Are They Coming For Me

I can't remember where i heard this song.... they're coming to take me away ha ha.?

Does anyone know if it was in a movie or something? It has been driving me crazy trying to figure it out.... they might be coming for me next ha ha ho ho he he ha ha...

What is the meaning of this sentence? "how far apart are they coming?"?

it is a dialog between a pregnant woman and a doctor.
woman:"i have contraction"
doctor:"how far apart are they coming?"
woman:"a few just happend"

i want to know what is these sentences mean far apart
2.a few just happend

Is the FBI Coming For Me?

Not a chance. Like other responses have said, this is first of all not a case where you have definitely viewed child porn. The photo must be sexual in nature and clearly designed to produce a sexual response. In addition the person must be proven to be under the age of 18. If you could reasonably have believed the person was over 18 you are probably safe on that grounds alone, though the law doesn't read that way, juries don't convict in questionable cases.

Second, this is one single incident. If the FBI thought you were doing this routinely they might be interested, though they are far more interested in people who are posting stuff and making stuff with minors and don't ahve the resources to go after someone who looked at one photo.

Finally your asking this question and searching shows that you are unsure about what you saw and the legality; and that you are making a good faith effort to learn so you don't view something illegal in the future. The jury would be sympathetic and I doubt that anyone would be interested in prosecuting you for this.

And to sum it all up, it's not much of an issue, be sure you don't have anything illegal on your hard drive. The FBI takes a LONG time to knock on the door unless they think a child is in danger, but they don't have time to knock on every door in America, which is pretty much the way it works in the internet world -- everyone has seen SOMETHING that is at least questionable, even if by accident.

Are they coming after you?

I hate to answer Quora questions with “it depends” but, frankly, it depends:Do I have something “they” want?Do I appear to have something “they” want?My knee-jerk context for such a question is usually based on paranoia, whether over bullies, governments or others who might be “out to get you”. Still, there are times when I would prefer that someone comes after me or at least wants me for certain things such as relationships or jobs. At the risk of sounding cynical (or sounding as someone who faced one too many bullies or watched one too many Alfred Hitchcock films), to me, what all of the above situations have in common is that whether somebody or something is “coming after you” depends on whether you appear to have the “McGuffin” they want from you. Beyond that, will said McGuffin keep “them” around or make “them” go away?“Your unexpected visit isn't connected by any chance with the letters of transit? Seems as long as I have those letters, I'll never be lonely.” — Casablanca (1942) (Not a Hitchcock film, but my point remains.)

Why should I have to make the question this way "Aren't they coming to the party this evening?" instead of "Don't they come to the party this evening?"

“Aren’t they coming to the party this evening?” is the correct way to form the question. “Don’t they come to the party this evening?” doesn’t make sense because the question word “Don’t” is used to ask general questions about things that happen habitually. “Don’t” doesn’t work in this sentence because “this evening” indicates that this is a one-time event; therefore you have a conflict between the beginning of the sentence which asks about a habitual activity and the end of the sentence which indicates that the activity will only happen once.

What movie is "They're Coming to Take Me Away" in?

that song is so random. i know it's not in "the strangers". i was just trying to find out what movie it's in, but i could only find older obscure movies.

Hanoi, Tuesday 13th (1968)
The American Soldier (1970)

someone mentions the song in The Reunion Show (1998) but it's not the song itself.

there's a cover version in Mayor of the Sunset Strip (2003)

Why are so many friend requests coming to me on Facebook? Are they computer controlled or real friend requests? What is the reason behind this? I am not worried about friends but worried about their quantity.

They are often suggested.Also, once you allow one Nigerian or Moroccan in, the other see you as his friend and friend you. You know you are targeted when, every time you enter facebook they suddenly start messaging you, as they have you on a notify every time you are on facebook. Then they declare their love for you and beg you to fly to their country to marry them. The nice ones only take all of your money and dump you. Other might murder you first. Enjoy!Be especially aware of the widowed with one small child white military guys who are stationed in a country in a similar time zone to Nigeria (such as Afghanistan). Spoiler alert: they aren’t white, and they aren't really from New Jersey.

Which is correct? "You are coming today, Is it?" or "You are coming today, are you?"

Well “are you?” is Standard English, as that always repeats the subject and finite verb (understood as ‘do’ for common verbs). Any other question tag in place of the standard appropriate one is not Standard English. There are many people in the UK, especially London and among immigrant populations, who use “innit?” (from “isn’t it?”) in place of any question tag. That’s an example of non-standard English styles.

Creepy/ weird songs like ''They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Haa!''?

Any creepy, weird, scary, psycho or halloweeny songs like ''They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha Haa!'

Those kind of songs are kinna fun to listen too XD
Yes Im insane deal with it XD