Are You Aware Of What Agenda 21 Is

Agenda 21???

Do you agree with UN Agenda 21?

For those of you who don't know what Agenda 21 is:

It calls for unification of the globe through socialism and social justice. AKA, a one world government. In this new government, private citizens would not be allowed to possess property, cars, and farms. Only the one world government could own such things because otherwise they could be vehicles for "unfair" treatment.

George H W Bush agreed to it in a UN conference in 1992. Clinton signed it via executive order in 1995, thus skipping Congress and any chance for debate, and essentially skipping the mainstream media who didn't report on it since they didn't have to. But then again they are all owned by George Soros, the guy who chartered Agenda 21, anyway. This UN agenda is now being implemented in significant parts all across our country. Most notable examples are California and Austin Texas.

So do you support this communist/globalist takeover of Agenda 21? If you don't do some research. It's all out in the open. Spread the word around.

What do YOU think of agenda 21?

Some people supported Hitler blindly too. Even to the point of turning in their own parents, never to be seen again.
Agenda 21 is the "agenda for the 21st century" put out by globalists. Globalists are communists. They want total control of everything. Under Agenda 21 there is provision for the government to take control of all land. There would be no more land rights, and no more personal rights or freedoms. People are cattle to these globalists. Kissinger called them 'useless eaters' and has openly stated that the world population needs to be culled. As in mass murder.
Obama recently passed an exec order that concerns itself with how to deal with mass numbers of deaths. Odd coincidence? I doubt it.
DHS also has purchased over 1Billion rounds of ammo. Enough to shoot each American 3 times. They are expecting resistance and are OK with killing large numbers of Americans. It is what happened in Communist Russia at the turn of the last century.
Agenda 21 is the new Communist Manifesto. Just made to sound nicer, but the goal is the same. Those at the top win, everyone else loses.

Why aren't more people aware of Agenda 21 and who’s trying to implement it?

Agenda 21 is being kept under cover as much as possible by the bilderburgs and is already well underway to achieving its goal of reducing planetary population down to 500 million, some of the mechanisms in place are very clever and have been implemented for hundreds of years so far. An example is diet, we are told that fruit and veg is good for us .. It's not,, we are inherently carnivore and the anti nutrients that plant based foods contain destroy our digestive system and health over a period of years, especia!ly gluten, phytic acid and so on..Then there is emf poisoning coming from cell phones, etc, 5G will be especially dangerous.CHemtrails. HAarp. Vaccines, wars, poverty, chemicals in the foodchain, pollution in the seas, pesticides on everything, covered up natural cures, clothes made from polyester instead of cotton or linen, nuclear power instead of tapping scaler waves or other natural energies, division by false religions and borders to give us a reason to kill each other.To mention just the tip of the iceberg . The list is endless…Yes, There is a silent war going on and we cannot survive it unless we become aware that it's actually happening.. It really is time that the population takes focus away from the distractions laid down for us and sees the reality of what is happening to humanity.The reason for all this? Lucifer and his jealousy of adam. Our creator testing our mettle against the devilish onslaught of the devils hoards that manifest themselves in the shape of corporations, Governments, psychopaths, narcissists and the like.We are a singularity being submerged into a duality perhaps for an experiment or to see if we are worth our existence. You decide.

What exactely is agenda 21?

From the link below.

"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment."

What is agenda 21/ 2030 and why are people saying that the fires in California is part of the agenda?

Because there’s a cottage industry of conspiracy theory loons making money by scaring people about Agenda 21.Here’s what Agenda 21 really is: an aspirational document by a group at the UN about what could be done to increase sustainable development, especially in developed countries. It has no force of law anywhere, and even if it did there’s no power at the UN to enforce it.But if you listen to certain conspiracy mongers on the right, it’s a secret plan to move us all into crowded cities and steal all our golfs. For the most part, these are the same people who spent eight years telling you that Obama was coming any minute to take your guns, that they were turning vacant Walmarts into FEMA concentration camps, and that Jade Helm was a secret plan for declaring martial law. That should tell you how much you should listen to them.You can read about it here: Agenda 21 - Wikipedia

What's your opinion of Agenda 21?

Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels.

How serious is the UN Mandate Agenda 21?

That's too vague a question. I'm not an expert. Hell, I'm nobody. All I know is what I see on the internet and in scattered examples of seemingly related incidents that appear in/on the news media. I'm 88years old, have what seems to be a relevant education, and have been watching the world system since the mid '60s, when I became convinced that the world's rulers were creating a disaster for everyone else.Yes, I believe we have to organize on a world level because inter-country and inter wealthy-family competition just destroys resources, natural systems, life-forms and sentience. But I believe that the best way to do it is through informing the world populace, making a decent standard-of-living available to all, and getting us ALL co-operating as a team that will organize humans as integral to the global ecology rather than its destroyers. That ain't Agenda 21, or various countries' 2030.Just my opinion.

Do you know what are "unsustainable activities" according to agenda 21, from earth summit 1992?

Youtube. Terribly credible source there...

An activity is unsustainable if you are using a resource faster than it can be replaced, and/or faster than the damage from using it can be repaired. If an activity is unsustainable, we need to stop doing it eventually (or, at least, stop doing it at an unsustainable level), one way or another. It is generally better to slow or stop the unsustainable activity as soon as practical (while you can make a smooth transition), rather than waiting until the resource runs out or the damage is too much to deal with, then having to stop whether you're ready or not...