Are You Ment To Stay In The House When Work Is Being Carried Out On It

When should a child move out of their parents’ house?

By answering this question I’m gonna assume your between the age of 18–25?I believe there is stigma in America for moving out at 18. False.You should move out of your parents house when you feel ready to move out.But that’s the tough part.When you feel ready doesn’t mean waiting till 36 and feeling like now is the good time. Feeling ready is when you have some-what of a stable income and can provide for yourself (for the most part).Moving out when you feel ready does not mean leaving when you have a long period of feeling comfortable. I suggest leaving home the moment before you begin getting too comfortable.I personally believe the sooner you can financially leave the better for two particular reasons:You’ll learn to become more independent.You’ll taste the real-world and be consumed by daily challenges.My kids technically moved out at age 17/18 for college, but they moved back in after school and stayed still they were between 22 to 26 (I have 5 kids).My husband and I didn’t put any pressure on them, but we made sure they found a job, and started saving some sort of income so that when they were ready to move on, they’d be able to.BUT…If your not going to college and simply want to “grind” and work 24/7, you get a long with your parents, and you don’t feel restricted living at home, then by all means, stay at home till when ever.You’ll save a TON of money that you could be spending on more important things, like your first house!Once you have a sufficient amount of income saved, rent an apartment. This could be at age 23 or even 27. It all depends on the situation.

What does it mean when you dream that you are in a dirty house?

Houses refer to our lives and what we are doing with ourselves. Not being critical, but I would say it means you need to consider cleaning up your thoughts and life. Something is not right. Must ask yourself what that is. Take action. Houses may refer to our physical bodies. Tony Crisp says that “structural faults may mean faults in character structure, hurts, such as a broken relationship, or illness in the body.” “Dream Dictionary.” Highly recommended. Buy at Amazon.

Is being a stay at home mom (housewife) hard?

Yes it is. A lot of people thing stay at home mom's are lazy but that's not true. Most of us do all the house work plus take care of our kids plus get dinner on the table. And your on mommy duty 24/7. Now im not complain because i love my job im just saying a lot of people look down on it but some stay at home moms do more at home then a office job. We dont work from 9-5 and have weekends off, we are on duty 24/7 including weekends.And i actually keep money in the house because if i was working it would take almost all my income for day care, plus i would rather be the one to raise my son instead of have him in day care (no offense to mothers who work i support you all the way i would rather just stay home with my child.) My biggest challenge isn't my kids, its taking on narrow minded people that think SAHM's are lazy.

Boyfriend wants to move out but stay together?

My boyfriend (28) and I (21) have been dating for 2 1/2 years and have been living together for about 8 months. I am working part time and going to graduate school and he is finishing his bachelors and we with both be done next year. He says he does not want to sign another years lease with me when our lease is up in 4 months but he still wants to stay together.

He says his reason is that he needs "space" and wants to be able to do whatever he wants without having to answer to me. These are mostly stupid things like not picking up laundry or staying in bed and watching TV late on week nights ( I work 8-5). He also wants to be able to go out with his friends whenever he wants (without me) and take some time apart.

I am having a very hard time accepting all of this and understanding what I am supposed to do. I feel somewhat abandoned that he wants to move out, split up our furniture, decide who gets to keep our puppy and live alone or with strangers. (all of my college friends have moved away) I do a lot for him including giving him rides to class every day and taking on most of the household responsibilities as well as staying by his side and taking off work when he is sick. He says he loves me and wants to make it work but I don't know how to be OK with this feeling that he is leaving me. I already see myself being different around him because I feel hurt and insecure about our relationship. I am more emotional and snippy with him because I feel somewhat betrayed. I want to talk about it, but talking only seems to make it worse and get him upset.

My initial reaction is feeling hurt and unappreciated and that I should cut all ties and move on with my life. But, at the same time, I really do love him and would like to support him and what he needs to be happy in the relationship and make it work. We will both be graduating in a year so maybe then will be a better, but I don't know where our jobs will take us and I do not want to move across country and live together if I know we couldn't make it work the first time.

Is there any point in trying to make this work living separate? Should I stay with him and if I do, how to I handle this pain without wanting to get defensive and back away?

I told my 26 year old she can’t stay at my house making minimum wage. Why is she not motivated to get a better paying job?

She’s been a substitute teacher for 3 years. She needs to have a real job with benefits. She graduated college 6 months ago with a bachelors in communications. I feel like she’s just stuck. My 18 year old son is making more money than her and that’s just ridiculous. Substitute teaching is not a job that was meant to live on. In fact she can hardly live on it making less than $1,000 a month. After she pays a portion of her student loans and her groceries she has little money left over.and yes subs really do make that low in our area. Subs get pancakes a $58 a day in our City. After she graduated she applied for a marketing job and couldn’t even get through the training and got fired before she even really started. They said she had a hard time remembering things