Are You Scare Of Snakes

Are you scared of snake?

I would be afraid of a poisonous snake but a normal grass snake or a pet snake I wouldn't be afraid of.

Are spiders scared of snakes?

in harry potter chamber of secrets the spiders leave hogwarts cause the chamber of secrets has been opened and there is a snake in the chamber of secrets and i was wondering if they really are scared of spiders.

Are dogs scared of snakes?

I know of two that weren’t. My then girlfriend and I were walking our dogs in a city park a bit off the beaten path. I walked in the lead with my dog and she behind me with her German Shepard. She called out and I turned to see her dog carrying a large black snake in his mouth, head up, with a proud gait.On another walk, this time with just my dog, I let him off leash in a large field. After about a quarter hour of minding something else I found my dog prone on the ground. That was unusual. He wasn’t acting normally and one paw seemed to be the source of his malaise. Examining it, I found two punctures spaced like they were from fangs. A couple thousand later he was in fine shape and I doubt he learned a thing. He didn’t lose any tissue so I presume it was an older rattler because I hear the older ones know to conserve their venom.There is a vaccine for rattlesnakes and classes to train a dog to leave snakes alone. If dogs have an instinctive fear of snakes I haven’t heard about it.

Are you more scared of snakes or sharks?

When I am in their environment, snakes.When I am around one, sharks.Going camping in a rural/undeveloped area, you are much more likely to accidentally step on a snake than you are to accidentally swim into a shark in the ocean.However most snakes will beat a hasty retreat and even aggressive snakes will usually just rear up or otherwise try to threaten you rather than making a genuine charge and attack. I feel very comfortable around snakes, I am just nervous of how easy it is to not see one right in front of you.Sharks on the other hand, I know I am very unlikely to see any kind of shark that will pose a threat. Where I live (Manly, NSW), virtually all the sharks you see are fairly harmless wobbegongs, Port Jacksons and juvenile grey nurses. Nevertheless, even they have the capacity to do major damage and potentially drown you - wobbegongs can lock their jaws, like pitbulls, potentially trapping you underwater with them. Additionally, being in water, you are almost completely at their mercy, especially to larger sharks like the very aggressive bull shark and the great hammerhead which are both found in Sydney harbour, where one side of Manly is located. By contrast, a snake can be fought against (though you will rarely have a reason to) or scared away (more common) by loud noises and a decent rock or stick.Below is an image of former Royal Australian Navy clearance diver Paul DeGelder, who was attacked during a dive in Sydney Harbour. The shark which attacked him is suspected to be a bull shark but may also have been a great hammerhead as these have been witnessed feeding in the harbour. He was able to drive the shark off and he was (and still is) in infinitely better shape to do that than I am.His story, linked below this, is well worth reading just for interest and entertainment (before entering the military, he was a rapper who opened a show for Snoop Dogg…)Note: the waters of Sydney Harbour are very dark, hence why he was unable to identify the shark which attacked him despite the very different shapes of those animals.Story:

Are you scared of spiders or snakes?

I'm wondering if you are scared of...

1. Spiders, bugs, creepy crawlies.
2. Snakes
3. Both
4. Neither

To make this a little more scientific, I will implement some controls to try and keep us on the same page so the results will be more useful.

1. We will only be considering the non venous creatures. So the only thing scary about them is that they are ugly. The danger of them poisoning you will not be considered.

2. I will define "scared". If you are unwilling to lie in a bathtub for 1 minute and be paid 100 dollars while different versions of the creatures are dropped onto you, then you are scared of them.

Personally, I am scared of spiders/bugs but not scared of snakes whatsoever. Thanks!

Why are people scared of snakes me also?

Fears, or phobias, are taught by others, like your parents. I was never afraid of snakes as a child, and my children are not afraid of snakes. Snakes play a very important role in our "nature" society. If it were not for snakes, then our cities and towns would be overrun with rodents like mice and rats. Snakes are just as afraid of you as you are of them. Snakes should be respected and given their space, not seeked out and killed. In my state, Georgia, it is illegal to kill a non-poisonous snake and carries a fine of $1,000 and up to a year in prison. And there is one non-poisonous snake that if it is killed, and the DNR officer finds out about it, carries a fine of $10,000 and prison time. I personally go out of my way to teach my children the proper way to identify snakes and what snakes are ok to handle and what snakes should be left alone, to include some non-poisonous species that are quite aggressive in nature. But back to the FEAR aspect of it. FEAR is taught in my opinion. Me...I fear spiders and roaches. Don't know what it is about those things, but I just don't get along with them. That's because my mom was also afraid of them and it was taught to me just by me seeing how she acted when one came into the house. In Georgia we have huge tree roaches that fly. When one came in the house in the summer my mom would freak out, thus, I was taught at a real young age to fear them. Reptiles, on the other hand, my parents showed no fear of, thus, I was not afraid of them. That's my answer.

Why are horses scared of snakes?

Horses can be scared of anything that moves, especially if it’s on the ground (capable of reaching its legs and inhibiting its ability to flee) and especially if it moves in a way the horse hasn’t seen before. If you wiggled a dark rope near a horse’s feet, it could have exactly the same reaction as to the movement of a snake, depending on surroundings, lighting, etc. So, although a snake makes good TV drama, horses can spook over many types of objects, especially when they are in unfamiliar territory, and the object triggers their flight response.

What makes snakes so scary?

I only fear snakes when I’m unsure if they’re venomous.We have a lot of snakes in my neighborhood. Mostly small ones, but also some 3–4 foot rat snakes. And my son used to catch water snakes in local creeks. As long as I knew they weren’t moccasins, I didn’t mind.In fact, just a few days ago, my wife was panicking because she’d seen a snake in our garage. It turned out to be a baby rat snake. He wasn’t venomous, and he wasn’t aggressive at all. When he saw me, he just wanted to crawl under some boxes and hide.We do have a rat problem in our neighborhood, so a few years from now, we may be delighted to have the snake up a tree in our yard. We have a lot of screech owls, too, so there must be a lot of little critters for the snakes and owls to eat.

Are more people scared of spiders than snakes?

I have never seen a real snake in front of me in the wild like that.

However, I am scared of spiders.

Why are people mostly scared of snakes?

From an evolutionary psychology perspective, humans have evolved certain psychological mechanisms that have allowed us to survive during the early phases of our evolution. Fear of snakes is instinctive and this is universal, whether you were raised in a concrete jungle or on the plains of Africa. Fear of spiders is also common. When children are young, they develop these fears parallel to the stage of their development. When they first start to crawl away from their mother they begin to fear spiders and if they see a snake they would fear that. Children do grow out of such fears if they are helped to recognize a garter snake is a beautiful creature, but let’s stay away from that dangerous looking one… Children usually express a fear of strangers just at the time they are learning to walk. These are all fears that helped our ancestors survive during times where other humans would raid their territories and kill one another. See also David Buss “Evolutionary Psychology”. It is important to realize that Homo sapiens were successful over other human species partially because they evolved to form group alliances. Within the collective cognition of the group, our ancestors could deposit knowledge in the brains of one another so it would be shared and passed down, example - how to make a spear, which roots are the best to collect, where the best game can be caught… But certain knowledge very important to our survival - especially in our early childhood - that would still need to be stored in the individual’s brain - that is where instinct kicks in.Another example of these types of survival psychological mechanisms includes fear of disease, especially if the person has sores on their skin. Sometimes these psychological mechanisms go awry, and children develop a fear of germs. This is so instinctive it is very tough to eliminate.