Are You Ready For A Woman President

Is America ready for a black female president? Or do we need to elect a white female first to "test the waters"?

All the people who say they are against racism and misogyny somehow think we should elect a person based primarily on their race and gender.See the irony?I would have voted for Condoleeza Rice. She didn’t want to run. The sad truth is that Democrats would have been against her anyway. They are only for a female President if it is their female candidate. If people oppose her, to them it is not because she has crap policies, but because they are “antiwoman”. If Democrats oppose a Republican woman it is because she has “betrayed her gender”.So, in short, the Democrats have earned a well-deserved “Shut the hell up”. They accuse black Republicans of being against their own race, and white Republicans of being “racist” for supporting a black Republican for Congress instead of their own bone headed candidate.We just want a person who is capable, and promotes government policies we want. Bring ’em on. We have every race and nationality, both genders and even a few in between in the Republican camp. I chose Trump over Cruz. Ted is an interesting guy, but I believed he would spend more time on theoretical constitutional issues than on taking care of China, North Korea and the like. But Marco Rubio was right up there in my estimation. He is Latino, in case no one noticed. I hope he runs again someday.But a woman? White? Black? Hispanic? She will be given the only thing she deserves: An equal opportunity to make her case.

Would you say a woman president would a disaster?

I think it would for a myriad of reasons, but most notably the fact that she wouldn't be able to hold the respect of the UN, and our enemies would see it as a weakness and a vulnerability.

Is the Unitied States ready for a female president?

I think the US is ready for a no bullshit president. One like Truman or many others like him who go off the principle that they are there to make the country(our country) a better place. Whether it's male, female, black, white, or brown my vote will go to the person who comes out and says listen I know this may not be the most popular idea but here's what I'm thinking and why it'll work.(if it makes sense) So is the us ready for a female president? I think the us is ready for a tough american president. What that person has between their legs or on their chest doesn't matter.

What are the pros and cons of having a woman president?

I don't know that there is really a pro or con argument with a woman becoming President. Women certainly have shown they can run Countries and make tough choices. Including sending troops into battle. I am more interested in how and what a person running for the highest office in the land thinks, does than their gender.

Conservative opinion