probably means washing your face 1-2 times a day with warm water. Wash the hair daily and right after you've sweated a lot. Decrease sweets and fried foods. Lots of details at Oily Skin

Why are whites viewed as individualistic whereas minorities are view as collectivist?

The answer is simple: This is a Eurocentric society that puts itself above all others and blacks at the very bottom. In other words, white = good and black = bad so if you find bad in the "white race," and your goal is to make whites look "good," you will say it was an individual incident. Whereas if you find bad in the "black race" and your goal is to make blacks look bad, you will a) display and discuss black problems rather than white problems b) claim that we are all the same.

Did you know this?

"Whites are 66 percent of 18-25 year olds, but 70 percent of drug users that age. Blacks are 13.5 percent of persons in that age cohort, but only 13 percent of young adult users, while Hispanics are nearly 15 percent of that age group, but only 12 percent of drug users 18-25. "

A totally different tune than the media is playing, eh?

Wake up, everyone.

How to grow taller 14 year-old boy? 10pts?

You will probably peak at 5'7 at 18 without a growth spurt and with a growth spurt it could be a few inches better.

To grow taller plenty of protein, calcium, vitamin D and zinc all help.

To reach your potential height you need adequate sleep (from 8-10 hours per night), adequate calories and a normal healthy diet.

Plenty of protein from eggs, meat, poultry, sea food and dairy products helps as well as calcium from milk, cheese and other dairy products. You also need plenty of zinc from red meat, oysters, mussels, nuts and seeds and zinc fortified cereals such as Weetbix. Vitamin D3 via the Sun also helps.

Girls usually stop growing at 15 and in most cases any further height growth from 15-21 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers.

Guys usually stop growing at 18 and in most cases any further height growth from 18-25 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers.

Under eating and under sleeping can, to some extent, stunt your height growth. Exercise does not help your height growth and smoking can actually reduce your potential height by a whole inch. Too much junk sugar can reduce your HGH level as in item 40 in

You can see further tips in a web search for "how to grow taller naturally".

Why are so many Indian guys virgins at the age of 25?

In India, once a guy turns 18 or something he has a lot more responsibilities and ambitions than just having to lose his virginity. No friend or classmate will bitch or make fun of any guy who is still a virgin. An Indian boy will always prefer more self development from the age of 18-25. You can hardly point any Indian boy who is still dependent on his parents money at this age. You go to any country, western, Europian or Asian, you are sure to find at least a couple of Indian guys on the streets that evening, because a hell lot of Indian guys are either working or studying in the foreign countries. Indians don't wait for opportunity, they create one for themselves. Now, you must also know something about the Indian girls. Indian girls are not that easy for any guy to hook up with. Indian girls are few of the strongest believers of true love rather than a casual date or a fling. No Indian girl (at least most of them) will feel so proud about losing her virginity at a very young age to any random guy just for the sake of getting a "I'm not a Virgin" badge. Also no one is given the tag of a "loser" "unlucky" etc etc only because he/she is a VIRGIN.