Are These Good Signs From A Girl

Are these good signs when it comes to this girl?

Without getting into too much detail, I really like this girl that I met through a buddy of mine. Even though we don't text that much, I did manage to get her number the other day and I can always make her laugh in person. She also hugs me every time either one of us leaves the other's company. The thing that stood out to me the most was something that happened the other night. When she went for a hug, I lifted her up with ease and she screamed and laughed (probably out of surprise, considering I'm a small guy at 5'10" and about 140 lbs), but then proceeded to wrap her arms and legs around me before I walked her around for a bit and gently sat her down. I just want to get some honest opinions before I get my hopes up with this girl. We've small talked from time to time since I met her a few months ago, but have been talking a lot more since a few weeks ago. All opinions are welcome. Thanks!

Good Girl Vs Bad Girl Zodiac Signs?

Good Girl: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra

Bad Girl: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio

Mix: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces

Are these signs that this girl could possibly like me?

Although a somewhat safe sign that someone likes you might be to want to make opportunity to see you and spend time with you, I assure you, you cannot use that one thing as a sign of attraction. I have spent a lot of times with girls and trust me, I am not interested in them. Same with her. To be honest, at this point, your best bet would be to simply ask her out for dinner or alone time, outside playing sports, and go from there. I do not know how old you are but what you mentioning she is doing could also be interpreted as a tomboy girl feeling comfortable with you... as a friend. Really think about your feelings about her and talk to her.

Are these signs a shy girl likes you?

she likes you

Are these signs that a girl is interested?

I do exactly this with my crush! i feel like he doesn't like me so i act like i don't like him. :) I'm also super shy but then.. i also think he does.. at times and i still act like that.. ? Im so confusing I'm sure he feels like this!!!

She is shy and she likes you. its obvious if she makes the extra effort to look away and she's shy :3 go for her! Sho her your interested and she all hopefully start to open up :) She's staring at you from her peripheral vision by the way :) I do this all the time. I should show my crush i like him too ehh I'm tooo laxxxyyy

If she doesn't, in about a week or so, she may not like you or have noticed.

ask her out if you can :)

She is interested for sure, if she didn't care, she wouldn't ignore you but make light eye contact and just not care. You'd know if that was it.

good luck and i hope I've helped

also !! anonymous down there asking for the name.. sorta creepy.. D:

What are some signs a girl is interested?

I'm in my 20's and still have trouble reading girls. They seem to be so indirect.

I've met girls that just like attention for guys and are flirty even if they have a BF.

What are some good signs a girl is interested in me?

What are some signs that a girl thinks ur weird?

Restraining Order.