Are There Less Payphones Under Obama Due To His Policies Which Have Hurt The Telecommunications

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

Do the police legally have the right to tap your phone based purely on suspicion?

The laws on wiretapping are complex and the reality is a bit different from what’s in the law books.Traditionally police have needed court warrants for wiretaps. But lately police departments have been deploying “stingray” boxes which can tap all the cell phones in a nearby area. They may collect just phone number and call duration data, or who knows, they may actually listen in.Also we know the NSA is perfectly fine with tapping anybody’s phone, anybody who might be making or receiving a phone call from outside the USA or from a terrorist suspect, so, anyone.It’s probably a bad idea to use phones to communicate about illegal things, how about you just pass notes or have conversations in a sawmill?

Do you think Donald Trump is better than Obama?

It depends on what aspects one wishes to compare.As your question relates to the economy, Trump’s policies are far superior and Tin regard to honesty, they are both habitual liars, Obama slightly fewer lies but his were far bigger, costing American lives, treasure and security, such as all the lies associated with ramming Obamacare down the throats of the American people, the lies of Benghazi, “Operation Fast and Furious”, the Uranium One deal, the lie that he knew nothing of Hillary’s private server until he read about it in the paper. The lies Trump tells are mostly ones to make him look better, the size of his crowds, the positive effects of his actions, etc., until Mueller’s investigation is released we won’t know if he has been lying about Russian collusion, which could move the “significance scale” of Trump lies closer to Obama’s but in reality none of his lies have cost the American people their treasure, lives or security, in fact those have only improved under Trump.Relative to scandals, Obama’s eight years were riddled with scandals, possibly the most scandal ridden presidency in our nation’s history. It is far too early in the Trump Administration to compare scandal count but there have been some of his cabinet members fired for fraud, waste and abuse already.Both Trump and Obama are insufferable narcissists, but to Trump’s credit, his speeches are delivered mostly in terms of “we”, “our” and “us” as a nation, something all effective leaders do. Obama’s speeches are delivered with hundreds of references to “I”, “me”, “my” and “mine”, a technique which is off-putting and very ineffectual for someone who seeks to lead a team.Again comparisons of who is “better” are very subjective depending on which accomplishments or characteristics one seeks to compare.

How big of a problem is it for Donald Trump to have nuclear launch codes in his hands?

There is the supposed “two-man rule” that requires someone in the NCA chain of authority - generally the Sec Def, the validate the president’s order to launch. If Sec Def refuses, Trump could turn to the next down the chain which I believe is Deputy Sec Def… and so on, until he finds someone willing to validate the order. That said, once the 2-man rule is fulfilled, the order goes to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs whereupon it becomes a wholly military issue. The Chairman or the actual underlings who send the order can all refuse to comply as it would appear to be an illegal order unless there were missiles in the air heading towards the US.EDIT 1/21/17: The President and SecDef do NOT have launch codes of any kind nor the PAL codes for the Permissive Action Links that actually arm bombs. What they have is called the “Biscuit” which contains codes which are used purely to identify themselves unequivocally to the Military Command authorities. These can ONLY be transmitted through certain approved communications channels - they can’t just telephone them in from a pay phone or their cell phone, but only through special military communications systems to either the NMCC, ANMCC or the E4-B airborne command post. In cases where we were not under imminent attack (missiles flying at us), there would be a requirement for a meeting of the JCS with the President, SecDef, National Security Advisor, etc. to justify a first strike on anyone anywhere with nuclear weapons before the military would accept the order. Only in the case of the US being under attack could the President order, not quite unilaterally, an immediate nuclear attack. In those cases, he only has the options presented in CONPLAN 8060 which is the current version of SIOP. The military command, which DOES have the launch codes and PAL codes, wouldn’t accept a call from Trump - even with the SecDef’s concurrence, for a first strike on a specific target. All Trump could do IF we were under attack is to call for an MAO or LAO (Major Attack Option or Limited Attack Option). These are preplanned and detailed targeting plans for both missiles and bombers.