Are There Resources For People Like Me Who Lack The Know-how To Be Social

Why is human resources important?

Human Resources helps managers who are good at the operational aspect of their job but who don't know how to manage their people. I talk daily/hourly with managers who don't know how to talk with an employee who has performance issues or who is causing tension in the work group. They don't know how to communicate with their staff in a way that keeps them informed and motivated. A key factor in keeping experienced, valuable employees is their relationship with their manager.

HR is also important because doing what "makes sense" no longer works in today's litigious society. To ensure that companies don't discriminate in how they handle their employees, there are a number of laws and reporting requirements that have pretty stiff monetary consequences. HR keeps up with these to protect the company.

HR handles hundreds of applicants in a way that conforms with ever-changing federal requirements. They also relieve managers from looking at all applicants by passing along the top candidates and screening them appropriately.

Can people with Asperger's learn to acquire the social skills they wish they had or can they learn to fake it?

Most high-functioning autistic/ASD people have learnt to acquire social skills. Often I find myself writing an email and then remember, shit I need to put “I hope you’re well” or some other pleasantry first .. or I need to make myself say thank you, or offer to get something for someone .. it’s kind of an effort and sometimes you can look like an arse. Sometimes it feels like people are trying to “out-nice” each other and I start to wonder if they’re all secretly serial killers or something.Yes lack of social skills is something that comes with autism but ability to appear normal doesn’t rule it out. There are many ways to learn, like mimicry, “channeling” other people, taking on little bits of people we see “doing it right”. Also nowadays there are so many resources - let’s face it a lot of people want to get better in this area, so there are plenty of good online articles, books, videos etc. This last year I decided to up my game, as it were.I am not sure I quite understand the question actually syntactically.Yes we can learn to acquire social skills - and then we do have them. Everyone needs to learn to acquire social skills, some of us are just quicker on the uptake than others. There is no OR - to some extent, it’s all fake isn’t it. People saying “have a good weekend” when they couldn’t care less if you do or not, for example. I think people with ASD struggle with the more superficial stuff, the stuff that doesn’t make sense. But the real, important social skills like being well-meaning, truthful, kind-hearted etc - we have that already.

I lack social skills. Will going out to social places help improve my social skills?

No it won’t improve your social skills.If you lack skills it is the same thing as saying you have nothing, zero. No way to improve something you don’t have.As an analogy, if someone who doesn’t know how to swim goes to the ocean or swimming pool does that person improve his swimming skills????To improve you social skills maybe you would first have to learn them.Going to such social places might hep you learn those skills if you are a good observer. After all since birth we have learnt from observation of others more than from books.Also you need to be specific on what social skill you are referring to:Do you find it hard to start a conversation?Or is it harder to keep a conversation interesting?Perhaps you find it hard to approach people?Maybe low self-esteem?I find it hard that for someone to reach adulthood without having any social skills at all. Perhaps it is that you are trying to enter a social circle that you are not familiar with? If all the people you know are crazy football fans but you don’t bend that way then you could feel left out of many situations and feel you lack social skills?I think to begin it would be necessary for you to identify what are the things you like and enjoy. I am sure that if you find people with similar interests you will not find it hard to socialise.

Do children with autism have social skills?

Both children and adults with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. One should keep in mind however, that autism is a spectrum disorder and it affects each individual differently and at varying degrees

Every person with autism is an individual, and like all individuals, has a unique personality and combination of characteristics. Some individuals mildly affected may exhibit only slight delays in language and greater challenges with social interactions. They may have difficulty initiating and/or maintaining a conversation. Their communication is often described as talking at others instead of to them. (For example, monologue on a favorite subject that continues despite attempts by others to interject comments).

People with autism also process and respond to information in unique ways. In some cases, aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior may be present.

A great book to read is Ten Things Your Student With Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm. It can be a real eye opener with working with childern with autism. It can be a great tool for learning techniques for teaching anyone with autism. I think you'll find it quite useful.

You can also check into a local Center for Autism and Realted Diseases(CARD). They will come to the school and work with any staff member on techniques for the child. They will also work with the child's classmates. Services are provided for free. If you go to the link below and don't see a local office in your area, don't be discouraged, they don't have any listed for Florida, but yet there are about 8 different CARD centers throughout the state at different universities.

I am a social misfit and just want to talk to someone with same problems?

For the people who say I am only doing this to my self and only I can change it. I been trying to change it for two years. I don't blame other people, all those people who don't like me can't all be wrong. I think they have a valid reason, but I can't help who I am. I think badly of people who claim to be disabled and get SS just because they are lazy too. But, if I can't keep a job, even though i go to work on time and hardly ever call in sick, then what the **** do you suggest i do, go be homeless somewhere? I go to college at UC so I am productive, but people don't like me and don't want me around, I have been in college for two years, nobody body likes me at school either. For the person who said popularity is over rated..I agree, but its not popularity i want. I want to be liked by someone, anyone at all. I am not liked for myself by anyone. I can live without being popular, but don't like it when no one likes me. Some of you are kinda me

Why is Malaysia lacking? Why isn’t Malaysia a developed nation with all the skilled people & natural resources?

TLDR: We need “never gonna give you up” leaders. =)I used to worked in Singapore and comparing to my home country, I can agree that Malaysia has all the resources and lots of people with the right “idea” to pull it off. But what’s stopping it?Like any other country, easily the blame is on the government. They were the ones who inspired the previous generation and allowed this to happened.What are they?The culture (the people’s mindset)The Government has too much powerRacial priority (bu…mi…Cough* cough*)Will things change? at the moment? No!To those saying ‘change starts with the man in the mirror’. I beg to differ. The people complaining big time, attending ‘Bersih’ rallies and stuff. Big deal~~Why? Because the majority of the people are contented. The phrase ‘barely enough’ here is still ‘more than enough’.The Man in the mirror will only change when true inspiration is seeded.True inspiration comes from Leaders who never give up. Ideology is secondary.Our opposition leaders make big speeches, inspiring many, But when they lost the election, they go missing. Only to appear again few months before the next election.Our Dato Dr. Mahathir here is a great example of a great leader: Although like many, I’m not a big fan of him and his ideas, But I still admire him for his tenacity. He has my respect for not giving up.Another great example of a good leader is our neighbor’s late former pm. Lee Kuan Yew. I dare say he is the figure of inspiration that seeded Singapore’s success.It’s like new year’s resolution commitment to the gym. What makes us stop? It’s the painful sensation, the heart pounding, breathlessness, fatigue. But how do some endure it? Because they have a clear picture of themselves in their mind. Their end Goal is motivational and constantly inspires them forward.In other words, the Malaysian millennials don’t have the end Goal, our 2020 vision is specially crafted to please the generation X and the baby boomers.EDIT: Ideology and Inspiration actually goes together. without the other, it is just another Bersih rally. Lul

People often say “look at a person’s body language to understand him/her”. But I have Asperger’s, and I don’t know how to use body language. How do people see me/understand me? Are they confused?

I have two experiences with people with Aspergers:Best friend’s older sister. She will only engage with me for a short period of time, but absolutely hate any form of touch or hug. After short exchanges or meals together, she will always go back to her own room and space to work on something creatively. Her lack of engagement and involvement in social interactions can let people think she’s not interested. She also doesn’t show a lot of facial expressions, and can come off cold or uninterested. But I know that’s not her intention, she’s just not comfortable with too much affection and emotions.A guy I was seeing for a very short time in college also had Aspergers. He had difficulty continuing conversation with me. And when we sit and eat, he would only focus on his meal. Then re-engage with me after he’s done. One time we went to Vegas for his frat’s invite, and I refused to sleep with him. He threw a big tantrum and refused to talk to me the next day. It was pretty uncomfortable for me. I tried talking to him and texted him, and he was just caught up in his emotion. I understand now that it is probably really hard for him to process all the emotions. I have very high emotional intelligence I would say, and can know right away what I am feeling. I now get it that not everyone can be able to do that. Hopefully my answers provided you some insights into how others perceive Aspergers. Good luck :) You guys have pure heart and so creative and smart. Don’t let it mislead you.