Are There Names For Dream Demons

What are the three dream demons?

The Dream Demons are a trio of powerful serpentine entities and characters from Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. Little of the Dream Demons origin is revealed, their apparent and only motive seemingly being to find and empower the most twisted and depraved humans.
The Dream Demons are revealed to be the beings that made Freddy the dream-destroying maniac he is. When Freddy is killed by the mob of vigilantes after escaping justice for the crimes he did, the Dream Demons appear before him and offer him a deal - become an agent of theirs and be given vast amounts of power and become "forever". Freddy accepts the Dream Demon's offer and they fuse with him, giving him the ability to kill people in their dreams. Near the end of Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, Freddy is dragged out from the dream world by his daughter, Maggie Burroughs, who blows him apart with a pipe bomb, which causes the Dream Demons to eject from his remains. As Freddy was not killed in the dream world, the Dream Demons are evidently unable to revive him, as they are implied to have done after his "deaths" in previous films.[8]
The Dream Demons do not appear in Freddy vs. Jason, though Freddy still retains his dream powers.
Andy Mangels' script for the third issue of the cancelled comic series A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Beginning by Innovation Publishing offers more insight into the origin of the Dream Demons, revealing that when early creatures began to dream the energy of those dreams gathered together and created the Dream World and its inhabitants - Good Dreams, Nightmares and the Dream Demons, who left the Dream World for Earth, seeking to cause havoc there. The script also introduces their Hell-bound and repulsive queen and reveals that the Dream Demons' serpentine forms are not their true forms and that their real bodies are a "hideous amalgamation of human, insect, fish and alien".

As far as I know, they don't have names

What does this dream mean-Demon in my dream?

In my dream, I was waking up from sleeping, and it felt so real, like it was actually morning in real life. It was dark and I looked up across my room, and there was a dark figure standing next to my closet staring at me. I was just filled with true, pure rage, and I got up out of my bed and went over to it at a very fast pace... ( I have a good knowledge about demons, so I knew what it was but I didn't believe that they have any involvement with me)... and attempted to grab it's throat even though I wasn't expecting to grab anything since I didn't believe it was real. An explosion of fear hit me as I pushed it against my closet that it was standing next to, holding it's neck.

Then I let go and started to back away, moved only by "fight or flight" instincts. I coward back to bed, and tried to wake my brother who sleeps no more than 3ft. away from me, but I couldn't talk and it felt like something was restricting me to speak. I then tried to get out of my bed again to wake him, but I couldn’t move as well. Then the Demon started to come towards me, and I started to think and realize... 'Its real..." ...I closed my eyes and started to pray. It was standing right next to me, and when I opened my eyes again, I could tell that it looked ,like a shadow in the darkness, and almost no other details.

I felt TRUE fear for the first time, but my brother woke me up. I didn't know I was dreaming, I thought it was real and that it was still happening, so I yelled and jumped thinking that my brother was the Demon. He said that I was yelling and screaming and he said that I chanting something...

-I want to know what this dream means, even though some of you do not believe in any of this stuff, I will tell you that if you have the slightest belief in God, then demons and the Devil have to be real, one cannot be real without the other.

A demon is a personification and symbol representing the dark and shadow side of existence. In a dream it represents undesirable negative aspects about yourself or someone in your life.The demon represents negative emotions, experiences, karma, and actions such as guilt, pain, fear, hatred, arrogance, ignorance, bad habits, judgementalism, envy. greed, cruelty, distress or abuse in real life that you are either having or inflicting on others.The demon dream is a symbol that alerts you to pay attention to this negativity in your self, others, relationships, family.

I dream about killing a demon?

Hi, I am doing revised version of my previous question. I had posted that I dreamed about killing babies, but Ive changed my mind, now I really feel like in the dreams i felt they were demons. I will go into more detail on the dream I remember the most. I was with my ex boyfriend (we had been broken up for some time by then) in an apartment where we were both living. I had pagan symbols all over the room, and suddenly the apartment started to shake and I felt like i had to get rid of them. then, from under the kitchen counter, I saw tiny baby arms scratching the floor in a really creepy way. I grabbed a knife and tried to stab the arms, but I couldnt for some reason. I felt like I really needed to stab it. Then right beside me a list appeared on the floor, and on it was the names of all the people this thing hated and why, and on it was my name (except it was a different name in the dream, it was Leah. I felt as though it were my name in the dream).It said it hated my mind

Do you like the name "Dream" for a girl?

Do you like the name "Dream" for a girl? Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.
Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets.
Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies very fast; deceived people will say that "Christ is here; Christ is there". Sometimes, he wears blue robe over left shoulder while red robe is underneath. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Antichrist will trick people to believe that he can do mountain moving and resurrection (using holograms); fire from the sky is easy (considering the gases from pollution in the atmosphere).
Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on the highways. Microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, 666 is given. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell.
If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Burn documents because they're from Satan. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.
Source: Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov

I keep having demon dreams?

wow ... i will say double wow.

i know that most moderns would put it off to "just another dream" or with an Ebenezer Scrooge sort of "but a bit of undigested cheese."

i would take it very seriously ... somehow and in someway you have "welcomed" him into your dream scapee. Another person here mentioned that you must be under a lot of stress ... a manner in which demons "prep" their target: via exhaustion ending in a sort of "I give up!".

Exhaustion and psychic loneliness ... do you feel alone in some sort of smoldering personal problem? Does he "frighten" you ... how do you "feel" when he is "there" ... demons manipulate the passions to influence their victim.

In the Satanic Bible names Belial means "'without a master'" and symbolizes independence, self-sufficiency, and personal accomplishment.

Are you tempted to any of the three lies mentioned above? I ask this because so often a demonic manifestation attempts to sexually seduce.

Oh boy! this is supposed to be an answer and not more questions!

A short answer ... we had many demonic incidents in the military service in iraq ... i put it to all the hate, slaughter, and death ... but anyways ... yes I had one too, several times ... what did we do? You may not like it but : holy water blessed by a catholic priest (accept no imitation!) ... sprinkle it about your bed and person before bed for first things.

Second thing ... and the most important ... seek to discover what festering malice he has discovered in you ... what he hopes to feed on ... the devil is "Lord of the Flies" ... remember that flies seek rotting flesh to feed upon and to spawn in ... find out the "rot" that this demon has discovered in you and is buzzing about.

sorry if i sound like a nut.

Dream of birthing a demon child?

This dream could have been caused by many different thoughts or emotions.

The first thing to ask is whether you have seen a horror movie that may have influenced these thoughts (Rosemary's Baby, the Omen, The Exorcist, etc.).

If not, then the dream could be playing upon your emotions or reflect upon something that you may have done a feel guilty for. The birth of the demon baby could symbolize the birth of something that you did that you may feel guilty for. While it may seem silly, thoughts and emotions can get distorted when we sleep and sometimes dreams that we have shouldn't be looked literally.

"... she had blue hair, pale skin, and the same red eyes, i couldnt help but tell her she was so cute, because she was... i got a headache. Venom then came into the room and hugged me."
The Devil can come in ways that are appealing to us and trick us into doing things that we know we shouldn't do. Even though this baby was hurting you, you still embraced it anyway. Could this relate to anything in your life (someone is causing you harm, but you still love/ contact/ embrace them)?

Also, this dream could probably mean nothing - just another dream.

As I do not know you in real life, some of these details may be inaccurate and it is important to understand that this is only my interpretation. If this dream continues to disturb/ worry you, or you would like to find out more information, i suggest talking to a help line, your parents/ friends, or a councilor - as there may be an underlying factor of contribution.

All the best.

What is this snake-like demon's name?

Get a really good dream book. I have an encyclopedia of dreams and it includes the fantastic Cultural Anthropologist Jung in the interpretations. Each think you lookup, like a snake or yourself doing something like falling, eating, running away, is a separate instance. Since our entire language is part of our culture and all symbols are symbols of something else in our society; everything has an interpretation with meaning. So no, there's no "name" for it unless you retrace your dream little by little and try and find out what YOU named it. But since everything has meaning; red means love, sex, and aggression for instance, I would look it all up. It's part of folklore and symbolism, which is part of the social science Cultural Anthropology.