Are We In This Day And Age The Tools Of Feminism Is Feminism Running The Show If Not; Is It Their

Why anit-feminist saying that feminism is bad?

It lies; especially about our history; painting us as helpless victims.

1. Women are better educated today, thanks to feminism.
Hannah More, regarded by Britain’s intelligentsia as one of the most learned people of her time (1745 – 1833), chided: “She who regrets being doomed to a state of dark and gloomy ignorance, by the injustice, or tyranny of the men, complains of an evil which does not exist.”[8]

2. Thanks to feminism, women can now work and earn money.
Prior to both of these social movements, women worked. Their work was carried on in the household workplace (which could include fields, vineyards, family storefronts or offices, workshops, etc.), but was not limited to household chores. Women were productive members of society, producing goods of tangible value, bringing in money, and expanding the family holdings.
One such example is Eliza Lucas Pinckney, who at age 16 (in 1739) not only accepted the work of maintaining her family’s three plantations in her father’s absence, but used the fields to experiment with crops to strengthen the fledgling nation’s economy, including oaks for lumber when American would need fleets. According to Cokie Roberts, “Among her many accomplishments was the successful cultivation of indigo in South Carolina, which provided a source of income to the Mother Country that one historian of the era judged more important than the silver mines of Peru or Mexico to Spain.

3. Feminism gives us power.
Male-female inter-connectivity and inter-dependency make it impossible for men to get away with much that women don’t allow. Women have always known, as Abigail Adams wrote to her husband, “…notwithstanding all your wise Laws and Maxims we have it in our power not only to free ourselves but to subdue our Masters, and without violence throw both your natural and legal authority at our feet.”[14] And she wasn’t talking about feminist insurrections.

Unlike almost every other social movement, feminism is not a struggle against a distinct oppressor...It's against a deeply held set of beliefs and assumptions...This is the ultimate gift of feminism, that the personal is in fact the political."

Why do feminists want to show their boobs? Why do they want men to stop sexualising them?

This will not be eloquently written, but here's the thing. Feminists usually know when something is simply a cultural norm, not a practice that mostly stems from objective fact.Why can't I accept that you think I'm “magical”? What the hell? As a girl, I'm sad that you've been conditioned to think we're some otherworldly beings. Bodies are bodies. We aren't evil wizards. We're not fairies. We’re people, and I can't believe you really expect me to agree that we're somehow “magical” to the point that we have to be oppressed.Your personal preferences don't dictate how other women should live. I wouldn't personally “show my boobs”, but I'm just one woman out of billions. The world doesn’t revolve around my personal style or yours.Scientifically, breasts are secondary sex characteristics. You know what else is in that category? Adam's apples. Should men cover those? Furthermore male and female breasts are not that different at all. Some cisgender men can even nurse.The point is, there is no objective reason that your thoughts about breasts due to your culture and socialization should apply to all of us. I think it's more than obvious that breasts are meant to feed children. Who are we trying to protect? Grown-ass adults who can't handle a boob? Breasts are not genitals.We hypersexualize women due to a complicated, patriarchal human history. We don't find breasts inappropriate everywhere, but usually just in certain areas. There we go, that's culture.In short, it shouldn't matter. Look beyond your own cultural understanding. Hopefully people will begin to open their eyes in Western culture and stop finding breasts inappropriate. Maybe more moms won't be forced to nurse their babies in shit-covered bathroom stalls when we gain some collective maturity. I think that the fact that women are hypersexualized from a young age while moms are shamed into secrecy when breastfeeding is something feminists should address on some level. It ties into a big picture of oppression; this is just one way the oppression is expressed.

Why do feminists hate MGTOW?

I always thought feminists were all about breaking down gender roles and allowing people to have the freedom to do what their lives what they want (as long as they are not hurting anyone)

A traditional role for men was husband and father. If a man decided to become a MGTOW (assuming he is not spreading hate against women; but simply saying he does not want relationships with them) why do feminists hate on them so much?

Isn't being liberated from gender roles one of the things that feminism is all about?

What do you think of this manifesto "Revolt Against P.enis Envy" by Boyd Rice?

The ritual we now call marriage originated as abduction, rape, and
enslavement. In those happy-go-lucky days, one’s rights were not mere
abstractions based on legislation, but rather the outcome of what
could be imposed by physical force alone. Force was recognized as
truth in action, and the outcome of force was acknowledged as justice.
Although this principle has been widely disavowed, it’s truth is as
absolute now as it ever was.

And the only truth a woman is capable of understanding is that which
she can feel wholly within the depths of her childlike emotions. At
one time, those emotions could be swayed by the sweet notion of
romance, but her envy has long since destroyed that. These days, the
only way to restore balance between the sexes is by fear and pain.
Fear commands respect, and pain demands understanding (read:

Rape is the act by which fear and pain are united in love. It is the
triumph of harmony through oppression.

Rape teaches balance, the natural balance

What do you think of 14 year old boys going MGTOW?

I've learned a lot from the MGTOW mindset. I see MGTOW as a form of well thought out bachelorhood. Unfortunately, I didn't learn about MGTOW until I way past the age of 14. I don't think there was much in the way of readily available, easily digestible information on MGTOW until 2010.

If I could have learned all that I know now and if I could have successfully internalized it at the young, immature age of 14, that would have been quite a feat. I wasn't the sharpest nor the most mature tool in the shed.

Nevertheless, had I been able to digest the MGTOW mindset at that age, it would have saved me from making some seriously grievous life choices with regard to women. I'm sure there are a lot of women that wish they could have made different choices with regard to men when they were younger. That's exactly how I feel - and it deeply pains me that I did not wise up sooner. I was so very naive. The life damage is irrevocable at my age.

With the above in mind, I personally think that exposing boys to the various segments of the manosphere would be a very positive thing. It would hopefully empower boys to be, first and foremost, an individual and to reject chivalry, white knightery and the pedestalization of women. I would teach them about hypergamy and dispense with the notion that women are sugar and spice and everything nice. I would teach them that marriage and intimacy breed attachment and that attachment is fear and dependency. I would teach them all of the ways they will become second class citizens and how badly the patriarchy destroys men's lives. I would teach them about gynocentrism and how badly that destroys men's lives. I would teach them the disastrous consequences that marriage might have in their lives.

I say the above in the same spirit as a women would when considering exposing young girls to women's rights issues, female oppression and the negatives women experience in marriage and intimate relationships.