Are You A 1 Percenter

What is a 5 percenter?

The term Five Percent comes from NOI doctrine that sees the world population divided into three groups: 85% of the people are blind to the knowledge of themselves and God, while 10% of the people know the truth but teach a lie for their personal gain; seen as part of this 10% are religious leaders that teach that God is an incorporeal being (hence the term "mystery God"). Quoted from wiki

How do you write 1/8 as a percent?


There are a few ways to do this: the easiest way is just divide 1/8 and turn it into a decimal, either by a calculator or by long division. You get 0.125. Next, multiply by 100%--you can just move the decimal to the right two times. 12.5%

What's 1/7 in percentage?

14.28% If you round it, it's 14.3%

Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the percent/decimal of the fraction. Works every time.
1/7 = .1428 . If you want the number to be a percent, move the decimal two places over (so it's now 14.28)

Can anyone become a one percenter?

The threshold household annual income of the top 1% is about $394,000 and threshold wealth, $1.5 million. (It doesn't take long to accumulate that wealth with that income.) So the question becomes, What does it take to make close to $400,000 a year? Generally speaking, the requisites are hard work, careful choice of occupation, careful wealth management, time and an IQ high enough. Or one can achieve one-percenter status straight from the cradle with rich parents as with the likes of the dimwitted Paris Hilton or the dim-bulb Wal-Mart heirs collectively worth $145 billion

When you divide a number with a percentage what are you finding?

Ya know....I know I m 8 years late to this...but I found this posted because I was trying to find an answer to something via googling....figured I would answer it for future googlers because I don t like the answers that are here.

When you divide something by a percentage:
Example: 238 / 68% = 350
You re basically saying, 238 is 68% of 350.

So if you were taking a math test and the test says, "X is Y% of what number?", all you have to do is divide X by Y% and you have your answer.

What constitutes the "one percent" in the U.S.A?

In 2012, the top 1 percent of American households earned over $394,000. This accounted for 19.3% percent of total earnings in the US, the highest share since 1927 [1]. Furthermore, the top 10 percent of households checked in at over $114,000 and earned over half (50.4%) of US income in 2012. This marked the highest rate since collection of such data began in 1917 [2].A major reason for this is that during the recovery from the Great Recession, income growth has been very uneven. From 2009 to 2012, incomes of the top 1 percent grew 31% while those of the bottom 99 percent grew only 0.4%. This means 95% of the income gains during that period went to the top 1 percent.It's perfectly fair to debate whether it's a problem, but there's no denying that income inequality in the US is real and growing. [1] Page on[2] Record U.S. income gap: Top 1% grew 20% in 2012, bottom 99% grew 1%

How much net worth does it take to qualify as a one percenter?

Ranking by WealthThe threshold is significantly higher if you look at the top percentile by wealth instead of income. To reach that status, you’d have to possess $770,000 in net worth, which includes everything from the equity in your home to the value of your investments. That’s equal to roughly:693,607 euros52.7 million Indian rupees or5 million Chinese yuanSource: Are You in the Top One Percent of the World? | Investopedia in mind this was written in 2015. So the amounts in the various currencies would have changed.

What is the percent increase from 0 to 1?

Contrary to the answers that have already been given, the answer is: what is zero and one representing? That is to say, zero and one are just numbers and numbers themselves do not convey such context.I find it quite frustrating how the answers have treated this question, one going as far as to say the question is nonsense.For a more constructive answer, continue reading.A percent increase has already been defined in other answers, so I will not repeat it here and it is not incorrect to say that division by zero is undefined. However, while the arithmetic operation of division is, indeed, undefined when the denominator is zero, that definition is not always applicable.For instance, division by zero when the numerator is also zero is indeterminate instead of being undefined. In fact, the exact definition we use for division by zero depends on the context in which it is being used.Division by zero may also not be applicable to the problem. For instance, the percent increase from zero to one is approximately 0.366% — of course, that is if zero and one are degrees centigrade that have been converted to kelvin. And that would be a legitimate answer.Zero does not mean nothing, or null, or anything else for that matter. Zero is a number. A number needs context to have a value. For example, given the previous paragraph, zero degrees Celsius does not mean there is no temperature, or that the temperature cannot be measured. The same could be said for Fahrenheit. Zero dollars does not mean no money when in the context of debt but rather means nothing is owed. Even on the number line, zero does not mean no other numbers or a lack of something.However, when used in the context of something that cannot be less than zero, zero usually means nothing. Using temperature again, zero degrees Kelvin means no heat energy. Zero dollar bills in your pocket means you have no dollar bills. It cannot go negative in these cases and thus zero means a lack thereof.When dealing with zero it helps to understand the context of the numbers, what they mean and whether or not there is some other form we can use to achieve an answer.I hope this helps.

Modern Family (TV series): Is Jay Pritchett a 1 percenter?

For him to be in the 1 percenter club he has to make something north of 341000 dollars annually considering he is older than 52 years. He probably makes more than this as evidenced by the car he uses and how lavishly his wife spends and he bought the houses for his children. it would be a reasonable to say he is an 1 percenter.

Do you believe that narcissists are only one percent of the population, as some Quora writers are now contending?

Lies, damn lies, and statistics. I don’t know the source of that number, or it’s criteria.What I do know is that all practicing alcoholics exhibit narcissistic behaviour. Wikipedia states that “Diagnosed cases of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) place 7.2 percent of the U.S. population, or 17 million individuals, as diagnosed problem drinkers.” And that’s just the diagnosed ones.Drug addicts also exhibit narcissistic behaviour. I am less confident with the statistics here because the sources are less credible, and, because it’s harder to define. Technically, you can be addicted to tobacco and coffee. People can be addicted to prescription drugs. And not infrequently, alcoholism and addiction are co-morbid. But it’s a safe bet that practicing addiction is +1%.Young people are more likely to exhibit narcissistic behaviour because many still think and act like children. Social skills are learned; they haven’t necessarily had time to use them. And some of them never grow out of this.And we all have our moments. Many of the so-called “narcissists” discussed on Quora and in other areas may simply be emotionally immature.They may not handle social situations well.They could be mentally ill.They could also be psychopaths/sociopaths.And to complicate matters even further, society itself keeps changing.The bottom line is that I don’t personally put much credibility in statistics. In my opinion. there is a lot more hocus-pocus in psychology than we’d like to believe.What I believe is that what you see is what you get. It is impossible to say that he or she cannot be a narcissist because of statistics. All we can do is assess each situation individually. And even there, psychiatrists and psychologists may not always agree. Or they change their minds.What you see is what you get. There are people who are personality disordered. And there are garden variety assholes. And there are people whose constitutions seem to be pure evil.Many of them have characteristic personality patterns. But not with everybody. Some are selectively horrid. An abusive male may vent his abuse purely on female partners. An abusive female may only abuse her husband or partner.Of greater value to all of us isthe warning signs,the strategies to use in dealing with them (because we will all need to deal with them sooner or later), andhow to recover from them.Mandi